When & why did people start viewing this as a metaphor?
When & why did people start viewing this as a metaphor?
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the Word of God is not a metaphor. why do you people still buy into NASA's lies that the world is round?
That view of the cosmos is still perfectly valid if you think of the "world" as being this entire level of reality. The ancient Jews, like the ancient Norse, viewed their 'world' as being their own concrete land because their imaginations didn't extend further. They were right about the categories, they just got the scope and scale of those categories wrong.
>he thinks the world is flat
Clearly OP's image indicates it IS round, it's just that the land is flat. When will flatearthers give it up and admit we're surrounded by firmamental waters?
flat earthers only believe that the earth is flat. most believe in the firmament like in OP's pic but they don't generally believe on the waters outside the firmament as far as i know
A metaphor for what?
Is that just a word people use for admitting the Bible isn't right without admitting that it's wrong?
*in the waters
Well, most denominations of Christianity believe the bible cant be wrong, so if it appears to be wrong it just means they are interpreting it incorrectly.
Exactly metaphor for fucking what? What is this deep lesson we're supposed to get from a wrong model of the universe and why wouldn't we get if God had used an accurate model of the universe (or at least the solar system) instead?
>but they don't generally believe on the waters outside the firmament as far as i know
Why would they stop there after all the stupid shit they're believing?
>"Ancient Hebrew Conception of the Universe"
Yet another flagrant instance of how Jews both, attempt to legitimize themselves by giving themselves an aura of having been a "primigenius world-culture" by referring to themselves as "Hebrews", and of how they parasitically appropriate ideas, institutions, and technology, from other nations.
That cosmic model is not Jewish.
Well, it was kinda established that the earth was round among those in the know since the 3rd century after Christ; the Church would've accepted the ancient Hebrew conception of the universe as a metaphor during the vast majority of it's history.
The ancient greeks had already postulated it, tho.
>The one thing to notice is that the dialogue between science and religion has gone this way: It has been one of relentless and one-directional erosion of religious authority.
>I would challenge anyone here to think of a question upon which we once had a scientific answer, however inadequate, but for which now the best answer is a religious one. Now, you can think of an uncountable number of questions that run the other way: Where we once had a religious answer and now the authority of religion has been battered and nullified by science and by moral progress and secular progress generally. And I think that’s not an accident.
From what I have seen there are 2 types of modern unironic flat-earthers:
-those who believe in a Domed Flat Earth with a firmament above and are often Christian Creationists who base themselves on the Bible, and the book of Enoch.Some believe outer space is water. Round Earth is a conspiracy like evolution.
It's ironic since for most of its existence the Christian world has maintained the world is round. It would mean almost all Christian scholars were part of the conspiracy.
-those who believe in an Infinite Flat Plane with Earth being some sort of puddle with warm water and atmosphere on an infinite rock plane covered in ice. Supposedly other inhabited puddle-worlds exist scattered across on the plane.
This would actually make an excellent sword & sorcery fantasy setting.
Both these groups often deny most or all space travel, the existence of the Moon, gravity and most of Western Science for the last 500 years.
What bothers me, thought, is why all this became so popular and exploded on the internet in the last 3-4 years, out of nowhere.
>What bothers me, thought, is why all this became so popular and exploded on the internet in the last 3-4 years, out of nowhere.
You might think I am kidding but it was literally eight chan /pol/ shitposting about it all over the internet.
Ben Stiller is a dope thinker.
Really? I was starting to believe it was the "elites" or whatever spreading crazy conspiracies theories to make the more plausible ones look bad.
If it was just a shitposting campaign that some believed and eventually made it into genuine movement, then, damn that's fucking hilarious.
>"god lives in the sky so if i go on a really tall mountain that touches the sky i can meet him :^)"
- pre-scientific camel-fuckers and 50% of Veeky Forums posters
>I would challenge anyone here to think of a question upon which we once had a scientific answer, however inadequate, but for which now the best answer is a religious one.
Meme magic
When science proved it wrong but they were still religious.
I genuinely find it really interesting though.
>if you think of the "world" as being this entire level of reality
i.e. a metaphor, you stupid faggot
When they realize one interpretation isn't correct, they interpret it a different way. Like you would any literature. You aren't "proving Christians wrong" just because we don't interpret a text the way you want us to. You're asking us to be intellectually dishonest just because you want us to provide you with your own softball arguments
So how do you interpret it?
Well for one, nobody ever interpreted Sheol as being an actual place under the earth. That's an obtuse interpretation of the poetry in the bible.
proof of what? that people use figurative imagery in poetry?
It's clear the phrase sheol is used primarily in a poetic context.
>But you arebrought down to Sheol, to the far reaches of the pit.
>Will it go down to the bars of Sheol? Shall we descend together into the dust?”
What did he mean by this? What's dust supposed to be a metaphor for? Soil? Land? Earth?
Isaiah and Job are poetry, fool.
Yes Sheol is equated with darkness, nothingness, holes in the ground. This isn't rocket science you nit picker.