Jesus, user, I usually wouldn't even do a second interview. In 2 interviews, I asked for the job outright and said I would consider a callback a 'no'.
I honestly think he may have been testing you.
Maybe he wanted to see what you're made of - if you recover or close him - if not, sounds like a dick
It's not unusual for the first guy/interview to be a 'filter', but you're talking to the decision maker.
They don't always respect aggression or assertiveness, but they respect proactive decision makers
You're not giving the impression you have options, which makes your position seem weak.
I would go all or nothing at this point. Sometimes I go for Job interviews just to stay sharp and have fun with it. Shit is so cash, you can say some movie bullshit from Boiler Room etc
Show up tomorrow, before they open. (Maybe offer/bring HIM a coffee?)
Say 'Hi, (name), it's okay, this coffees for you - do you have a minute?'
(everyone has a minute, it's almost rhetorical)
'(name), I've given you time on this, but I really need an answer - I've had a job offer but ideally, I want to work here. Besides, (name) would you want me to keep walking away from a prospect so easily, or (pause) follow up and close?'
Y - 'well, (name), I guess my sales style is a little more aggresive than yours, but I can do soft selling if that's what you need. When can I start? Is today or tomorrow best for you?'
N - 'Good, (name) sounds like I'm a good fit for what you need. I can do what you want. Is it better for you if I start today or next week?'
Key points -
1) ABC - Always Be Closing.
You have had 5 interviews. Stop dicking around.
2) Don't walk out until he tells you to fuck off (literally) or gives you a job.
3) use 'you, you're, your' rather than 'I, me, my' -
4) use 'want' and 'need' a lot.
5) make him commit clearly - 'get out' or 'you're hired', no more fence-sitting
6) watch a clip of Jordan Belfort on YouTube, anything about tonality