Would you shoot a kid, age 3-5, in the face for a billion USD?
How debased are Veeky Forums's morals?
I do it for 1 mill usd
I'd do it for $20,000
are you saten ?
if yes then fuck no
if not then fuck yea !
I would do it for a cheeseburger.
Would you chop off your own dick for 20 million dollars? How about your balls for an extra 2 grand?
nope, im fine with hurting others but im not fine with hurting myself
I'd fuck a grown man up the ass for $1 Billion
I would shoot up a whole school in newton Connecticut for the bus fare to and from Newton.
I'd cry while doing it, but probably.
A billion fucking dollars, man!
What if I shoot the child and use the money to help orphans/dying children?
Would you fall for an FBI honeypot for $0, though?
Also consider that they offered no immunity from the law with that $1 billion. Wouldn't be of any use if you're behind bars for life.. and if the cops found out it was money from the hit, they'd take all that cash too.
God i'm actually struggling with this one...
I mean, 20 million, more than I can ever spend
But i'm a porn addict who masterbates 2 or 3 times a day
Decisions decisions
people, especially kids, would probably shoot me in the face for a lot less.
For interest sake would you have sex with a man (like a homeless guy) for 1 billion? You have to go a full hour.
No way I cut off my dick for 20 million
>would you have sex for money
Yes. I've come close to paying for it
I'd do it for $50,000 USD
In fact I'd probably do it for $5000 if it was guaranteed no prison time or investigation.
Of course.
1.hes barely had a life anyway
2. A billion is more than enough to pay for bail and simply live on, even when paying taxes on it.
Are you fucking kidding me? I'd drop kick that little asshole.
I'd throw him off a two story house.
It's take him down into my basement and water board that little shit.
I'd high john cena to tag team a little shit like that.
I'd also be making steller commentary on the side as well. Commenting on Cena's moves.
I'd invite the kid out to LA or something to meet his super hero or something like that and make it a big deal. I'm talking televised event in dodger stadium with millions of people watching with a sold out stadium. As soon as he comes out to meet his hero I go in Hulk Hogan and beat his hero up. Then I'd finish with this.
>Boom, body slam
Right in the middle of dodger stadium.
If I got away with it yes. I could literally save lives with that money.
Yes. I could have it surgically fixed for less then i'd just buy oxytocin off the black market or have a new one if I really wanted.
This isn't some trick question, where it's a relative or something?
I mean, it's some random kid, and he just disappears, right?
Preferably an orphan?
And there are no legal ramifications, right?
Because of this is proper thought experiment to determine our morals, it should be just based on that, no?
So yeah, with the above caveats, I'd shoot him in the face.
Do I get another billion if I kill more?
Humans are mostly a disease anyway, a virus, a stain on the planet.
But I would probably do more good with it anyway - I could open an orphanage every year on the interest rate alone.
Despite not liking humans much, I don't like suffering, the kid I shoot would be a mercy killing and painless.
Tl;dr - I'm complex
Depends on the kid.
If they are on their way to becoming trash, then yes I'd dispose of them.
I don't few children as people just retarded migets so for £10,000 sure.
>I'm complex
Holy shit you made me spit out my drink topkek. Is this a cringe thread? That was amazing.
You realize people do shit like this around the world for a lot less right? You think Obama's drones drop cakes and not guided missiles? Billions do you think are on the line for the Syrian Civil War? And how many lives were already lost in the fighting? That kid isn't worth anywhere near billions
Honestly, yeah, I'd probably do it for a million
Fucking lowballer.
Mind you, professional hitmen would kill for less, but only the most ruthless would do a kid.
I don’t think so, Tim.
'the greater good' - it's bible approved!
If this is to test our morals, it needs to be under prefect conditions - a hypothetical scenario where ideally nobody ever knows the kid died, or you did it, or you at least never caught or tried, or are pardoned or something. You don't need reasons for killing him except the money. Anything else is just mental masturbation.
I wouldn't risk even being on trial for a child murderer for any money.
I couldn't get hard fucking a tramp. How would this happen if you're straight? I'd maybe wank him off or something, I dunno, what does the guy wanna do?
$50k? Nah, too low. This is gonna need some expenses to help me forget what I did.
$5k? You cheap bastard! I would feel cheap if I did it for that. It would haunt me. The money needs to last as long as the memory does at least.
Absolutely not, what is wrong with you people?
Not a man dressed as a woman, an actual masculine man. You take viagra and have fuck him for a full hour like you would your girlfriend.
You have to eat out 75 year old aboriginal granny for an hour and she hasn't showered for a full month. Not allowed to hold your breath, have to breathe through your nose the entire time???
For 1 billion USD would you do it? I'd kill any fucking kid for 1 billion. Any god damn kid. Thats minor shit.
K guess what I'm saying is a bullet in the face is so sudden it's not painful, but a slow death as a homeless orphan kid is misery.
I wouldn't kill just because I'm a borderline misanthrope, but for the money, I'd do more good than a random kid or two.
People die every day for no reason, kids included, this would have a purpose.
If an user pulled a 9mm on my ass, and told me he's getting a billion if he kills me, I'd say 'fair enough', but if he told me was doing it for $5-10k, well, sir, that's just adding insult to injury.
I'd be pissed off and upset before I get shot.
>$50k? Nah, too low. This is gonna need some expenses to help me forget what I did.
>$5k? You cheap bastard! I would feel cheap if I did it for that. It would haunt me. The money needs to last as long as the memory does at least.
Hey i think it depends on the details.
Is this like a cold-blooded assassination-type murder?
or is this a just a "child slaughterhouse" where you just shoot kids in the head?
I'd torture him and kill him for 1 million
Yeah, that's a pretty good price. I guess I'd try it at least once if I had a billion.
Can't I just have sex with them instead?
I just couldn't...perform like that, even with Viagra, it's still a guy.
Gimme the Granny and a bottle of Jack, I'm going in, and that bitch gonna cum hard.
>any god damn kid
>minor shit
What about your son? Little brother? Cousin? Nephew? Niece?
Is the 1 billion tax free?
I would easily do it for 50 bucks, if I really needed them. If there are of course no repercussions
I'm a diagnosed psychopath, mind you
I'd have to get high as fuck first. I'd probably use a guillotine so that I don't have to swing the knife myself. Imagine having to saw through your own penis.
World can make more kids, I can't just make $1 billion.
Throw him off a cliff bruh. Know how many instagram sluts you can buy on $1 billion...how many Maybachs, I can live anywhere..
Gonna have to try harder than some brat kid. Give something else Op. Kid is nothing.
Would you kill your mother for that sum of money?
I'd kill anyone for that money
Even me??
What's the distinction?
I guess I was aiming at a similar caveat.
Like, I would kill the kid, but if I had to, say, break into his parents house and kill him in his bed or something, well that's not just about the kid, that could ruin many lives, like the parents, siblings, who find him dead, the paramedics, neighbors, coroner, cops, that would cause more suffering and trauma than, say, an orphan who is simply shot and dispatched into an incinerator by hypothetical slaughterhouse staff.
If I had too long to plan it, think about it, and instigate it, I'd probably just stress over the details - I'm too autistic about forensics, etc I'd pussy out and play it out in my head too much and possibly shoot myself in the head before or after I did it...
I had hope for this board, but no. Its literally straight out of that Ed Edd And Eddy image - edgy 15 year old cryptoexperts, daytraders and neets.
And no I wouldn't do it.
I could kill a person out of revenge, but just taking a life for money - what kind of a pos are you?
I'd kill myself in 10 years if i was guaranteed a billion dollars too.
hell probably even 5 years, maybe even 2 or 3.
You can live a better life with a billion dollars in 2 years than you could ever imagine even earning $500k/yr as your career.
>What's the distinction?
Well it would depend.
$5k for an assassination(in this thought experiment ofc not really), would be far too little. But if it's like a slaughterhouse where you just take the kids out back and pop them in the skull and throw them on the conveyor it's totally different.
also it depends on more details even further.
If you're doing this one or regularly, for example like once a week for $5k that'd be fine. $20k/month for just ending some fag's life lmao
Depends where the money is coming from. If it came from a central individual or organization, sure because I could do good work with charity. If it's taken from everybody, wouldn't be good for anything but making me rich.
Wow got me. Only thing I wouldn't do is kill my own mother or harm myself. Anything else can be done.
Killing, raping, snitching, stealing, fraud, torture, depraved sexual acts....anything for $1 billion.
id do it for $1k
This isn't just money. Its $1 billion. Lets just list the things you could finance with 1 billion:
>Income generating investment portfolio
>Private Equity Empire
>Global Real Estate empire
>Bespoke clothing
>Maybach, S600, Ferrari F12, Mclaren P1, Rolls Royce Ghost
>AP, Rolex,
>chartered flights
>Rent a yacht
>Live in any suburb in New York, Monaco, LA, Singapore, Switzerland, France, Britain...
>Dine at any restaurant on planet earth.
>Buy Art
>Front Row Camera side tickets to Wrestlemania
>Own a wine farm or game reserve
>As many instagram models as your dick can handle
For just killing a kid; you can live anywhere, go anywhere, do anything and fuck anyone.
Totally worth it.
I would kill anyone for that money
this thread is stupid, the answer is too obvious
Let's keep a little perspective here.
This is a billion.
We're discussing caveats for the most part, not just yeah or no.
There are real 'pieces of shit' that do this and worse, for fun, or for free. Then jerk off to it.
Would you kill a kid to end hunger in your country and neighboring countries?
Would you kill a child to save endangered species?
Would you kill a human being to find the cure for a debilitating disease?
Any of those things can be done with a billion dollars. You are the child here for not realizing the value of money.
Go back to your fantasy boards, you autist, Veeky Forums can comprehend money.
I bet most people would
Sure you can get all of these and more, rent a yacht - you could buy Abramovich's yacht for that kind of money.
Will 1B be enough to calm the demons in your head though?
You can't comprehend money kid. That money is already in the most optimal place - the hands of someone who earned it. Reshuffling it to a pos neet like you would end hunger and end dieases? Give me a break.
This thread is a thought exercise to let you know more about yourself. If you're willing to take alife for a billion, then why not for a dollar? Cause "muh yachts and stuff"?
>Will 1B be enough to calm the demons in your head though?
Yes, most certainly.
Even a used, few years old porsche would be more than enough to calm the "demons".
Get out.
Beat me to it.
I'd do it for a billion trump coins
'I'd do it for a billion Trumpcoins'
user, at his graduation speech,
Veeky Forums school graduate, class of 2016
>Implying all the money in the world would make my life better knowing that I shot a child in the face
Money is very important to me but its not my life's blood.
>Money is very important to me but its not my life's blood.
That's what sets a pleb from a patrician
I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
Totally agreed. A pleb thinks that money is his life's blood. A patrician sees it as a tool for other purposes, but not something that replaces life on its own.
>A patrician sees it as a tool for other purposes, but not something that replaces life on its own.
Exactly, and 1 billion dollars is MUCH more valuable than some random fuckhead you don't even personally know, who in all likelihood will grow up to be a NEET, a petty criminal or an alcoholic.
A white kid?
>wow this thread really brought the nut jobs out of Veeky Forums
getting unearned, morally unethical money will not give you a sense of fulfillment. You'll just feel more inadequate, just like lottery winners. They end up wishing they never had any money.
>getting unearned, morally unethical money will not give you a sense of fulfillment
Maybe for you, people are different m8.
I think i'd manage to somehow wipe my tears in bespoke suits, in a car that no one in my city owns next to some hot sluts
and then genuine successful people will begin to ask you questions that you'll have to lie about. They will realize that you are poser and you'll be that weird guy with the hired strippers. In the end you'll know truly you are a fraud.
>and then genuine successful people will begin to ask you questions that you'll have to lie about
Why am I obligated to answer their question or care?
Bro when you have a billion dollars you DON'T GIVE A SHIT.
>Hey user... Say... Where the fuck did you get all this money?
>"What? here just rail this line of coke and let's drop the clutch and peel the fuck out of here man, we're late for our exclusive party with A-list actors and those people from the news man, Matt Damon's gonna be there bro i wanna drink with him"
>They will realize that you are poser and you'll be that weird guy with the hired strippers. In the end you'll know truly you are a fraud
No they won't.
>Say user... did you hire these prostitutes?
>"idk man, do you want this 10/10 Slovak to suck your dick? Don't worry I got it covered, go ahead bro all yours"
>>Say user... did you hire these prostitutes?
>>"idk man, do you want this 10/10 Slovak to suck your dick? Don't worry I got it covered, go ahead bro all yours"
you're such a nigger.
People like that are not respected
>People like that are not respected
What makes their respect desirable exactly?
if you're living life how you want and doing what you like, why do you even care?
>Oh no some boring accountant earning $85k/yr thinks i'm a faggot :(((
In all honesty, even if I was assured that I would never be caught, no.
Mainly because I just don't care to kill.
you're right I forget it's summer and there are 16 year olds on here that don't have school in the morning
For a billion USD... id skill fuck anyone
>Le i'm older than you but i still come to a website I consider shitty and has teenagers, I'm so mature xD I just go on this website and try to brag about how mature and sophisticated I am
>Comes onto a website he hates and keeps posting in a thread he doesn't like nor the people posting in it
>Brags about how mature and sophisticated he is anyway
I always here this but refuse to believe it until I win the lottery.
>Being a billionaire
>Implying you care what anybody thinks anymore.
>user, how did you get all this money? I've never even heard your name until you popped up on the Forbes' list.
>Oh, I was jerking it to /d/ one day and thought about buying a lottery ticket it. That's pretty much it.
>Oh, that's... Odd.
hear, even.
How would this conversation even come up?
You don't fucking ask a person with a lambo what he does for a living, that's just fucking weird.
I would shoot him in the ear or something then pay to have it fixed. Easy
Even if I could get away with it I wouldnt if I had to kill the kid
If I only had to slightly wound(pierce ear with bullet) then probably.
>If you're willing to take alife for a billion, then why not for a dollar?
Is this b8?
get the fuck back to /r9k/
>and then genuine successful people will begin to ask you questions
"Oh, I inherited it, old sport."
No. There's no guarantee it could be reattached with full nerve function, and the kind of person who would make this offer wouldn't want it to be easy to reattach at all.
Not for a billion.
Killing a kid, though... Maybe in Panama or wherever. I don't think even Roman Polanski could get away with shooting an American kid, exile or no.
> would i get caught?
If no then i would
If it came down to it in real life,i garuntee you wouldn't do im. Edgy, wanna-be cool, little faggot.
Shit is minor man
Does it have to be a fatal shot?
>I could kill a person out of revenge, but just taking a life for money - what kind of a pos are you?
The kind of person who might consider a career in the armed forces?
It's OK to kill people for money when the government asks you to.
But deciding it for yourself? You may as well decide what kind of government you have!
Depends on whether the kid did something wrong or not
Of course.
Do I go to jail? If I do, the government takes the million and get a criminal record.
If no jail, fuck yes.
Sometimes I go down to the local casino to play poker and watch sad, blue-collar dads drink themselves into a stupor and gamble away their kids' futures. This is a good way to make money, but is it moral? Who knows, who cares.
Shooting a kid in the face would probably be less destructive than watching a man go all in on a pair of aces when I've gotten a straight on the draw and then he has to explain to his kids why they don't get to have a Christmas this year.
No. I could kill a scumbag adult easily but I would feel too guilty about killing a kid.
what I thought immediately kek