ITT: based quotes.
ITT: based quotes
This one always gives me a giggle.
>Long live death.
>that world is growing this minute
Aaaand it's over, hope you enjoyed
Reactionary goober pls go.
>socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality
>said decades before the October Revolution
Someone really should have seen that coming.
This is such a shit quote though
>if socialism was free then it would be free
Wow who would've guessed
fun things are fun~
>Not free
Private property is the exact opposite of freedom.
Bakunin would be considered a reactionnary by your standards. But you wouldn't know that, you've only read his Wikipedia page.
Since apparantly you can read minds what standards are those?
>implying the rise of abusive capitalism is the fault of private property rather than of centralization
>still supports centralization
Commies need to get their shit together
>be marx
>get fanny flustered and create my own international
>it fails
>years later gulags
loving every laugh
>muh presentism
He's a reactionary by today's standards, but not by those of his own day.
>Implying centralization is not a natural result of of further concentration of wealth into the hands of a few and with advancing society the bourgeoisie needing an equally advanced state to administer it.
>Implying private property is not an inherently centralized form of economic control
>Implying I support centralization.
>"Ancient Greece is neither Ancient, nor Greece."
really makes you think
>supports centralization
fucking christ
>the United States of America are neither United, American, or States
>Chile is actually pretty warm.
>"The Second World War is neither Second, nor a World, nor a War."
mind = blown
>The State of Rhode Island is neither a state, a road, nor an island.
>The USSR is neither a Union, a Soviet, or a Socialist Republic
only one that made me laugh
>a black hole is neither black, a hole, nor whole
This one's actually totally correct.
>the four pests campaign is neither four, nor a pest, nor a campaign
>"Whats the deal with the Holy Roman Empire? It's neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire! I mean c'mon!"
>Let's just shit on Voltaire's life - The Thread
Lets keep going with the quotes instead of the
Pic related, is says
>My suffering and my pity, what is to them? Do I seek happiness? I seek my opus!
> The United Kingdom is neither United, nor a Kingdom
Voltaire was a smug dick he deserves it.
>"War is inevitable, and this time, it will be truly world wide. It will unravel everywhere and there will be no limit to its battlefields. The condemnations of Nuremberg will be one of the main reasons, which will cause this war to be a conflict whose horror will be unparalleled. These condemnations gave birth, in fact, to a new conception which makes the victor a hero and the vanquished an odious criminal. By this fact, each leader will wage war like a demon in order not to be the loser and become, consequently, a criminal. All the atrocities that can be imagined by man, will be committed during this next war, in order to prevent the enemy from acquiring victory.
>What I have just said, I have repeated to the American representatives and I have warned them that all of the mothers of the entire world will one day curse America..." -Otto Skorzeny to Le Monde
>"A witty saying proves nothing"
>spends his whole life making witty sayings and being a smug little shit about it
I hate Voltaire, but as a long-time internet prankster I admire him as a pioneer of trolling
I mean, well.... yeah.
and right he was
Pls dont try to Veeky Forums
You suck at it
>blowing Marx and his cronies literally 23 centuries before his birth
How did he do it bros?
By being retarded.
"My home policy: I wage war. My foreign policy: I wage war. I wage war everywhere, all the time."
"War is a series of catastrophes that results in a victory."
"His poor marksmanship must be taken into account. We have just won the most terrible war in history, yet here is a Frenchman who misses his target 6 out of 7 times at point-blank range. Of course, this fellow must be punished for the careless use of a dangerous weapon and for poor marksmanship. I suggest that he be locked up for eight years, with intensive training in a shooting gallery."
(Arguing against seeking the death penalty for the anarchist who had attempted to assassinate him on 19 February 1919, shooting at him seven times and hitting him only once in the chest)
"War is too important a matter to be left to the military."
"A young man who isn't a socialist hasn't got a heart; an old man who is a socialist hasn't got a head."
"America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to degeneration without the usual interval of civilization."
"The Germans may take Paris, but that will not prevent me from going on with the war. We will fight on the Loire, we will fight on the Garronne, we will fight even in the Pyrenees. And if at last we are driven off the Pyrenees, we will continue the war at sea." (1917)
"Americans have no capacity for abstract thought, and make bad coffee. "
"To rule, there must be an impair number of leaders and 3 is already too much."
t. Georges Clemenceau, absolute madman, Savior of France
>The Germans may take Paris, but that will not prevent me from going on with the war. We will fight on the Loire, we will fight on the Garronne, we will fight even in the Pyrenees. And if at last we are driven off the Pyrenees, we will continue the war at sea.
>"His poor marksmanship must be taken into account. We have just won the most terrible war in history, yet here is a Frenchman who misses his target 6 out of 7 times at point-blank range. Of course, this fellow must be punished for the careless use of a dangerous weapon and for poor marksmanship. I suggest that he be locked up for eight years, with intensive training in a shooting gallery."
>(Arguing against seeking the death penalty for the anarchist who had attempted to assassinate him on 19 February 1919, shooting at him seven times and hitting him only once in the chest)
"Churchill then said the French should consider "guerrilla warfare". Pétain then replied that it would mean the destruction of the country. Churchill then said the French should defend Paris and repeated Clemenceau's words "I will fight in front of Paris, in Paris, and behind Paris". To this, Churchill subsequently reported, Pétain replied quietly and with dignity that he had in those days a strategic reserve of sixty divisions; now, there was none."
"Petain never worked a day in his life, didn't have a family, and as for its fatherland, he sold it to the Boche."
De Gaulle
What is it with the French and verbal reckage?
socialism and liberty are incompatible
democracy and liberty are also incompatible
“I obviously invented Solipsism”
Patton was assassinated by the American government btw
25 year rule.
>muh asiatic russians
Clemenceau was a beautiful bastard.
"English is nothing more than badly spoken french".
Who else /distributist/ here?
Christianity in a sentence
Government, not capitalism, allowed this to happen. It's government that has to be cut down, not capitalism.
Just take a look at all the murder, extortion and thuggery that was employed by communist regimes.
The common factor is big government.
Puinlus btfo
Lel fuck the kikes
Holocaust is irrelevant
t. fag who never even smelled the gunpowder
Mi negro.
>we used to be kings and queens
For real though, this kind of thing is stupid as fuck.
>me=my ancestors from hundreds of years ago :^)
>i am proud of something somebody from my country did 100 years ago :^)
-De Gaulle
History made me racist
Google Sati or window burning
Then you're a moron.
Meh/10. The United States are, according to jurisprudence, permanently bound in an unbreakable union. They are States, which cede their ultimate sovereignty to the federal republic so that such a large swath of territory can be reasonably governed. And they are American, as all save Hawaii are geographically located in the Americas.
So edddggyy
shit just happened 2 day