What do you guys think of the Kramer's aesthetic? It's something I've always enjoyed but was wondering what Veeky Forums thinks. His outfits have seemed to age the best out of the four main characters.
Kramer's Aesthetic
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/Kramercore/ is my endgame
come again?
It is what it ultimately boils down to, to be effortless and individual.
In short, just be yourself.
I thought George's outfits had aged the best?
>His outfits have seemed to age the best out of the four main characters.
what the fuck are you talking about, OP?
He dressed like every dad in the 90s, except for the jokes
Its gore tex
kramer is Veeky Forums as fuck desu
remember that episode where calvin klein steals his perfume idea
but im not a new york jew with hair that curly
George fits are easiest to translate into a modern context because 90s dad fashion is back, ironically at least. In the context of the show/the 90s Kramer is much better dressed.
>tfw you'll never dress according to your various subtle moods like George does
I guess it depends on if you like dressing ironically or not, which I don't like doing.
Am I the only one who never got Seinfeld? It's just not funny imo.
t. millenial
Seinfeld invented basically every sitcom trope and executed them extremely well
Kramer's look only works because of Kramer's personality.
It's supposed to be relateable in a sense. mostly interactions and everday mundane stuff but the show just blows things out of proportion to the point of ridiculousness. There's no story arch at all, or main plot. It's just new york in the 90's. i don't even know what it's really about.
Also jerry is very hit or miss in his comedy acts, sometimes lame but once you get to know him then he's a pretty funny guy.
I feel like george pitching his show to the networks "it's about nothing!" and you either get it or you don't
it's about nothing. youtube.com
Seinfeld was notable because it was one of the first big sitcoms to abandon any kind of moralism. The standard prior to the 90s was that sitcoms were family friendly programs and had to frequently include positive moral messages.
90s sitcoms like Seinfeld and Friends abandoned that notion and just became shows about awful people getting into stupid situations. It was very in tune with attitudes of Gen X at the time, who were growing increasingly cynical towards preachy boomer culture and the very obviously temporary post-80s gravy train America was riding.
Also George's fits have aged the best.
tt's interesting but now when i think about seinfeld i think of it as the sex and the city but for men
In the 90s Kramer stood out as an obvious eccentric. In today's world he would just be one in an army of hipsters driving up the prices on vintage clothing and eating strange food out of mason jars.
All of today's insufferable hipster culture? That started with Kramer.
I think that's a pretty solid comparison, actually.
>It's supposed to be relateable in a sense.
Says who? I'm no Chihuahua but Ren & Stimpy is still funny to me.
>mostly interactions and everday mundane stuff but the show just blows things out of proportion to the point of ridiculousness.
Humor that blows the mundane out of proportion to the point of ridiculousness? Stop the presses!
>There's no story arch at all, or main plot
Are you kidding? Seinfeld is perhaps the most well-written sitcom of all time. Sure it's mundane and ridiculous, but the show has great plots and even better characters. Even the minor side characters who only appeared occasionally were gold: George's parents. Newman. David Puddy. Jackie Chiles. Peterman. Uncle Leo. Izzy Mandelbaum. Bania. The goyim dentist. Soup Nazi. The two effeminate street thugs. Bookman the library cop. All of them were hilarious.
The writing was good throughout but I think you could make an argument that the show changed over time and its intent or purpose changed with the show's success. I still think the later seasons are just as funny but there is a definite change with wackier and wackier plots. It turned from believable to crazy bordering on the edge unbelievable.
If you have never cheated at trivial pursuit against a boy in a bubble or dropped a junior mint into someone's chest cavity, you haven't truly lived desu.
Yeah, but that happens to most sitcoms that run past 4-5 seasons. Season 4 seems to be the sweet spot for most sitcoms, the characters are refined but the premise isn't stale yet.
Seinfeld didn't invent sitcom tropes, but it took them to the next level. Seinfeld definitely refined a lot of ideas that were initially laid out in ensemble sitcoms like Cheers and Night Court. Absurd plot lines, semi-unlikable protagonists, weird side characters, etc.
The family-friendly sitcom mold started to crack with Cheers, but Seinfeld finally busted it open.
Kramer was eccentric looking then, in the late 1980s and 1990s, and he looks to remain that way, now, in the 2010s. I think his general style is so distinct, not even hipsters have been able to quite touch it. There's something about the way he carries himself in those clothes that seems different from how hipsters usually approach vintage fashions. You could say that Kramer has an ill-fitting aesthetic, in terms of the trousers and jackets' fits, but that's what characterizes his look.
Wouldn't Married With Children be the sitcom that busted the family friendly sitcom mold? That was practically the anti-sitcom, it was funny but also incredibly depressing.
None of what you said is wrong, but I think you're just in agreement with the poster you responded to
yes, but the Simpsons were first. The conservatives were so threatened by it, Bush Sr attacked it by name in a speech.
don't forget crazy joe davola
or the best unseen character Bob Sacamano
or imaginary character Art VanDelay
absolute ledge
He's not racist
yeah i think when larry david left the show seemed to change, still funny but got a touch more slapstick.
Kramer's is evidence that confidence can make almost anything work.
>i don't even know what it's really about.
It's a show about nothing
the older the episode the better
idk if its true but i read once that the people in charge tried to adhere to having george wear clothes a half a size or size too small and have kramer wear a half a size or size too large in general
>There was a bee on your-a hat!
Legit made me wonder how I would fare in the latex business.
I think that's meant the other way around, has to be.
Nah, kramer was to have too small clothes, like the short pants. They were vintage, as they were the same shit as he had worn since the 70s
Married With Children did it first.
Some designers try to make the 'ill-fitting' aesthetic work, but they can't get to Kramercore levels.
Normal pieces that don't fit properly, yet are just right?
And then the hair, it just puts everything into place.