is 80s effay?
Is 80s effay?
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can't spell eighty without ghey
kek. boy george agrees.
I was born in 1990 but I have always loved 80's fashion. Probably cause my older siblings wore a lot of 80's style clothes when I was growing up and I thought they were cool.
tfw you can't buy Alf apparel anymore
$2 you came out of twitter recently
Stranger Things came out last year. Hence it's millennial fashion
You dumbass
Some of the clothes were but the hair definitely wasn't.
There was a brief sweet spot in the late 70s/early 80s, between the decline of disco and the rise of synth pop where things were pretty good, imo.
only a minimalist cuck would say this
80s inspo?
Found the butthurt virgin.
1976 to 1984 was the Golden Age of The Chad
looks wimpy and inoffensive, these are the real chads
nice bulge
>posts movie set in 1976 to counter the argument that the Golden Age of Chads started in 1976
Top notch work, user.
The fitting and quality of the material (before America outsourced and went cheaper), along with the cinematography is what makes them look good. Plenty of the trends were trash though. Don't let false nostalgia cloud your judgement.
the styles are obviously different
I agree but these guys look just look like average folk. Not even one hairy chest.
joe has a big bulge
Makes me wonder what trends from the 00-10s will be looked back on nostalgically and which will be laughed at.
why wont my jeans ever fit me this well
Disco fashion is top notch
streetwear, slp, rick owens, comfycore, slackercore, art hoes and the male equivalent, undercuts, chelsea boots, longline, tapered jeans, exposed ankles, anything kanye wears, bomber jackets, overcoats with casual anything, 90s revival core, mac demarco, normcore, japanese baggycore, minimalism, off white, anything from h&m or uniqlo, supreme, graphic tees with anime or line art or geometric art or brands, also anything that fa likes
>exposed ankles
>skinny jeans
>anything kanye wears
Please don't be fo real
might as well just bomb around the place naked
kanye stuff will def come back considering how bad it was
those will all be laughed at within 1-3 years as super cringe and unfashionable by even those of you who are late adopters and laggards who haven't already moved on to the new aesthetic Veeky Forums hasn't caught onto yet
>in b4 you ask
>in b4 some jealous laggard says something passive aggressive about trends
It was very much a masculine era in fashion. Pants sat at the waist, and had a slight taper, and suits had shoulder pads, leading to a very heroic look. Not to mention, most people were not fat like they are today.
True. Amazing how most people, even in street photographs, looked lean. I think the hairy-everything and feathered hair look also added to the manlier vibe.
Anybody know where I can cop som large-collared disco shirts from the 70s? Not a costume (and not above L size fucking american websites)
Oldfag here. Old enough to remember the 80s. Cultural wasteland. Deserves an ignominious death, like Reagan.
Because you're not an actor with an on-site tailor whose job it is to make your clothes just perfect for the shot.
it's pretty obvious those jeans weren't altered in any capacity
How many people didn't realize Fox was a Manlet until years after the movie?
It's the tailor's job to make it look that way.
the fit of that particular pair was just the trend at the time, no alteration necessary. even from just looking at them, there aren't any unnatural breaks in the wash at the seams that you would get if they were actually tailored
Kys fucking hippie
eBay vintage, check your size from time to time and look for deadstock. Sometimes you can get lucky.
Do you know any British/American name for these men's large-collared 70s/80s disco shirts? Because typing "large-collared shirts" only gives me women's or costumes'
just search for 70s shirts, the majority will have large collars
I know this brand called "arrow", they have been around for a long time so that may work. Or search for "sears", "montgomery wards", "jc penney", with the combination "70s" and/or "butterfly collar"
There is this site as well, situated in Germany though and quality is unknown.
Thanks. ordering from Europe is a safer choice. Can't trust the americans for accurate sizes that will size my skelly frame
>implying there was ever anything minimal about 70s/80s fashion
If you are getting a jacket or something you like it might be worth it to take it to a tailor. Also vintage sizing is a bit smaller.
Check out atomretro as well, they are more aimed at the mod look though.
that was the closest they got
there's almost nothing interesting about that in between period
None, because his short stature was a running theme with his multiple encounters with the much taller Biff throughout the trilogy.
>there's almost nothing interesting about that in between period
Yes, there is, are you blind? The 1976-1984 period was pretty rich. Jeans weren't as flared as they were pre-1976 but nor as tight or baggy as post-1984. Plenty of good things
So around 1980 then? Pretty interesting period because I noticed some clothing of that era is quite fitted and classic. After that things started to go oversized and shouldery.
>tfw you can't buy Alf apparel anymore
I fuck with it
me on the right
Just finished season 2 of stranger things, w2c 80s slim fitting, high waisted, blue Jeans? Or does Levi's have jeans that would fit that aesthetic? They all look like shit in the pictures on the site.
*Takes out chain link wallet*
levis 501 are what i think most of the characters are wearing. wrangler cowboy cut slim are also good for that aesthetic.
Any similair jackets as the one the girl is wearing?
I've tried 501s and they are far too wide overall and not high waisted unfortunately
I feel like the costume department for That 70s Show wrecked the market for vintage clothes on the West Coast considering that in 7 seasons no character ever repeated an outfit.
Sort of like how Dukes of Hazzard decimated Dodge Chargers.
When the fuck are high waisted jeans gonna come back into style? Low rise looks like such shit and is so much more uncomfortable.
steve definitely wears 501s at various points, you can see the branding in some of the fight scenes. pretty sure billy also wears levis. but they look like 505s.
interesting hypothesis, it would make sense. they must have had an enormous wardrobe budget.
I've been rewatching the show and I seriously don't think any character repeated an outfit besides Leo, because Leo only had one outfit. The wardrobe designer must have sent hordes of PAs out to pick thrift stores clean.
Even Mad Men repeated outfits.
No rush, I'll be dying soon anyway.
Could I wear a Members Only jacket today without being laughed at?
No, but that has nothing to do with the jacket.
those are definitely Levi's and I wouldn't be surprised, if they are 501s, but the modern 501 don't fit like that at all, I've tried some on a couple of weeks ago and they all fit like shit. But I'll have a look at 505s. Are there other brands that sell Jeans that are cut like these on the show? Otherwise I'll have to go thrifting or alter them.
511s are high waisted too right? If you're looking for a more tapered fit. I could be wrong. I only own 501s and it may well be that you're just used to a more tapered fit and don't really know how they look
I just checked the website. 501 has an 11.25 inch (mid) rise, 505 has an 11 inch (mid) rise, 511 has a 10 inch (low) rise.
511s are absolutely not high waisted lol
i don't think any model that's come out in the last 10-20 years would qualify
based in the 80s though.
trying to find a fit like the left, darker jeans
any advice lads?
desu those look low waisted to me
you're probably going to have to buy women's jeans if you want them high waisted and that tight
10 in isnt low rise
>is 80s effay?
Lucas is.
quit acting like your organically came to this conclusion and aren't just parroting literally everyone else on this board. High waisted jeans have been back in style for at least a year now
>High waisted jeans have been back in style for at least a year now
you'd never know, judging by our waywts
No one was pay attention to that shit except you, 5'10 nevergonnabetallenough faggit
this more than anything else. Why isn't the dad at your local cornerbar in suburbia considered effay
is that joe rogan
If you own yourself then you can look good whenever you want. Like this man.
Well then how about showing me where I can buy them (that isn't some $500 designer shit)? Because every where I look, all I see is low rise.
too tall
80's skate and bmx culture had some nice casual fits.
Who loves short shorts?
>tfw bought a vintage member's only jacket really cheap to wear to an 80s party about 5 years ago
>never got rid of it
>they came back into fashion
Feels good.
Lol thats me. Wrangler cowboy slim fit
There was a mod/new wave revival that was popular with some of the mexican kids over here. A bunch of them were wearing member's only jackets, and then donated them when it wasn't cool anymore.
Found a bunch while thrifting in a lot of colors.
looks ok to me. I did it a couple years ago when there was some 80s revival.
is this model fucking 8 feet tall?
I bought a pair of the slimmest fit possible in blue, and they are baggy as fuck even after washing and drying them numerous times. I'm 6 ft.
what do you mean by baggy? i'm basically the same height and mine more or less look like the pic. they're especially tight in the seat.
I've heard the denim's too heavy, the pockets are too small, and they're too baggy around the ankles. Can anyone confirm or deny?
Not anymore, plebs are bringing this back too hard, it's casual now.
Time to abort.
They aren't. They look like utter shit on the majority of people. There's a great middle ground between jeans that come up to your ball sack and jeans that are go up to belly button.
what is the meme with them?
literally havent heard of or really seen this but it looks decent to me
the brand name itself is edgy but its not like you can read/recognize the font from 50ft away