Scandium makes aluminum lighter and stronger. It will go into wide spread use in Autos,Planes Bikes thus improving fuel efficiency and cutting costs for companies. THIS virtually unknown alloying ingredient will push the next wave of engineering revolution.
Scandium makes aluminum lighter and stronger. It will go into wide spread use in Autos...
Other urls found in this thread:
This metal’s two main uses are in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and in scandium-aluminum alloys.
SOLID OXIDE FUEL you know what this means??
The buzz is with the lithium for the production of the lithium battery....well these fuel cells may be a competitor or maybe a outright winner.
so how do I invest in it?
I know for space travel fuel cell will be necessary?
Maybe they can use sunlight to charge batteries idk how consistent that is.
>scarce material
>used for production
>With a cost of $270 per gram ($122,500 per pound), scandium is too expensive for widespread use
from 2nd google result
Lmao b-but muh asteroid mining
but.. He who controls Scandium.. controls the UNIVERSE YOU FOOLS! The scandium must flow!
Ok buy shares in PGM Platina Resources...on the ASX aussie exchange
That's good dude, at least you remembered your lines. Way to go.
Much like anything ...until companies see the potential which they have...then miners start to dig it up, refine it,(Because it will revolutionise Aluminum frames chassis etc) the markets goes nuts like with lithium...just a question of when you where YOU want in .
Also buy up Platina Resources (PGM) on the ASX.
Just shilling like everyone else But you might want to get in now. I did. PMG just been shilled now so soon as word gets around the Share price will be higher
Fuck they not MAKING the whole plane out of the shit man, just need a bit to mix into the aluminum
That's not how ratios work bitch.
What Platina (PGM) needs next is to re-enter negotiations with Chinalco a chinese aluminium company. They had a meeting last yerar but stopped short due to circumstances in with the Chinese economy. I think the time is getting near for another meeting to discuss it again otherwse someone else will buy up the Scandium supplies.
It's another Australia resource company on life support episode.
and you're clueing me and everyone else here in on this.. why?
Because it's an investment board. That's what we do.
Anyone got stocks related to this crap in America?
Scandium International Mining Corp subsidiary EMC is planning a scandium mine in Australia.
You cunts stop whining I'm not spoon feeding you. You whinge because this thread is shit & you'd whinge if it was chock full of fuckin facts you cunts will never be happy!
I sincerely advise anyone not to invest in scandium since the demand is well over the supply, Russia is the current market leader for scandium production and in a necessity of higher demand can without a problem ramp up their output to squeez any junior developer out of the market. Same is to apply for China, that also has this capabilities.
As an example one could use the Molycorp fall. People started investing in rare earths because on the opinion them being rare (same as scandium), there was a demand boost so the Molycorp company did achieve a S/P spike, in a course of a year China ramped up their production of rare earth metals and the demand was so saturated that Molycorp went bankrupt.
Before investing in anything, understand the market demand and the supply chain, as well as the commodities application in future growth.
t. your friendly neighbourhood investor
Can you drop some Russian scandium producers/miner names?
Australia mine will be the first Scandium only mine.
I might do SCY. any reason this will actually blow up?
Omfg buying on commodity market now 2nd mortgage but worth it
SCY if you mean Sirocco energy ltd ...NO its delisted.
>buy Platina PGM its best.
>Technology metals are the memes of the future!!
>if its a meme metal you probably hard it here first!!
I'm always a week late to these things but why not join in anyway?
Platina Resources Limited (PGM) ASX has dipped and
>there is still good number LONG TERM holders offering. holding up the price.
>Bidders will have to to come up to meet them to get in now
I had a lacrosse stick 4 years ago that was made of a scandium-titanium allow, I think people know about this alloying
yes its been used on a small scale probably test the life of it. Since the focus on fuel efficiency is a big component in transport the more scandium available the more large aluminium makers will offer it in their products.
Platina resources (PGM) asx is in discussions with a potential investor and funder for Owendale,(Platina’s Owendale scandium project is said to be the largest deposit with the highest grade, and hence a potential primary source of the element). negotiations are on investment at both the corporate and project level.
scandium international mining corp
Why was my market order for SCYYF not filled today? Am I missing something?
Check the buy price you set then see what the actual share price is, it could have gone up and be higher than what you set the buy order at?or there is no sellers at your buy price.
Platina Resources (PGM) Owendale Project is located in central New South Wales, approximately 75km NW of Parkes, and 350km W of Sydney. Owendale is also located 12km north of the Fifield Deep Lead, Australia's only historical platinum mine.
PGM Owendale Scandium resources
It was a market order with no price set.
Looking at the price on google, it seems not to have been traded today?
Platina PGM also has gold,palladium projects in GREENLAND
OK check and see if there was not a trading halt, a public holiday.
then see if your order is still on.
Can't see anything about a trading halt, no holidays.
Order is gone (as it was a day order)
I certainly hope so!! thats the bread and butter of small cap miners bro!
Has money gone out from your trading acoount? I could have just not been filled and expired. If money was moved from your account but no shares given to you then Ring your brokerage company see whats happening! I could be a very small volume trading in other words nobodies selling enough for orders to be filled. Otherwise just try again or pick another stock.
Picture gallery of PGM projects.
Pic Skaesgaard core samples
New limited time offer, nearly fresh out, almost too late to invest in. Scamdium!
News about Scandium International Mining (TSX: SCY).
Scandium bicycle frame