>you will never be rich while you are still young
whats even the point then
>you will never be rich while you are still young
whats even the point then
Says who?
If your parents or you have good connections you can start up a good bussniess with a charity loan or from the bank of dad/mum
>You will never be Veeky Forums 5 years ago
>You will never have 130+ IQ
>You will never be 6'2 - 6'4
>You will never have perfect insertions and genetics
>you will never have a huge, 10x8 dick
>You will never be born a billionaire
>You will never inherit a trillion dollars
>You will never just get a business handed to you that becomes vastly successful just on its own
Why even life? idk im killing myself now
I think this was my biggest piss off, Sure I can and will be able to let my kids do exotic shit but I personally never was able to and I'll be too old to do it for myself when that time comes.
You're crazy if you think it doesn't happen to people just like you.
The things you do/are doing in life will increase/decrease the chances somewhat though, so I'd act accordingly.
Aww poor OP. Such a sad. Maybe there's more to life than grabbing every dollar you can get your grubby hands on. Just a thought.
except there isn't
Money is not everything OP :^)
Not if you buy $MGT
And you can either cry about it like the little bitch you are, or save your offspring from the same fate.
>2m€ net worth
>idk im killing myself now
Do it then. Less speak, more actions. Be a man at least once in your pathetic life.
If you aren't born rich, and you're not a genius entrepreneur you will only ever be rich as an old man, if ever.
Sad reality.
Just play the lottery then, it gives me hope.
>you made it yourself
> means implying
Howd u do it user?
What's pitiful is that you've convinced yourself that you have no ability to improve your station in life.
That's the "sad reality".
Inheritance as always.
There's no point if you are not born rich, only cope.
Is he wearing a dress? that shirt is too long. He looks like a fag
I met three different people when I relocated who were from middle class backgrounds like myself.
All three now have at least a couple millions, if not more.
One is partner at a law firm.
One made a ton hosting television shows.
One married a rich girl.
Aaaaaand none of these people were "born rich".
You're the one telling people to kill themselves on a Himalayan basket weaving board, but you call him pathetic? You must have a lot of pain.
This, money doesn't matter if your a fag.
Well, given that, OP, the real question is what is your plan? No sense in a pity party.
Life's not fair, get over it. My parents created their own wealth, so can you.
Fuck your beta-mindset, faggot. Go kill yourself please
this desu
>you will never know what you want to do with your life and whatever you pick and try to settle on and put some progress towards it will just change the next day and continue ad infinitum
I'm 25 and I'm legitimately about to end my life.
trust me user
Even if you had all that shit you'd still find something to whine about. Stop complaining. Learn to work with what you got.
There are people in this world who have billions of dollars and if they lost it all they'd be totally fucked. Their only thin they learned in life is how to spend their money like some stupid riches to rags lottery winner you hear about every now and again.
Then there are people who have learned the hard way. They start out poor and learn how to turn nothing into a fortune. They will ALWAYs have money because no matter how poor they become they know how to get more.
How do you want to live your life? Being the poor smuck who was once rich but now isn't even qualified to flip burgers? Or the guy who will always be able to find money when he needs it.
autism cope
and they are old and past their prime, 2 are workcucks and other a marriagecuck
that was if your examples werent fictional
Dude life is all about the struggle, build yourself to become stronger, enrich yourself with knowledge, and self examine your short comings
Also harden the fuck up nigga but keep a tenderness within your self
r u me
Hey OP, meet my friend drugs
They will alter your brain into thinking you're the most successful and happy person in the world for a short time and for a small fee
You'll never be happy, but you can fake it for small periods for less money than you'd expect
It was sarcasm you stupid fucking autists.
Figured. More power to ya. No complaining here. I just have to start my empire from the ground up. Maybe my kids will be as lucky as you.
Why is everyone so hell bent on being rich? I would be happy with just enough passive income to enjoy all of my hobbies or try out new ones. I think it's a form of brainwashing to keep people working and "productive".
I'm 21 and attempted suicide years ago. Got you beat pussy.
If pic related stopped bullshitting himself and others for one nanosecond, he'd implode.
implying a few million is rich, kek
>implying a few million is rich, kek
>implying you have more than two nickels to rub together, kek
Well you could. Not trash your body to start.
I'm 6'4 FeelsGoodMan
Yeah, dude, we're the same person.
Actual good advice.
There are two ways to be rich:
1. Have more than you need.
2. Need less than you have.
Pick one.
Says the poorfag
I'm 6 and a half and attempted suicide years ago.
stay old, pleb
CERU mah nigga
OP, get into stocks, bet it all, see what happens. If you're ending it anyways, might as well give meme stocks a try. Even if you only start with $10k, you just have to double it seven times to become a millionaire.
If you bet big and bet smart, I'd say it's achievable. You could have gotten 3 of the 7 doubles you need through HMNY this week. What are you waiting for???
Being rich later is still better than being poor later
At least I have two of these things but life is suffering
>$100k liquid assets at 23
it's not rich but I'm satisfied
>5'7 right now
>getting fit - squat 225x6, deadlift 315x2, bench 175 for 5
>worst insertions (small frame-d shoulders), and worst genetics (heart issues at 20)
>5inch dick
>not born a billionare, made 8K off shares though (in about 2-3 months)
>going to start my own form when i'm 35 once i get some more experience
problemo? (im only 20, studying 2 undergrad degrees law/commerce, been working as a paralegal for 1.5 years. all my colleagues call me a jockey. lmfao, good shit.)
ITT: faggots that don't even understand obvious sarcsasm.
I'm quite sure that death is the best solution for you