What do rich people say, do and believe?
Rich people say/do/believe
Rule 1. Always return profit towards the compony.
Rule 2. Only give it away for tax reduction
Rule 3. When you die always give it to your son not your wife or sis.
>fuck everyone
>get monaay
>its not a crime if you don't get caught
>stereotypes are accurate
>you are better than others
You're rich, I take it?
rich people believe that even if you take all their money they would be back in the game in no time. but you can't.
Things Poor people Say is more fun.
>you can't win if don't play
>limitless potential
>I'm a multi-level marketer
>fake it till you make it
>don't listen to the haters
>it's all about positive thinking
>dress for the job you want, not for the job you have
>people say X doesn't work, but I did X once and it worked
>I just need to create brand awareness
>I'm more of the idea guy
My net worth is $3.4mil and I'm 23. Started from nothing. I've done a lot of illegal stuff to get here but I don't regret it.
>I'm more of the idea guy
Holy fuck, this so much
Invest in index funds and ride out the market.
teach me
>it's all about positive thinking
what's wrong with positive thinking?
did billionaires make it by being pessimistic?
>i'm more of the idea guy
The idea guy can make it big, if he puts his ideas to the test of practice
Money can't buy happiness :^)
Why hello stranger who me I don't know, sure I'll teach you how to get away with crime. Why don't you cone over for a beer and I'll give you some free money as well.
you forgot
>i play video games
chat shit
>Why hello stranger who me I don't know, sure I'll teach you how to lie about your wealth. Why don't you cone over to my parents house where I live and we can share a tendie
>Started from nothing
28, i come from extreme poverty. parents were abusive drug addicts. i couldnt even go to school most of the time because i had to work. net worth is 7.2m
get on my level asshole.
No faggot, we want to know what you did. Sell drugs? Loan sharking? Steal babies?
when you die what good will that money do you ?
It will all be spent on blackjack and hookers by the time i'm dead.
I believe it. What kind of business(es) did you start?
they dont buy memecoins
sounds like a plan laddy.
first off, what does being white have to do with it? the face u point it out makes me cringe.
second, its all relative, some kid from the third world would probably loved to have the opportunities you've had.
No need to come off as such a prick.
Umad whitey has a big brain?
> say
"I can do anything"
> do
literally whatever it takes
> believe
If there is a God, that God wants them to be successful
i'm white, try harder
Only went till third grade cause I'm poor
>white parents who didn't beat me
I'm black, my parents are black and beat me everyday. My mother is schizophrenic. My father runs a cigarette kiosk. He also put his cigarettes out on me to punish me for being a cripple.
I was also born with polio. I have worn led braces most of my life. And I live in a shit third world country which I was born and raised in
I was raped by two men when I was 7.
I didn't have any opportunities you retard. I have been selling drugs since I was 13. I also never touched alcohol, smoking or drugs which almost got me killed many times because everyone thought I was a nark.
You are poor because you are a self victimizing piece of shit. BTW not everyone is white and lives in a first country.
Yea you had a million times better life than me you faggot. Fuck you
Can you guys stop lying, my food is starting to taste bad.
Alright, you win the misery olympics. You can go pawn your medal now.
Rule 1: There are no rich people in this board. If there are, then they are most likely wildly overexaggerating their value.
Did you hear that most white kids think niggers grow up to be white? You know like niggerhood is transient. Regardless you are a nigger. Perhaps only an albino nigger
have 2 (you)s to feel better
This thread is about rich people.. not what poor people tell themselves to feel better ;^)
The wealthy shitpost too believe it or not
Guy who thinks this is a word in charge of being insightful.
Check out scandinaviabros instagram and be amazed... trust fund babys are on this board aswell
>Everyone with a job is a trust fund babby
pretty sure that he dosnt work mate
This ia nothing. I am a armless, legless handicap midget. I lived in poverty a 3rd world country with my dad who raped me and my mom who beat me and raped me with her futa cock. They force me to fight the dog for dog food everyday if i lost no dog food for me and the dog raped me They forced me to hide drugs in my anal cavity. My uncle tortured me by sticking his heroine needle up my ass everyday. When I ran I was molested by multiple men till I reached America.
I started from ABSOLUTE NOTHING. Now my networth is 30 mil.
This is nothing. I am a quadraplegic downs syndrome suffer. I lived in a 4th world country with no parents and my one relative was a corrupt police officer who used me to make deals with his business partners. They once tortured me after getting me wasted on tequila and afterwards started shooting potatoes off of my head. They kept joking that it didn't matter which potato they hit. My life was horrible until I got to the EU and had a botched lobotomy; now I'm a genius.
I started from below the ground as a potato. Now my networth is 80 mil.
That's nothing. I was born a Muslim nigger in the Philippines and now Im killing of millions of Americans who voted for me twice
At least you have potato, comrade.
This is nothing. I am a quadraplegic down syndrome with aids. I have aids because my mother had unprotected sex while she was pregnant and the men who raped her were able to shove their cocks in so far that they raped me and gave me aids. Once I was born the "doctor" i use quotes because it was a drug dealer my mom was randomly fucking, slapped my ass and tossed me in the dumpster.
I started from below the dirt below the potato. Now my networth is 100 mil.
Look at this #firstworldproblems sissy.
At least you were born human. I'm a half-human half-dog mongrel. I wasn't even born in a country, but on a raft in the middle of the ocean.
Well, actually I wasn't even born. I was aborted and buried once she landed somewhere in Africa.
I literally started underground and climbed my way to success by living in a dumpster with the local stray dogs (which would regularly eat me whole and shit me again until I got big enough to do it to them).
In the dumpster I got stung by a needle and got addicted to heroine at -6 months old.
I had to learn English by reading the nutrition lables on the garbage in my dumpster, and since I couldn't afford to go to university to learn economics, I had to come up with everythign myself, writing my own books on the subjects.
I started from literally below the ground, and now I control an empire in the industry of dog rabies and my net worth is 1 Billion Scooby Snacks.
Pff what losers. I was born in a dumpster. My mom was an elephant and my dad a flamingo. I am 2 years old and have 500mil liras. Get to my level
This is nothing. I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
shit was so cash
I will be the rich guy then, since i have 0 ideas, but i can make even mediocre ideas relatively succesfull with bryte force. ( some call me idiot or crazy for this, but who cares, i like it )
>What do rich people say, do and believe?
Liberal ideology, entitlement/victim mentality is the most effective way of keeping the lower classes, & uneducated Niggers in their place.
It keeps Niggers preoccupied with race, hatred, and ignorance instead of teaching them to better themselves & get educated.
>It keeps Niggers preoccupied with race, hatred, and ignorance instead of teaching them to better themselves & get educated.
Love it when SJWs & Liberals teach niggers to hate the Man, hate the System, hate racist Teachers, hate Schools, hate banks, hate corporations.
It turns Niggers into useless, unproductive 'victims' who's only hope in society is dependency on others.
Took me a min to realize you all were bragging. I'll have you know that I'm a 6'4 black chef at Wendy's with a 12 inch dick, and that I pull in $500,000 a year.
Rich people genuinely believe in a solid liberal arts education
If you educate a chimp they they are still a chimp you mong