Consider this. You've started a small company which in your lifetime turned into a million/billion dollar company. You created an empire and your name will forever be remembered.
YOUR name will. But how will you ensure that your heritage will stay strong? You fucked around and you had 5 kids. Your kids fucked like rabits and all got 5 kids each. What will you do? How will you divide your heritance? Will your first born get everything like the old kings did? That's not always allowed in some countries, and also is morally wrong. You want all your children and grandchildren to be happy, right?
Consider this. You've started a small company which in your lifetime turned into a million/billion dollar company...
Just divide it equally, my lineage will survive considering I have 5 children and 25 grandchildren. In America that is what used to happen, people got rich, then the money was divided to the children and so on and so on, until the family was middle class again.
If you are rich and your heritage turns into middle and lower class again, then something went wrong.
Trust funds exist for a reason.
you know thats most the family that happened to them was there first purchese after reciving the money is
A. a brand new expensive car
B. a brand new expensive house
if you don't teach your kids from the start how to handle money they will never be able to handle the fortune you gonna leave to them
>How will you divide your heritance?
Put it in an annuity that pays out an amount equal to a 40 hr minimum wage job to each child per annum
Just enough for them to survive but not so much they turn into arsehole trustfunders
Donate the rest to charity just to troll them
I'd give 95% of my wealth to the one that seems best suited to handle it and equally divide the rest. The following points is what I'd take in account in no particular order:
financial gains
choice of spouse (no niggers or other subhumans)
friends (see above)
hobby's (not being like that trust fund poker player whose name i forgot)
physical health (no fatties)
other achievements (published research papers, sports, etc)
sounds like warren buffet kek
My family managed that for three centuries by setting up one of these:
Worked well enough until the Communists came in 1945 and nationalised all we owned.
Should have rattled your sabres more instead of drinking champaigne, degenerate aristocrats.
>If you are rich and your heritage turns into middle and lower class again, then something went wrong.
Yeah you're right. That something is you being too dumb to educate your kids properly and light a fire in their eyes when it comes to money.
We've rattled all we could, my grandfather, my father and I are pretty much the first three generations of our family in a long time not to be career military men.
We helped beat back the commies successfully in 1920 and did our best in 1939. My great-grandfather was fighting for the British in Italy (after being released from a Soviet POW camp and going through Kazakhstan, Persia, Iraq, Palestine, and Egypt to get there) when our estate was being taken over.
At least he went out fighting, I can respect that.
That's good. Should not have big money just be cause you were born in a nice surname.
At least commies did something right
What are you even doing on Veeky Forums you hippie. Go smoke your weed somewhere else.
And what's exactly wrong with buying brand new car when you're filthy rich?
GO back to your basement, retard.
Basically, you have to invest in something more. It's called "upbringing". Teach your kids the merits of cooperation and management. If you do it right, you will essentially have built an "organism" that momentarily split to multiply and then become stronger faster. 5 people with 1 billion each can do much more than 1 person with 5 billion.
>Will your first born get everything like the old kings did? That's not always allowed in some countries, and also is morally wrong.
Who the fuck are you to to decide what's morally wrong?
Giving 1 kid everything and all other 4 nothing would be considered morally wrong. Not like I care if you did but if you consider that you love all your kids equally you would atleast come up a solution for it.
How did the Rothschilds do it?
Maybe I'd keep it gangster. For the girls maybe they'd inherit a house and an account that pays the taxes and fills a bank account with enough cash per month to keep them comfortable.
For the boys maybe I'd give them some shares in some companies and give them the choice of which company they want to be an "inspector" for. Basically they can do whatever they want and get paid for it.
But who am I kidding, I'm going to inherit way too much money to choose to do that.
>Giving 1 kid everything and all other 4 nothing would be considered morally wrong
Plus you give all four a good education, upbringing, and otherwise a start in life with some smaller individual endowment.
It's just that one particular person takes over the primary estate so that it doesn't get splintered into nothing.
Evenly splitting diversified holdings with a bit of sibling rivalry can turn out good.
An Indian billionaire split his conglomerate to his two sons.
One got the industrial holdings and the other got consumer focused ones. Each brothers hates the other so much they wont speak to each other and are constantly trying to be richer than the other.
It seems Trump is doing something similar with his kids. Each has a different focus, one is more involved with construction, another with real estate acquisition, another media and branding. His kids might get along, but Eric and Donald Jr like to one up each other.
My grandmother pretty much did this for me. I could be a NEET for life based off of interest of the money.
I think there's a moral sense of equality. Giving one child a disproportionate amount could be considered unequal, if the others were capable of handling money.
>there's a moral sense of equality
Not in the real world there isn't. Egalite my ass.
You're arguing for moral relativism and there's no morals in general then, not there's no moral sense of equality.
No he's not. Equality is a delusion absent from any coherent moral system.
Hand it out to family slowly to avoid inheritance tax
Unless they get a big idea, then we can talk
But they shouldn't expect loads of money for doing nothing
> give controlling ownership to the child who demonstrates the greatest entrepreneurial/economic success by the time I die (or age 30, whichever comes first)
> give smaller shares and directorial roles to competent runner-ups
> give small amounts of money to the rest
> disown any degenerates well in advance
>comes first
>*comes last
The richest men are those who drive fucking priuses.
I never really had anything against the rich, but now I do because Prius drivers are fucking obnoxious.