Warren Buffett will die in the next few years and will give most of his 66 billion of his personal fortune to the Gates Foundation. The Foundation will have more than 100 billion of endowment, most than most countries' annual budgets. Then Bill Gates will die in the next few decades and add approximately 100 billion to that. 200 billion is most than the European Union annual budget, the first economic power of the world. What do you think will be the consequences of such a large endowment?
Warren Buffett will die in the next few years and will give most of his 66 billion of his personal fortune to the Gates...
making up for small endowment
depopulation of the third world
Why that?
it will be pissed away by niggers in Africa. Literally a waste of money.
It's literally their mission. They want 3rd worlders to stop having children.
The sweet irony is that they're doing it for humane reasons AND it's perfectly logical too.
How exactly does eradicating polio in third world countries, help bringing population down?
Please explain yourself.
It's been explained that a major reason that 3rd world citizens have so many kids, is that a lot of them are expected to die.
IDK if this is actually true, but it's the argument.
Probably will never happen but would be hilarious if the Gates Foundation paid off all 11 trillion of US debt lol
This is wrong, Africans have been repopulating like crazy, it's because they are dumb and like to fuck.
It's mainly because most Africans are fundamentalist Christian/Muslim and therefore hate contraception.
are you just acting retarded or are both of you mommy's special snowflakes?
there have been numerous studies that link lower fertility rate with economic development
Yes, but what if the economic development slows down because is much harder to industrialize Africa than Asia?
Not really.
Because people in the 1st world are workahoolics who stopped caring about having a family, in the 3rd world they dont, if the bill gates foundation throws billions at them they wont stop fucking because they are richer, they will most likely fuck more, besides that this foundation is into this vaccinations for every kid shit that ensures that the offspring of lazy niggers will have a bigger life expectancy, and therefore have longer lifes to dedicate to fucking and spawning more niglets while leeching of demented old capitalists who want to destroy society.
I allways tought this foundation is ultimately some cartoon villain's dream since it helps flood the world with worthless subhumans until they destory it, bill gates knows it and thats what he wants.
economic development cannot slow down when a country is a 3rd world country. The only thing holding it back is its widespread corruption. There were several things academics tried to do: first they thought they could industrialize it by just giving them money for infrastructure and other public works, but the majority got lost before it actually reached any investments. Then they thought they could give them production factors - like a bunch of old machinery which could get them to stop living in their huts, but that didn't work either. And now they're mainly focusing on education, trying to root out the corruption with new generations. We'll see how that pans out.
>hurr because white man is better than black man: the post
is that way
> ITT idiots that actually believe giving money away helps people
>people actually believe philanthropy accomplishes anything
> I wish bill gates and buffet would reinvest their money, it's a shame that will get pissed away on niggers
so edgy, how old are you?
We honestly don't know what they will do with the money. I've heard a large chunk of it will go to Elon Musk. Elon has become a good friend of Gates
There is absolutely no scientific backing for this argument. It's only ideology. You have the same kind of argument than Americans use to have about Irish for stopping them to come in America.
be billionaire
Too rich to bother with green text
Occupy this Bernie fucking Sanders
PR bitch says no Blackwater this time blah blah
Can I hire someone else then?
Her: blah blah feelings her period
So now I'm giving money to a foundation for a cause ffs
W/e we wont pay millenials shit, cut hiring plans and cut Christmas party budget
Sorry Holiday Party lol Muslims
I think that investments in Africa may do more good in the long run than classic philanthropy (paying for education and health), but I'm not sure about that.
This is what genuinely tends to happen, yes.
>high birth and death rates cancel out, low population
>medicine develops, population booms because deaths drop but people keep reproducing all the same
>birth rate starts dropping, because why have that many kids when you don't need SIDS backups?
>birth and death rates both low, population remains about stable
Africa is booming because they have enough medicine to not all drop dead from malaria or AIDS, along with poor contraceptive use, but that should correct itself.
>11 trillion
What is this 2009?
>pushing condoms
>pushing circumcision
>not trying to depopulate
lol literally peasants compared to Rothschild family
>Muh Rothschilds meme.
They're wealthy as a family, yes, but literally any nation with a standing military could default and tell them to fuck off.
>European Union
>first economic power
Lol calm down there Ahmed
>Warren Buffett will die in the next few
who is George soros?
these ppl just do not, it's not that simple
i am pretty sure they have access to some sort of regenerative cell technology that no one else in the world does
soros literally cannot die
Ashkenazi Jews have longer lives on average.
Well David Rockefeller is on his 6th heart transplant. These people can afford organs for years to come. But honestly I think death is inevitable. They will dies when their time comes regardless.
* 'more than most' your barely literate degenerate.
I'm Russian English is very hard for me.
saddam did that.
>what percentage of black ex pro atheletes are black?
It'd amount to around $100 billion between the two of them, but I doubt they'd be able to liquidate their stock for its' current value within the next 10 years considering the global sovereign debt crisis is coming up the pipes. In 10 years the Gates Foundation will have spent several billion dollars and the other $100 billion will be worth maybe $40 billion accounting for inflation. On a global scale its' not likely to be very effective. Sure, it could change 100 thousand lives or 10 million lives for 10 years but this planet has over 5 billion people on it.
>They're wealthy as a family, yes, but literally any nation with a standing military could default and tell them to fuck off.
You can't finance a military when you're in default.
>You can't finance a military when you're in default.
Maybe if your internalized debt is defaulted. If the US defaulted on its debts to China, for example, it'd keep on trucking, albeit with a major trade partnership ruined.
How does circumcision decrease population?
circumcision decreases sensation and makes it harder to orgasm
How does this decrease population. Go ahead. Im waiting
Russian english? Ever heard of using a comma so people know what the fuck you're talking about - ruski..
Wew lads, you guys do understand that throwing money at a bunch of dumb niggers isn't going to solve their problems right?
They have to start installing capitalist governments instead of shitty socialist leeches that get their money from Westerners that feel sorry for them.
>hurr because white man is better than black man: the post
is correct on average white IQ is 100, on average sub Saharan African IQ is borderline retarded.
do i need to spoonfeed you? jesus
how can you not see making sex harder and less appealing decreases population?
What he said is an undeniable truth ameriblubber.
If this was true, I would support them. And not out of some "white pride" bullshit either. I just believe it is better for human kind as a whole to stop keep people alive with inferior genes for survival in a modern world. I'm not saying kill people. I'm saying let people who are supposed to die die. Humans should stop fucking with evolution.
Lol. Youre an absolute idiot. People dont stop having sex because theyre circumcised. Holy shit youre retarded
give me a list of socialist governments in africa and I may not point out how borderline retarded you are
throwing money at african states is like having your family on welfare - it isn't fair, it's wasteful but it's better than let you starve because your kids might not turn out to be as pathetic as your family is
get my point?
He's a insider trading faggot
This is ... the stupidest thing I have read for mouths. This is so stupid I think it may be satire.
>it isn't fair, it's wasteful but it's better than let you starve because your kids might not turn out to be as pathetic as your family is
Offspring's IQ tends to revert to the mean. Even if we take 2 smart africans, their kid will likely be a useless nigger. Assistentialism will just produce more retarded and violent niggers, they will keep their country shitty and flood the EUso they can infest our society as well. And if you oppose this you are raycissss and nazi
No capitalist government, just let them to their own devices, milk their resources dry (since they are too retarded to figure out what to do with it anyway, as shown by millennia of african history).
Remaining africans can either choose to starve, get a job to support their families or receive a small income if they accept to be sterilized. Letting evolution play its part is the only solution to Africa's problem
how about you stop spouting retarded shit you picked up on your way from /pol/ and actually start reading some quality literature for a change.
For starters, start by reading some institutional economics for a change. Acemoglu, for example.
You need to fuck off to /pol/ with your racist bullshit.
>pushing circumcision
wait what? gates foundation is pushing pseudo science?
Not the guy you're talking to (not a /pol/fag either) but the president of south africa, arguably the most successful country in the entire continent, can't even count.
Just sayin.
I have a large "endowment" that scares some of the ladies if you get my drift.
what are you trying to prove? I'm saying education makes a big difference in the long run, something african countries haven't really utilised in full, yet.
It would literally crash and burn
>but the president of south africa, arguably the most successful country in the entire continent,
What year is this? South Africa is better than Somalia, but there are several countries that are better.
which ones? genuinely asking
botswana, for one
how is it better? like what numbers are you using
Botswana, Namibia, Gabon
Excluding NA of course.
2/10 for making me reply you lazy twat
look up HDI (would say IHDI but no data on botswana), GDPp.c.PPP, economic complexity, global corruption barometer, ease of doing business, money politics and transparency survey, GINI etc.
Have you ever checked out the IQ tests that they handed out for these studies? My white ass took one of those African American IQ tests and according to it, I have teh downs.
This isn't even a justifiable reason anymore though. Designer genes are quickly becoming more possible and we'll be able to just delete most defects before birth. No more retards with club feet and /pol/ will become deserted.
You know most sub-saharan Africans didn't even have access to iron until the 18th century, right? That's a pretty big deal-breaker for most societies. Even then, they learned how to use euro shit pretty quickly AKA faster than you learned how to use proper grammar.
>if i don't like it it's raycis go back to le /pol/
Negroes and leftists will truly grasp to anything to keep their delusions afloat.
You can't educate anything. Education will not solve the issue because there is no ground to provide education. I don't teach calculus to my dog, because he is a dog and he doesn't understand math.
The fact that a few outliers exist among the black population, doesn't imply that africans as a whole are capable of living in a western society with western standards.
Carpet bombing niggers with food and money will just create more niggers ready to flood EU to turn in into a barren wasteland, courtesy of leftism and fifth columns like you denying facts by putting bananas in your ears and yelling RAYCISM
>being this retarded and anxious le black man will steal his bride to be and take all gibsmedat whilst leaving him in misery
>doesn't understand the irony
off yourself beta
>muh dick, the post
Actually it's not even that, white women don't like mixing with negroes. Except bottom of the barrel human waste that will probably have some purpose by diluting the negro genes
>blacks are more likely to commit crime and be poor
At last I truly see, thank you for opening up my eyes, user.
Are you serious? African colonies were only granted independence 50 years ago, mostly thanks to the US and UN, which meant that there was no time to even attempt to educate the populace. The DRC at the time of independence has 20 college grads. That's it. Now on top of that, both the US and the USSR decided to play a game of checkers with Africa, meaning a good portion of them had a shitty dictator that essentially transferred the wealth of their nation to their own bank account and neither country would stop at anything to keep their dictator in power. Cold war ended in 1990, so that's 25 years these countries have had without direct outside influence. Despite that, places like Namibia and Botswana still manage to be alright. Actually, Kampala just got street view, and it looks better than my rust belt city. Is it a Europe? No, nothing will ever be a Europe, but they are developing, and there's no way you can deny that.
>Carpet bombing niggers with food and money will just create more niggers ready to flood EU to turn in into a barren wasteland, courtesy of leftism and fifth columns like you denying facts by putting bananas in your ears and yelling RAYCIS
Is the refugee crisis your 9/11 or something? This hasn't been going on that long, it's actually a fairly recent phenomenon. Regardless though, African industries ARE developing. In the immediate future? Yes, expect brain drain. In the long term? Why would people leave if there's no need to? (Oh and by the way, here's an idea, you can maybe close your goddamn borders, maybe that'll stop the flow of migrants)
>Except bottom of the barrel human waste that will probably have some purpose by diluting the negro genes
Then why do you care?
found the americans
theyre going to replace the eu with warren buffet
>all of the raging cut fags in this thread
I'm sorry your parents fell for kike memes, but don't take it out on the truth.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with circumcision. I'm circumcised, my first son is circumcised, and my second son (on the way) will be circumcised as well. I refuse to force them to be self-conscious about their penis, and I refuse to deny them the benefits of modern medicine because of some mentally ill autists on an anime image board. Millions of men are circumcised, and none of them have problems.
Is there a better reason to be circumcised than "Well, I was, and my dad was, so my son will be"?
Genuinely curious how it perpetuates through America as they're the only Western country where it's normal to be circumcised
what about your wife's son?
>I refuse do make them self conscious about their penis.
>So I will mutilate it, make it less sensitive, and give them this excuse when they inevitably find out and are made self conscious as a result.
In the U.S. girls will refuse to sleep with you and laugh if you have an uncircumcised penis. It's considered 'weird'.
Only received compliments on my non mutilated dick. Have you tried making her orgasm?
fuck off reddit homo you have no echo chamber here
wandering into Veeky Forums
Yep, it is just the same low level bullshit as every other board.
>hurr durr
Veeky Forums has always been shit, but were all the boards always this fucking dumb?
I'm pretty sure the reason for it is that it makes sex and masturbation less appealing so that little jews will focus on education and money and what not.
Yes, it's healthier, cleaner, and better-looking. We have the best healthcare system in the world so it's obvious we would have the best childcare as a result. Your socialized medicine neglects people that's why.
What? I just said my sons.
>mutilate it
Nice loaded language idiot.
>make it less sensitive
False. Circumcision has either no effect on sensitivity or increases it.
Why does everyone think the US owes a significant amount of its debt to China?
it's not a problem that you're a racist, it's a problem that you hold dumb views you picked up on pol and now hold as fact.
>Caring what some idiot thinks about your dick when it isn't 8 inches deep in them.
What are the medical benefits of circumcision?
Don't worry little man.
The thought police has no power here. It's ok to acknowledge that evolution has shaped human beings differently. IQ is an evolutionary trait, africans didn't need an high IQ to survive. They just had to be fast and violent so they could effectively kill some zebra to eat.
Except for some minor achievements, blacks find little representation in academia. They can't do science. At best you will find some heavily mixed outlier.
Being "racist" means acknowledging these differences and acting accordingly. Mindlessly barking at people and calling them "RAYCISSS" on the internet just like you saw on Tv is not going to change reality.
But you know i'm right. Your subconscious knows. Embrace the truth little man. Open your eyes
This desu. They also seemed to have picked up European weapons rather quickly and rather well, which hasn't turned out well. They also picked up on this euro idea socialism but that didn't work for the euros, nor the Africans.
>They also seemed to have picked up European weapons rather quickly and rather well, which hasn't turned out well
You mean like holding an AK sideways? k
Uganda was doing alright then they kicked out the Indians, who where 1% of the population but paid 90% of the taxes. At least they have allowed them back, now they pay 60% of the taxes, according to the BBC
Well the euros were better of course, operation dingo and all that.
Why does Boris Johnston's brother look like Ian Smith?
The same can be said for yourself. While I do not reject the fact we've evolved differently, you project shit across the entire spectrum.
In fact, you know so little regarding the variables that influence economic development both short and long run it makes me sick. You also don't know shit how much exploitation and bribery has gone to 3rd world countries in which extractive institutions have taken root.
You fight with the liberal media and I just take the popcorn and relax while the two retards fight.
ITT:americans ok to be kike puppets
Poor, brainwashed little thing. It is obviously too late for you. You are blind, you prefer vomiting insults a la tumblr instead of debating my statistics
Not that had any hope about you anyway.
Everyone else watch this. And pray you never end up like our tumblr friend above
>Operation dingo
>Whiteys in Rhodesia still lost.
If Rhodesia didn't segregate their armies like a bunch of Jim Crow rune coons, they would have got more international support and won the war. And Rhodie camo would be cheap and plenty.
Only non-fictional example I've seen of that is in Liberia. Otherwise, your average Eurotrash likely hasn't even seen a supersoaker in person.
The Slavs didn't have a bunch of butthurt, horse-riding inbreds chasing them around wearing bed sheets for one, they were able to have that later without outsourcing (See Ivan the Terrible).
Mongols were also pretty inclusive and didn't run around screaming "hoo hoo yellow power go back to Europa silk picker fuck you I no hire you stop stealing my jobs you vodka huffing welfare queen". You don't establish an empire by alienating and mistreating all your subjects. This is why the south lost and this is why Hitler lost.
1. Songhai. Extra credit- Ethopia, Zulus. Egyptians don't count because we literally don't know what color they were.
2. Haille Selassie. Extra credit- Frederick Douglas, MLK, Anthony William Amo, Henry Odera Oruka
3. Tanzania. Extra credit- Kenya, Nigeria
4. Because blacks are the largest group of people in poverty. The illegal drug trade also relies on impoverished people for labor and cannot go to judicial courts for resolving disputes, thus violence. This also happens to white drug trade employees and white supremacists.
5. Because the IQ tests done are outdated and tailored differently to each test group. I took a black IQ test from the 60's and my pasty ass came out retarded.
6. Because there aren't enough klan koons to offset that number. Also, you do not cite your sources on statistics so I could negate your arguments by also pulling numbers out of my ass.