Did the Holocaust happen? Sure people died of Typhus,disruption of supply lines and aerial bombings as they do in war.
But were there any Nazi plans to shoah the chosen?
Did the Holocaust happen? Sure people died of Typhus,disruption of supply lines and aerial bombings as they do in war.
But were there any Nazi plans to shoah the chosen?
Yes, not even a debate
No, not even worth talking about
there were eyewitnesses and people outright tried with evidence in the Nuremberg trials
>b-but they might be false
at that point all historical evidence of anything can be false
Yes, after having studied the topic for a while on /pol/ I've come to the following conclusions:
1. The Holocaust did happen and was intentional
2. The number of actual Jews killed was likely inflated by people who were thought to be Jews or were 1/4th 1/8th Jewish, the 6 million statistic is likely inaccurate and depends heavily on how you actually define a Jew from non-Jew
Now, this is the important one
3. The use of gas-chambers and concentration camps in the Holocaust is very largely exaggerated and sometimes even outright fabricated - the vast majority of Jews killed by Nazi Germany were killed by the "Mobile Task Forces" who went into villages, rounded up the Jews (usually with the willing assisstance of the rest of the village) and machine-gunned into trenches / shallow graves. The conflation of the Holocaust with gas chambers and concentration camps, along with the persistence of the Holocaust being a "special" kind of genocide separate from all other genocides, is in fact a post-war propaganda effort used mostly to justify the existence of the then-newly-created state of Israel.
If Holocaust happened why are there still Jews? Check mate, zionists.
End yourself
It was fan fiction Bibi all but said so.
But seriously
It was
>not a planned systematic genocide
>not a body count of 6million
>not done by gas chambers
A lot of the death happened because the allies were doing their jobs right and the camps suffered from the saturation bombing.
I wish the holocaust was real
Kind of. But its complicated.
Germans want to exile them from Europe as they did in Germany before war. Thng s nobody want Jews. The rich one - no problem as they have connection and are few, but unwashed ilterate masses from East?
Similar situation was before 1st WW where local Jewish communites on West have nightmares of incoming hordes of Jews from Russia.
After Germans defeat Allies they plan to ship them to Madagascar. No kidding.
Stubborn Albion refuse cooperation. No wonder.
So Jews was used as hostages to influence Jews in USA but they didn't give a fuck about their poor cuisins.
Local Jewish elities cooperate with Germans as they see a chance that Germans will make a separate Jewish country n Polish/Ukraine lands. The ghetos was seen as 1st step to that.
Proble with that was that Germany start losing the war. Jew were used as free/cheap labor.
Food shortags were constant(as horses and people get mobilized for army or industry), oveseers greedy or incompetent, concetration of poplation causes diseases.
There was also East front that turn into total mess, with Party and its paramilitary units running wild, with locals killing anyone they see as enemy.
The numbers don't match. But it was used as great propaganda tool.
Yes, but it was actually Arab Muslims in German suits who did it. Bibi said so (he actually did)
I see the retarded idea of "it was the Allies bombing the supply lines" has reared it's moronic head already.
I mean yeah, if your country is starving, who are you going to feed? Your own people, or shitty prisoners who you hate with a passion to begin with?
Every day is repost day
>you can just ignore your Geneva Convention obligations when they become inconvenient
And yet they carried on successfully feeding Western Allied military PoWs without the extreme deathtolls seen in camps for civilians and Soviet prisoners.
Correct. Enjoy being banned for pointing that out, though. Fucking commie faggot mods.
Eastern front was several orders of magnitudes more brutal and desperate than Africa and the short-lived Western front m8, everyone can attest to this
And the fatalities of the POWs would thus reflect this?
PoW camps were not only the front lines. They were hundreds of miles away, many deep within Germany itself.
Even if that were the case, why were Allied Prisoners who were also in camps to the east not affected to anywhere near the same level as those of civilians and Soviet PoWs?
Because they were Bolsheviks, obviously.
Where do you think millions of jews went? They planned a picnic and got lost the way home?
>having studied the topic for a while on /pol/
at least you're honest
The larger point of this threads to and fro is to look at what the holocaust achieves today. It's portrayed as a lesson to be learned but no other genocides carry such weight. Money is still to be made so it's sort of a brand. It's a a good way of achieving victim status by only being born. Hard evidence will not be easy to come by if you want to be specific about killings in a total warzone.
My best advice is to use your instincts on this one.
>all historical evidence of anything can be false
you say that with conviction, the taste of which leads me to believe you take great solace in your certainty that this mere fallacious example for equivalent dismissal could never in fact be the reality of our situation.