Veeky Forumsness Literature

Tell me biz, is this money well spent?

spend it on kneepads instead


Don't have any, but I have a foam roller.
Can I somehow use this instead?


Value investing no longer works.

Do you mean everyone is jumping on the value investing bandwagon which in turn made it a useless tactic? Or is there some other reason?

Do you mean valuing financial assets at their intrinsic value? Are you saying that financial markets are 100% efficient and the market price always reflects their intrinsic value ?

Now is plainly no longer works, fundamentals no longer work.
Steve Eisman he talks about it.
He could easily explain it better than I can.

Value investing died long ago from the "bandwagoning" and that is different than now which is a structural change.

Markets are not efficient either.

I'm willing to believe 90% of the people on this board didn't read it.

yeah read it - not saying it is useless but it is not...

Basically it was written before modeling (1955).

To be fair, it's been getting revised every 5 years. My copy is the latest version.

IT is not even that.

Prior to Tobin things were very subjective.

What do you guys think about these 3? Worth reading these?

There are three books you must read:
Fooled by Randomness - Taleb Nassim
Irrational Exuberance - Robert Shiller
A Random Walk Down Wall Street - Burton Malkiel

Then just learn how to actually trade, the mechanics of it.

You did know you can rent books from the library >for free, right?

The information is all you want, unless you're on Veeky Forums, then you can circle jerk for having a bookshelf full of shit you never read

Yeah, I've been trying to get a couple of books (including this one) from my local library but they never have them available. So, I just said screw it and bought the book for $20.

No, only chapter 8 and 20 are relevant.

Also, it is available for free online.

>current year
>paying for books
it's like you people WANT to be poor.
you don't even need torrent or anything.
fucking google "[author] [title] download"
usually it pops up on the first or second page

Wow, thanks for the insight. Great that you beat the academics to it!

Can we see your research?

Anybody read this?

Got it as a gift from Dad but haven't got around to reading it yet. Any good?

no book is money well spent if you can download it for free.
most of these books are actually shitty waste of ink so i would certainly not buy one before i read it.
i usually get tired of them and skim through because really they write a book for half a page worth of gems that probably didn't even came from their own skull.
it's awfully stupid to pay for physical books that will depreciate faster than a car. also the poor rainforests!

it's what i do since 2000
i had books before is sold them all.

You are one retarded faggot.
Firstly, people might not enjoy having to sit down straight while looking at a computer screen for hours while they go through a book. Especially when the black&white contrast typical of books can be so aggressive to the eye.
Secondly, being worried about depreciation of a £1o object is the very definition of being poor.
Lastly, while I agree that some meme books - Rich Dad, Poor Dad - are a waste of money and time, there some brilliant books that will give you knowledge and motivation to keep on pushing through.
I don't advise turning yourself into a lame Tai Lopez, but I try to buy and read one book a month - it's literally the cost of a couple of pints and you'll end up with a nice library.

>Especially when the black&white contrast typical of books can be so aggressive to the eye.
that's only a problem with shitty pdf-s i read my ebooks on artificial paper background on my phone mostly. your arguments are moot.
>Secondly, being worried about depreciation of a £1o object is the very definition of being poor.
i think the opposite is true if you buy something that you use once and then just sits wasting space and creating fire hazard you are a stupid ass poorfag. and if you don't care about depreciation of what you buy you are doubly so.
a 1000 books will put this into perspective maybe. or 2000 (it's not unimaginable in a home i had a lot when i was a kid).
>there some brilliant books that will give you knowledge and motivation to keep on pushing through
like which? i have yet to be recommended any here.
>it's literally the cost of a couple of pints and you'll end up with a nice library.
books cost less and you can take your library with you anywhere stay mad poorfag!

*ebooks cost less

>reading 500 pages book on a cell phone.
You must have quite the posture, Notre Dame hunchback.
>you buy books therefore you are a poorfag
Your logic is flawless, user.
Try "How to make money in stocks" by Bill o'Neil (4th edition which comes with literally 100 charts and respective comments); Market Wizards, More money than god, Trade like a stock market wizard by Minervini. If you learned nothing from these books nor gained any motivation then you are in all likelihood a dumb nigger.

>You must have quite the posture, Notre Dame hunchback.
what? it's not a problem really, i usually read when i have to wait in the car or for an appointment. having a couple of hundred books on my phone is extremely convenient. whenever i travel away from my computer i have something to pass the time with in my pocket.

will check out those books tho. if i can download them that is.