Criticism welcome.
Criticism welcome.
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>I'm going to buy this stock because I don't think it will ever be worth what I'm paying for it
If you don't believe you'll earn enough to pay off the debt, you may want to rethink the degree program you're investing in
why is that a period and not a comma?
we went to school for thirty dollars and fifty cents
>a randomly increasing number with no sources
I just bought the domain and put up the site. I'll be updating with sources later.
But here is your source:
Thank you for point it out though.
Thirty bucks? Just suck one dick
She'll never be able to afford a house or even a modestly priced vehicle either then. Why the fuck did she go to school?
>I borrowed a bunch if money and now I don't want to lay it back, feel sorry for me
While we're at it, I'd like my truck loan forgiven. Oh, and I'll keep the truck, thanks
I like it. What are you going to do with the site?
>can't pay back 30k
>biggest mantra is student debt sucks and therfore can't buy a house
>houses are usually 150k+
Fuck this cunt right in the cunt
>that face
>30 bux
She'd be lucky to get 5, senpai
mark cuban already own a website who does the same thing
Thank you.
I'll be turning it into a site dedicated to raising awareness and solutions on what you'd be able to do now to decrease the burden.
She will be able to pay it no problem. Just do what this guy did.
Stop paying for 90 days and your loan stops accumulating interest. Wait 20 years and $30.5k will be a very manageable sum.
I say we make it such that if someone wants their student debt forgiven it is done, but they forfeit their degree
Well aware.
Though I'm in the biz of forming a website dedicated to assisting people, lessening their burden, and raising awareness.
Just an FYI this is a project of
>Wait 20 years
Why not just wait forever?
Credit rating
I'd fuck her right in the cunt, if you catch my drift ;)
Gr8 b8 l8y
Then don't spend the money, you dumb slut.
It's a european thing, but then again she uses $ so she's either a hipster or an expat.
>implying 30k is a lot
>mfw i have 45k and have calculated i can pay it back in 3 to 5 years at worst
Maybe you should have thought of that before you decided to major in Unemployment Studies. what kind of loser cant even get a measly 30k together?
.t future alimony payer
I don't get it m9.
To get gangbanged at the frat parties and then marry some guy.
>stop paying
Won't you get into legal trouble
That doesn't matter when you're dead.
30k is fucking nothing, who can't pay back that little over a lifetime? Did she major in underwater basket veawing?
Not for 20 years.
>all these people whining
The principle is that they're doing something they need to do to have a good life (i.e. get a good job) and that society wants/needs them to do (i.e. have specialized skills to fill a role), and they're not happy about being penalized for it so much. If you think that's whining, that's fine, but it's a reasonable thing to take issue with when looked at that way.
the fuck are you talking about
houses around where I am cost a third of that
also have you never heard of interest rates?
feminists are the boogeyman around here, people think if you bring it up it's to bait people into replies (which it usually is, and which it usually does whether intended or not)
You are 100% faggot
Average tuition in a community college 4 year degree is $9k per year so that's the OP cunts entire debt
It evidences she did not participate in any gainful employment for the entire duration.
Even a minimum wage job, 10hrs per week, could offset her final debt by half ($16,000)
Stop being pathetic
It was actually a satire project developed by /g/ and /pol/ in making fun of feminist.
I'm the owner of said domain. As the project has died, wasn't sure what to do with the domain n' decided to make it into a fathers rights movement project. Thought about ridding of it, but I don't want it to land in the wrong hands. Thus I'll be linking different projects together, such as this one, to fsf in an effort to raise awareness to issues in our society.
Hope that clears it up.
> expecting to make six figures with a bullshit degree
the gullible snowflakes won't ever understand that they could be out there making good money doing trades or climbing the corporate ladder at, oh I don't know, any fucking company rather than 1. bitching and 2. hedging everything on a presidential candidate who claims he'll pay for their shit and subsidize their passion for mediocrity
these people are the direct result of never telling your kid 'no' and giving them a fucking trophy just for showing up
life had consequences, so if you expect to have voting privileges at 18, you damn well better be able to suffer the consequences for financial and academic immaturity
You guys are missing the point.
Education prices have been jewed to hell and back, and back to hell, and back.
You don't need even $30k per student to run a womyns study program. But jewniversities will charge 3x that and make students take pay with government grants or private scholarships, slave labour or parent's money, AND student loans combined.
There's new books students have to buy every year even on static subjects like fucking calculus because jewniversities make contracts with book publishers for kickbacks.
Jewniversities have connections with industries and pull strings to prevent hiring people without degrees at all costs.
And the money isn't even going to teachers or better education, it's pissed away in redundant but still useless administration and million dollar football coaches.
The healthcare industry is the only one more despicable.
No one owes her shit. She could have worked summers to pay half that off, but odds are she traveled Europe or some shit banging Frenchmen and "discovering herself." My wife's son has a friend who "studied abroad" on a Caribbean island for 6 months and took out a loan to pay for it. She also financed a brand new car and now is graduated and complains about her student debt. Give me a fucking break. My nephew graduated debt free by working summers and nights, living with his mom, and plowing through school in 4 years flat. No one owes you shit in life. Live accordingly
Oh those poor poor students being forced to go to university, how dare they be taken advantage of
Such a shame that things like community colleges or trade schools dont exist
Why do these always assume it was a bullshit degree? There are lots of good degrees with shit job markets, especially for people fresh out of college. (You could say that makes them also shit degrees, but I mean they're for useful jobs, just not ones with a lot of openings.)
The only people I feel bad for are STEMbros
Anything else is a waste of money, time, and serves no pragmatic purpose that couldn't be done by someone who has trade skills or a STEM degree
Shouldn't have to work summers and nights in order to get a higher education. If the government wasn't handing money out as if it were candy, your nephew wouldn't have had to work nights.
You're simply missing the point of the "guaranteed return" in the eyes of universities. It means there is no need for competition and books costing $200 is completely normal, as it is guaranteed. My college now has spinless books that require binders to be purchased separately. If there was actual competition, that wouldn't be in our reality. Why? Cause' who the fuck wants to buy a spinless book that you have to buy a binder for AND you're still paying $200 for it!
Please do your research senpai, it's a serious issue.
>you shouldnt have to work summers and nights
Yes, you should. Why do you think you are too good to work?
> hurr durr how dare literal children drilled with the idea that universities are the only path to success for 13 years not recognize it as a lie immediately
fucking retard
No you shouldn't. Yes I think I'm to good to work myself to death. I think that I should be able to work a 9 - 5 and live comfortably. And people like you make excuses like "well it is what it is", "should have done x instead of y", and so forth, when in all reality it can be changed. Nothing we do is set in stone, we all just agree on the same thing and go with it. If we all agreed not to work tomorrow, no one will hold us responsible - besides someone else.
> why do you think you are too good to work
good goy, remember you must always be breaking your back or you're worthless.
never question anything.
If we all decided not to work tomorrow, none of us would eat. The power would go out, water would stop running and people would die. Fuck off with your commie tactics. There's nothing wrong with working in the summer to put yourself through college you lazy piece of dogshit
> b-b-but they were told to go to college for 13 whole years!
> implying an 18 year old is legally a child
> Bernie 2016 populist bullshit
18 year olds aren't children, they're adults
Bernie supporters are people who don't like the consequences of their own actions
here's your (you)
Sounds like a plan ...
Taking it a little to seriously senpai. Just sayin' change isnt impossible.
> Lazy piece of dogshit
No senpai, no need to get upset. But I'll have you know I work 40 - 60 hours a week year round and go to college full time. Plus I just made that site, so your point of me being lazy is rather invalid.
And yes I hate every moment of it and wish people like you weren't cucks that just took it in the ass each and everyday while blaming others for their own problems. You are truly the only piece of shet here.
>I work 40 - 60 hours a week year round and go to college full time
Nope. You don't that, but it's nice to know you're getting so BTFO you've resorted to making up ridiculous lies
What the fuck are you even talking about you cum guzzling mouth breathing retard?
How does attacking the obviously rigged and corrupt education system make me a Bernie supporter when leftists made the system what it is you illiterate cuck?
It's just another example of how shitty our education system is that ostensibly grown men can so completely and unwittingly fail to comprehend a basic argument and just resort to stupid memes and name calling because you're too confused to understand it, even though we'd probably agree on what needs to be done.
I pray to God you're just trolling, but I'm hiding this thread because I'm terrified you're not.
>be 18 year old
>Need something/service
>Can't afford
>Find lenders
>Agree to THEIR terms
>Presumably didn't read small print or T&Cs
>Now in debt
>No intention of paying it back
> coping this hard
Pic related baby boomer.
Yea. Then we have to smoke enough weed to forget all the education & skill sets.
Just move to another country. Sure, the debt collectors will harass your family, but hey it's free real estate. A white person with a a Master's Degree (funded entirely by the banks and government) could probably make a pretty comfortable living in Goa or something.
You're right, indoctrination isn't an actual thing.
We should stop complaining about the promotion of degeneracy, interracial couples, dindu nuffins, trannies, etc in every media outlet too because literally everyone is going to be unaffected and it doesn't make a difference.
So youve worked all year 40 - 60 hours a week and have made $7000 net in 5 months?
>22 weeks
>50 hour weeks
>1100 hours worked
> $6.36 an hour
Are you done lying yet? You arent even good at it
> indoctrinated
Funny, I never saw this propaganda, been lectured by the political commissars or been so gullible to believe the slightest thing anyone ever told me
Such a shame we live in a country where people can't be rational, skeptical, and to think independently
but hey, maybe that's just survival of the fittest
Could have just started the job, dumbass.
> smoking weed isn't the education a liberal arts degree provides.
>I work 40 - 60 hours a week year round
...dumbass. You Bernouts are all the same. Bad at numbers and cognitive functions
How about find a job in your career you chose and live with parents or live cheap for a year or two and Pay it back in full. Dumb ass people man.
Uh uh uu I only make 65+k a year now how am I ever supposed to pay 30k back? Waaaaaaaahhh
I'm sure the dude has a paystub generator on his comp just to prove you wrong.
> thinking you're this important
> saying he's lying about working those hours.
> posted a pic
> now you're saying numbers don't add up.
>doesn't factor insurance
>doesn't factor taxes
>doesn't factor IRA
> must be lying
> heh it's just survival of the fittest kid
> Are you done lying yet?
I don't even mind not going to college despite being a STEMfag dropout (couldn't afford), I just wish parents discussed alternatives growing up. I got told by literally everyone in y family growing up to go to college, but when they back stabbed me and made it impossible to go without approximately $100k for my engineering degree, I'm suddenly on my own (oh, but anything that isn't college is a waste and you're disappointing your family.)
> the fedora meme
my understanding of your 'argument' is that due to "brainwashing", the poor children didn't do due diligence for their futures and thus somehow ignored their tab during their college years, and thus shouldn't be held responsible for the balance
got it
You must have at least been smart enough to at least look into doing community college for your gen ed
would have saved you thousands
Gen Ed was free; scholarship.
I've paid off over 40k in debt in the last 24 months without being all that frugal and just dropped 10k on buying a house. Sure I make 70k/yr but even if you made half that, you'd think you could do it in at most 5-10 years. What is wrong with people?
Don't know what to tell you then bro
I did 2 years of CC and make 60K year doing trades
My brother lived at home (thus paying in state tuition), worked full time, and just graduated with his bachelors in mechanical engineering with only $4k worth of debt to his name
no help from parents or relatives
no scholarships
some assitance from FAFSO
hes just as redpilled as me on this subject
> derp
That explains why she wouldn't be able to pay back a measly 30k
it was your $$ you seined for it , why should I care that you blew it on something worthless.
What's your plan for that, senpai? I'm 40k in the hole myself and have been putting 600/month into this. Assuming no raises, return on investments, or anything else I'm on an 8 year path with this shit.
My parents make too much for fafsa but won't be helping with school lol
Its obvious he works a part time job, which was the whole point. He doesnt work 60 hours a week and isnt killing himself to make it through college. Congrats on spending the time to write that whole autism post without taking the time to grasp the point
Also, all those things come out of your net pay. Way to prove you've never had a job
I like it.
>houses are a third of that
Fuck dude, I live in suburb/rural MA and my 850 square foot condo was 139k, everyone congratulates me on getting a steal.
There are limited resources, the Earth is designed for 4 billion, not 7.5 billion. You have to work twice as hard as your grandparents because there are twice as many people and the same (or less) resources available, especially land.
Your competition is working harder than you, that's all there is to it.
Simple fact is, the US can more than afford to pay for higher education for every qualified American. Period.
Instead we (as in the government,) spend our money on crap and waste, especially in the military. Look at the DD(X) project. Was supposed to create the next generation of American naval supremacy, and it will fucking sink in 40 foot seas. Good thing we don't have to worry about the North Atlantic. And, they're running four billion a pop to make, not counting the 30 billion in R&D that went into the thing. The LCS boats, 24 "ships" that can't stand up in 20' seas, none of which are fully operationally capable (since the "mission modules" that go to make them work aren't fully loaded out yet,) at a half-billion each, not counting the 25 billion that went into that project. That's 100 billion, wasted on ships that can't fight their way out of a bag, when we could have saved money and bought another fleet of 3rd flight Burkes instead.
And that's not counting the $2 trillion dollar boondoggle that's the F-35. For that amount, we could wipe out all student loan debt, and give free college to every qualified American through 2020 (or if we weren't going to wipe out the debt, give free college to every qualified American until 2048.)
TL;DR - too many shitty programs having money spent on when higher education and trades schools would be a better return on investment
>I'll take "Salary" for $500, Alex
>"Yeah, I forfeited the paper but here's my transcript proving I got through 4 years of college with a 3.9 GPA."
I think if you could make the picture of the student bigger so people can read what they have to say, and make it change every, let's say, 4 seconds (quick enough to be 'interactive,' slow enough that they can be read) that'd be great.
It'll engage people more if they can see real people, with a real message. What do you think?
>the Earth is designed for 4 billion, not 7.5 billion.
> part time job
> $551 take-home
Man I feel sorry for you not ever working a job in your life. When I was making $10 at my actual retail job, my take home was only $360 a week. That was without a 401k too.
You can read more about reatial pay here:
> being this much of a downy
Your parents should have just gone fishing.
How the fuck can you not pay back 30k?
Any half-decent job requiring a college degree would allow a quick repayment. If you're to make us think that 30k is a debilitating amount of debt, how the fuck do you think people can afford cars and houses?
If you can't pay off 30k with a college degree, that just tells us you're a bottom tier performer.
I don't understand what people do with their fucking money. I graduate in 3 months and Ive worked through uni so that once I graduate I have at least half my student debt saved up, but I ended up saving all of it because I decided to sell my car and buy a shittier one. Its not the system, its the fuckers that don't know how to use it.
Yeah we told OP that and he acted like it was a heinous that crime college students had to work summer jobs to pay for school
It isn't that way here she is just stupid
Summer & nights sweety. Stick to your original story now.
Yes, if you want to graduate debt free that is completely reasonable. There's nothing wrong with some student debt however, seeing as someone essentially bought you a ticket to a good paying job.
If anybody studies any kind of 'art' - you deserve what you got.
Ever wonder where the phrase 'starving artist' comes from? All the old masters were poor and had patrons, none was rich in their lifetime. Fewer authors too. Suck it up and learn to bullshit.
If you study philosophy, politics, economics, etc either became a politician or salesman.
meanwhile, in Veeky Forums and reddit, infographics all over the internets, marketing is still considered a low tier or pleb tier degree.
Marketing and sales drives every company and successful person.
Protip - you will learn more about marketing in 1 year by selling products and services, than any graduate.
While they are playing mathematical games with their debt and job-hunting, you can be tweaking your campaigns, positioning, pricing, etc
Nothing has the potential to earn money like effectively selling a product or service, even if you didn't build it, create it, have a monopoly, have a sales job or permission to sell it.
Nobody will pay you $5k a month, but that is considered peanuts in marketing terms.
The time and mental energy it took these people to write out a few application forms and take pictures of signs could have been spent making a value proposition or business plan.
M8 Ill develop a gay looking BootStrap tier site (So that the SJW's will see the typical BS frame work and think its so awesome and modern before they read the bullshit). If the bantz you plan on putting on the site are funny enough ill do that shit FO FREE NIGGA
Is this bitch retarded? $30,500 is nothing.
If she'll never be able to repay that, how the hell is she ever going to be able to get a mortgage?
Universities dont offer competitive tuition because da evil banks and da government just dole out some high loan to every fuck that walks through the door because defaulting isnt something purveyors of student loans have to worry about. So every dumb titfucker has the capital to buy an overpriced tuition, and universities who would have had trouble getting enough students because of their jewish tuition now dont have to worry about that, because Carlos, Jamal, and Cleatus with 2.2's in high school can pay 15k a semester now for a double major in slutfucking/beerbonging. Then the next semester they raise tuition because the demand is so high, higher loans and interest rates given, and so on and so forth.
Not with that handwriting that's for sure.
However, at $10 a blow job you could pay it back eventually.