Who are the descendants of the Ancient Greeks?

Who are the descendants of the Ancient Greeks?

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Modern Greeks

Modern Greeks and western Anatolians.

Modern day Greeks and southern Italians.

>western Anatolians

Modern Greeks

GIDF is out in full force.

>T.butthurt Nordic

They all up and went to Scandinavia in one large mass (nobody was left behind) and then went back down to form Germany. This is backed up by serious scientific research like my neighbor Sven comparing his jawline to that of an Ancient Greek statue.

19th century Germans were clearly the spiritual heirs and the last to bear the torch of Hellenism, seeing as the likes of Goethe, Nietzsche and Hölderlin were praising the blessed gods while the Greeks were immersed in Abrahamic darkness.


Oh no you didn't.

Hellenism died in late antiquity, deal with it.

Mediterranean people

Southen Italians, Greeks, Northern and Western Turks.
Turks are basically ethnically greeks and armenians who were turkified

I can't deal, I mourn everyday.

I wonder who was behind this, something something ban philosophical schools.

The descendant of every ancient civilized people
white people were just uhh...somewhere else, idk

They're Hittites and Greeks and the like.
Dacians, Thracians, Illyrians, Greeks, Anatolians were all likely related in the same way Germans, Norweigan, Dutch etc etc are

other way around actually, there was a migration from northern europe to ancient greece in the bronze age

I know there was one from Central Europe with the Dorians.

The Turks

muh equality liberalism democracy?
>genetically, modern greeks

the important stuff?
>spiritually, the USA. global western domination is so complete at this point that without a historical sense you can't even recognise that fact.

Its a hypothesis, the material culture of the nordic bronze age is pretty similar to the greek bronze age and the illiad describes places and weather that match the baltic. And the characters are described as wearing northern european clothing like heavy cloaks secured with brooches

Minoan haplogroups are northern european:


Athens was depopulated into a town of 300 people, they all moved to where the work was like Istanbul and greek colonies like Crimea

Linear A and Linear B are so drastically divergent coupled with multiple minoan destroyed buildings over time its little doubt they were invaded, I just always thought it was from the east

i mean its universally accepted it came from greek mainland


greek islanders, some greek mainlanders and some western turks

Modern Jews.

Modern Greeks

Whoever thinks otherwise is a dumb butthurt kraut or a turk


No one. Ancient Greeks died out.

the turks

how about you prove it dipshit?
how did they "die out"?

Modern Greeks

>ITT: Most people stating the obvious
And I was just about to leave this crappy board
Thanks for making me stick around

This post gave me terminal cancer.

They were always Hellenized Turco-Albanians.

Bit of a stretch, the Illiad also describes places and weather matching northwestern Anatolia, not to mention Hittite like practices on part of the Trojans

Norwegians, Lithuanians, novgorodians/muscovites are the closest living peoples

There is a strong Nordic element in modern Greece. Don't be fooled, I saw many blond children and many swarthy men with blue eyes. Many, many swarthy men with blue eyes. And most young women were elegant and fair-skinned.

t. Somone who just got back from Greece and who paid close attention while there

modern Greeks obviously


>Blue eyes and fair skin are "Nordic"

Why are this kind of threads so common here?

It's litterally /pol/ tier stupidity, kill yourself.

i think he was implying that they the greeks were so gay they didn't reproduce enough to perpetuate themselves

>Oriental cockroach
We're talking about Turks, not Chinks. Get your roach species right.

Here I found a group that might be more your speed

Albanians and Austrians
Half of hungarians

Can you find me one?

western civilization or any society that uses ancient/classical greek values, innovations, philosophy/science, math and discoveries as their foundations.

kind of corny but arguable.

who would for example argue that they are the rightful heirs and no one else to domestication of plants and animals?



Habsburghs allowed greeks in after they bought the title of the Byzantine empire and they mixed. Southern austria at the time was a wierd race mix of slavs, austrians, and hungarians.

The true hier to Byzantium was austria-hungary

t. Austrian with a Germanized Hellenic last name

Blue eye's aren't exclusively nordic its also a mediterranean trait. Mediterranean skin is olive but it can be fair or swarthy

It wasn't just that, it was also the jawline and the straight and pointy nose.

>Implying people like spartans weren't foreigners to begin with

About 75% of Greeks have dark eyes. The remaining 25% are split between light and medium colors.

For hair it's closer to 60% dark and 20% light / 20% medium.

modern greeks

non-ancient greeks

But if they're not the original Turks, then who turkified them?

>the true heir to Byzantium
To Rome you mean. They managed to essentially merge the Western and Eastern claims together.

mongols from the east interbred with anatolians -> ottomans / turks

You, gentle reader.

Stop playing Rome total war


Modern Greeks, Italians and North Africans.

The Nordid phenotype is the Mediterranid phenotype depigmented.


The Pashtun

History and HUMANITY


western turks and modern greeks


Whities killed off all the original greeks n romans. You see the first romans was ruled by kings who was black. Tarquinius superbus the last black king of rome was overthrown by the whiteys who ruled rome for a couple of centuries. Until sulla the great black general overthrew the whiteys and exterminated them in the social war. Now blacks was running rome again and a whitey wasnt seen in the region again until it was sacked by alaric and the whiteys eventually killed or sent the black romans to africa. Julius caesar was black.


No kill yourself slav

Greeks and Turks from Asia Minor.
inb4 Greeks are turkified: no, it's Turks who were assimilated by Greeks. Turkic people are supposed to look Asian like pic related.

pretty much

a bit Kebab'd but still Greek

I'm half Sicilian. Can I claim ancient Greek heritage?

Homer refers to the 'blonde' Achilles, and blue eyes aren't really a genetic factor that should be taken into account when talking about ethnology due to the fact that it's a recessive trait.

Ancient Greeks actually identified themselves as such (after a certain point) and Spartans were Dorians, one of the ethnic groups that made up Hellenes so no, they are practically not foreigners.

Modern Greeks aren't 100% direct descendants, they have been mixed with Italians, Slavs, Turks etc. but the highest concentration of "ancient Greek DNA" would be found in Modern Greece making them the most eligible candidate for op's question.

We wuz greek n' shiiet

Probably. You can probably also claim Arabian, Norman and Roman heritage.

>blue eyes aren't really a genetic factor that should be taken into account when talking about ethnology due to the fact that it's a recessive trait.

finland is like at least 90% blue eyed

Just because a population displays a a lot of a certain feature doesn't mean it's a dominant trait.

Are they actually Hellenic or truly just Slavs with a weird complex? No meme responses please.

Yes and no, the vast majority of macedone was enslaved and displaced by the romans after the macedonian-roman war and the land was settled with roman soldiers who were given farmland.

Then bulgarians and vlachs who basically invaded peleponessos and northern greece. Greeks are so hopelessly mutted up it's hard to say.

not that much really, even south slavs still hold mostly native balkan genetic heritage.
Native populations usually stay same with invaders forcing their own cultures, just look at turkey

>greece disappears in antiquity
>greece appears 19 century
>it's the same people

yeah, doesn't work like that.

you have to have a continuous ethnic identity preserved through the whole period, which you don't


They only ever made up the elite class and didn't really make a dent into the Island's genetics. I'd say Sicilians are mostly the original Italic peoples plus Greek and some Phoenician.

>ethnicity is defined by the polity in power

Greeks lived around the Aegean sea from antiquity until now

>Greeks lived around the Aegean sea from antiquity until now

>greece disappears in antiquity

What date did Greece "disappear" exactly?

3 generations after romans conquered it

they had no national identity, after the city states fell apart it was over

all that remained was people speaking greek, and as you know language != national identity

They thought themselves Roman yeah, and I would agree that Modern Greece is culturally divorced from ancient Greece, just as Italy is with Rome, but when most people ask this question they're talking about genetics. Unless you're going to whip out the epic turk maymays Greece has not changed very much at all in terms of ethnicity.

sweet rebuttal bub

True greeks were nordic, read madison grant and arthur kemp.

>Turks are basically ethnically greeks and armenians who were turkified
t.Stelio Kontos


the area south of thessaly probably didn't change much in terms of genetics

but everything else is a genetic mishmash

Except that Bulgaria, FYROM, Albania and Greece all seem to retain ancient (pre-Slavic) genetics for the most part.

Just because Greek national identity changed doesn't mean that Greeks ceased to exist. Comparatively few Romans moved to Greece, and Greeks became prominent Roman citizens quickly after the were integrated into the Republic.

Whats more, Greece (or the Greek people) have never had a unified national identity until they became part of Rome and eventually identified as Roman.

Every region with Greeks had a different approach to identity politics and they diverged considerably over time from one another until the 2nd century BC.

Technically Turks are closer to Armenians and Syrians than Greeks except for the the west.

But since all the languages and cultures native to Anatolia were replaced by Greek and Armenian for over 1000 years, yes, modern Turks are historically just Turkified Greeks and Armenians.

The Phoenicians are similar to Arabs since they originate from the Levent.

>Just because Greek national identity changed doesn't mean that Greeks ceased to exist.
That's EXACTLY what it means.

Or are you telling me thracians still exist?
Afaik Bulgarians don't consider themselves both Thracian AND Bulgarian. If Bulgarians changed the name of the country to Thrace it would be complete and utter bullshit. Ethnic identity isn't determined by genetics.

This argument is pointless because Greece will never rename itself to Roman republic, which I'd be a fan of honestly.