Post your shoes
Post your shoes
Throw the right half to the trash.
you think i should buy these replica uncaged boosts that are in a non-retail colorway lmao
But those are mine :( the ones on the left are my bf's
Bf has better taste. Catch up
It's harder to buy nice shoes for girls, grailed is mainly men's sizes
ID on second from left?
Probably guidi or julius
Decent taste, could use some colour. Not even over the top, maybe just some browns.
3rd from the left?
also, is there a higher boot version of it?
raf simons velcro high
Same as mine, heh.
All black, white and grey... Boring af.
Check Heroine. Not the drug, it's like Grailed but with women's clothes.
Who the fuck wears coloured shoes? Is this kindergarten or what
dont have much. should probably get some colors.
Kill yourself, kid.
Brown and burgundy, how adventurous!!
best be a woman(female) or else i'm sorry to inform tha you are ga-
this is Veeky Forums nevermind
carry on /lgbt/, fucking fags
id on boots? the not palladium ones
Id on black boots? Not the palladiums
Damn how did we post almost the exact same thing?
W2C boots?
Common Projects officer boots
>has literally never been on Veeky Forums before
go back to r/mfa and your fucking dad shoes you retard
Pls London be
ew man
Dries Van Noten commamdo boots
dude are you gay or something?
What pants do u usually pair your velcros with?
c/n on these used AF1 jewels?
Too angular
Best with cropped trousers or very stacked small opening jeans
Those aren’t sold new right now
I'm op but yeah, this colorway is pretty old. Really just like the jewel swoosh and saw these in my size. If I can work them into some fits I probably will cop.
Top left.
ID please.
Watch out they don’t start crumbling on you, but luckily af1s are very easy to resole if they do
How does this look? Structurally speaking, I know they're grimy and nowhere near new, but the price reflects that.
Trashhhhhh. Neck yourself.
trademark is Schuh, i found it in a thrift store, couldn't find it online
>le kanye west meme shoes
Pick one
hey look another girl
personally i hate creepers and jellies and think they look too try hard (as in conforming to the whole art hoe shit) but they probably look fine in well done outfits
also whoever said my shoes were normie for girls in the other thread is retarded. I never see people wear the same shoes as me and i live in a big city full of hipsters and art hoes that all dress the same. see>...Anonymous
>11/01/17(Wed)12:08:42 No.12876795
second from right...what are those? how do they fit? w2c?
I called your collection normal cause it's what normies here wear. Reebok/vans and whatever the mall has to offer, basically teenager wannabe skater core, but that depends on the rest of your wardrobe really.
Doesn't mean you have to dress up as art hoe to stand out, there's a variety of higher tier women footwear out there.
Think about replacing some of your shoes with for example slim ankle boots or high top sneakers, which would accentuate your legs.
Tbh the reeboks and vans were the most recent addition and i did think "these are so Veeky Forums and skatercore lmao" but it wasnt an intentional thing. Just wanted comfy normal shoes
Not buying the checkered slip ons really proves the fact that im soooo patrician /s
your shoes are normie as fuck
doesn't mean they look good either desu