What country/civilization treated their slaves the worst?
What country/civilization treated their slaves the worst?
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Ancient Rome
>Most chill masters
Probably the Spaniards
white people
Not a country, not a civilization
Anywhere with chattel slavery that's inheritable was the worst.
Especially if race based.
The modern Western world
Because the slaves are convinced that they're actually free
rolls eyes
Are you baiting? Most Roman slaves were treated quite well, were protected by laws, and a majority became freedmen by the end of their lives. I'd rank Rome as the kindest to their slaves.
>Modern Chinese wage-slavery
You work 18 hours a day making products you will never use yourself because you will never even come close to affording it. If one of your companions throws themselves off the the top of the sweatshop to their death after years of soul-crushing work, poverty and hopelessness, the company will put up nets and fine the next person who tries to do that again.
You're allowed to have kids. One kid. If you can find a wife.
You live under one of the most oppressive, authoritarian regimes on Earth surrounded by secret police, propaganda and people devoid of any sympathy.
This is your life. You cannot change it.
The Middle East/Central Asia.
Because 1) they didn't need slaves for labor actually and 2) they castrated them.
Actually ME and CA is a sick place in general.
White people are civilization.
The only civilization in fact
Sugar plantations were really bad
how so?
What makes a sugar plantation worse than a cotton plantation or a sawmill?
>temperate climate, which could be scorching in the summer
>cane fields were full of animals such as rats and snakes, which could wound and kill, slaves had no protection such as boots
>very hard to harvest, sugar cane takes many powerful hits to go down
>then, it has to be inserted in a huge press, dangerous job
>the liquid is then boiled and distributed in recipients for cooling, very dangerous too
In comparison, much worse than cotton or coffe
Slavery in the middle east was a way to go up in ranks though,like the mamlukes for example and you had the option to buy your freedom.
Jamaica was pretty horrific. Masters would regularly work their slaves to death if food for them started getting too expensive.
Roman slavery could be pretty brutal too, particularly for mining slaves. Roman slaves were also subject to crucifixion and torture that would have been considered sadistic by slave owners a thousand years later.
>Ottoman """"slavery""""
Brazilian sugar plantation was by far the worst in modern history. People remember North American slavery as terrible because of the cultural remnants and surviving descendents. In South America, slaves constantly had to be imported because the mortality rate exceeded the birth rate. Brazil was also the last country to abolish slavery (1880's I believe), and so the practice got more "efficient" with time.
That's towards the late empire when slaves started to gain rights which caused the decline of the practice but before that being a slave in Rome was a hellish existence.
Last country in the Americas. Mauretania had legal slavery until less than a decade ago.
Aztecs were one of the worst. There's a reason everyone and their mother joined Cortez to fight against them.
They were a literal slave army, everything positive about their position came after their coup - at which point its hard to call rulers slaves
>everything positive about their position came after their coup
No. They were considered part of the ruling class for a long while before then, regularly becoming provincial governors in their own right. Even after the Mamluk regime took over Egypt they were still recruited from slaves, and the slave recruits were on a higher social position than the children of those slaves or even free Muslims.
Don't forget the Roman circus
Slaves were thrown into the arena to get killed by beasts and gladiators, sometimes even without weapons
fkn lol
also retardedly wrong
so you'd choose honest torture over comfortable ignorance?
china is a hellhole no doubt but it doesn't hold a candle to other atrocious nations throughout history. Even our worst has come a long way
>What country/civilization treated their slaves the worst?
Arabs. The slaves there left literally no descendants.
>Slavery in the middle east was a way to go up in ranks though,like the mamlukes for example and you had the option to buy your freedom.
You know that Mamelukes were slaves specifically recruited for that purpose? Ordinary slaves would be worked to death without any chance to improve their lot.
They were also Christian children forced to convert to Islam.
Russian salt mines were worse. Worst treatment of slaves was probably the Empire of Russia prior to 1860. After that probably Kingdom of Belgium in the Congo. Imperialists are scum.
Spaniards and Americans.
Generally 'new world' slaves' - latin america and north america during their conquests, subjugations, and importing of blacks to work the plantations.
They were slaves that had to fight for the death for no pay or looting. Every muslim source doesn't speak ill of them just like it be hard finding an american speaking ill of soldiers, but its gross misinterpretation to assume this equates to either having a high social status
Most slave soldiers died virgins with their cut cocks, few married, and coups bringing about the in heritability of their position and mass marriage resulted also in their decline as soldiers
Serfs weren't slaves, their position was much better. Stop this bullshit.
I'm interested. Can you link some material about that?
The Emperor Alexander would disagree with you. 'Serfs' could be bought and sold, families could be, and were, broken up as a result of sales. They had no say in their occupation or pay. they lived and worked where they were told under penalty of 'law'. That is slavery. see also the Emancipation Proclamation of 1860.
This post is correct, but it wasn't only the portugese. The spanish were just as guilty. The carribbean and central/south america accounted for 95% of the atlantic slave trade, mostly for the mortality rate.
The rest of the responses, implying continental north america or romans or anything else was as bad as this, just guessing, just bullshit. You people should probably shut the fuck up.
Serfs weren't bought and sold. Land to which they were bound was sold and bought. But serfs themselves couldn't be moved elsewhere at their lord's pleasure. Serfs weren't property like slaves. Serfs had obligations they couldn't easily shake off, but they were treated as persons by the law.
Serfs were miserable and their situation horrible. But it was different and better that the situation of slaves.
Newspaper ads in major Russian cities circa 1750-1860 call this into doubt. all of them had ads selling men and women as serfs in literally every edition. Never trust a history book that does not list local newspapers as sources.
Fuck the birth rate. The mortality rate exceeded the incoming slave population rate. Whole populations of people were replaced at least once if not more times per year for deaths from insects, disease, mine accidents, murder. There's no point even discussing it. Slaves elsewhere actually lived their lives, had kids. This was a death sentence.
gtfo to /pol/
not him but would you mind posting some? I've always thought Russian serfdom was no different from serfdom in the rest of Europe during the middle ages
different person, but from what I remember, Russian serfdom was not as bad as something like chattel slavery. The issue was that it persisted until Peter The Great, and the conditions on a Russian estate were so much worse than the rest of Europe.
Military slavery =/= regular ass off the market slaves. Which is what I was talking about.
It's true, they had two thirds of all slaves owned in the world. They are the ones that started slave trade in Africa.
And they treated their slaves as shit and also castrated them so they couldn't reproduce
Romanians werent that cruel towards their gypsie slaves.
The gypsie slaves could have own villages and had to do professions that felt meaningful like smithing.
Worst is probably slaves in antique in general. Also american plantationslaves and castrated fieldworkers in northafrica/the sahelzone.
Muslims still treat their slaves like shit
The arabs keep slaves to this day they just dont call them like that.
Salt mines are the most comfy mines.
Nothing toxic easy to dig.
Mining lead was a cruel deathsentence.
Spain, to the silver mines with them.
All black slaves sent to China were castrated as a prerequisite. They never grew into an unwanted minority, and thus 150 years later no one cares. No one attempts to extort them for Gibes or reparations either.
Chinese black slaves literally had no job but for some general/scholar-bureaucrat/merchant to point to the black guys to his guests and say "LOOK AT THIS GUY, ISN'T HE EXOTIC"and do menial tasks once in a while.
It was similar to how Persian Women sold into slavery in the 5 Dynasties 10 Kingdoms Period China had no role but to be exotic and get fucked.
Not to mention slavery in China was pretty short lived, as it was banned multiple times, or even when it was legal, it wasn't needed since there's no end to free laborers even in old China.
b-but muh ballz tho.
They havnt changed much since them.
As a european you can get paid for being a european in china and doing some bullshit secretary tasks/a lecture and then the estate/office owner is admired for having one of those interesting whities at his place.
How is this even a thread.
Belgian Congo. By the end of their rule 1/4 of slaves had been genocided and half of them had been mutilated (most often the removal of both hands). That left a measly quarter of the population to do ALL the work. But they don't get shit for it because it was kinda not really part of the empire and kinda not really a business, so there is no one to really blame :^)
>One kid
opinion discarded, somebody hasn't been following China at all. It was two kids for a whole shitload of circumstances before and now everyone can have two. And working 18 hours a day wouldn't be very productive, miserable, dead inside and exhausted workers don't do good work. Chinese live in tight (maybe too tight) families and communities and as long as you stay inside the lines the state'll make sure that you're covered with everything you could need. Your kids are taken care of, you've got work security.
no more than any other manual labour
most likely no
>most oppressive, authoritarian regimes on earth
not relevant
>playing saying Ancient Rome before Americas
The bias is real.
As long as you weren't a galley slave life was pretty ok.
Also most of the administrators etc were slaves.
wow ok thanks banksy
The americas
Well the local Chinese court servants all had their balls off.
Welcome to Equality, Imperial China style.
Greeks I guess, they didn't have as many slaves as Romans, and most of them were domestic slaves, which is a pretty comfy position.
Spain during the colonization of the Caribbean, sugar plantations and gold mines were deadly.
Probably England or Spain. Belgium gets an honorable mention for sadism and cruelty, but they came kind of late.
Jamaica and Cuba were utter hellholes. I do definitely believe the Black Legend is a thing, but that doesn't mean that the Spaniards didn't do some fucked up shit. Read up on Potosà during the height of the silver boom---Basques and Castillians warring while Andeans were sent to their deaths in droves in the mines. Plus they didn't abolish slavery until quite late in the 19th century.
The British were fairly brutal in their rule of Jamaica and Barbados, so much so that it incited a powerful abolitionist movement that turned them into one of the first world powers to abolish slavery. (Though desu it didn't really matter in Britain's case because they just found other ways to replace the labor they had lost, like by importing Chinese and Indian workers by the droves to the Caribbean, and saw the failure of their liberalism, though it was predicated on false biases in the first place).
Saint-Domingue was pretty fucked too though that was the French.
But you're wrong. They "sold" people as part of land. So you sold "300 souls", but that meant land and people living on it.
People were tied to land. Russian serfdom really wasn't as brutal as people imagine. It was shit obviously, but to compare it to Roman or American slavery is wrong.
For the large part of Roman history, slave was literally a tool that could talk. Master could do whatever he wants with him.
Veeky Forums
Who were more cruel with their slaves in the new world?.
The Belgians didn't have much slaves in Congo
What happened was a quota of rubber production being imposed in local communities, and people who didn't meet their individual quotas were to be executed, and their hands kept as proof.
The consequence of that is that hands could be exchanged be exchanged by rubber. So the Congolese started doing things such as executing their own in order to hand over less rubber to the Belgians, and local wars were fought in order to kill and take hands.
European mercenaries also played a role, first hired to protect Belgian operations and force the Congolese to actually work instead of just killing eachother, many joined on the killing and hand-taking.
It was how the international community figured out what was going on. People started getting suspicious after so many ships left to the Congo full of armaments, to what was supposed to be a humanitarian enterprise.
Is the Islamic State in the business of human slavery?
Brits in Jamaica, I think we established this
Most people killed in the arena were convicts.
Gladiators usually didn't kill each other.
There sports more dangerous than the fights.
He can't, because it isn't true. Arabs have more African admixture than Europeans because they were more likely to mate with their slaves.
Leopold probably skewed the average cruelty of the Dutchmen over any of those other groups.
I heard a group of sex slaves was released the other day, but I'm not sure if goats count as slaves
Unless they got eaten by lions first
How was America worse than Rome or even Egypt?
In my opinion Egypt could be considered the worst civilization to be an slave. Working in the desert all day, picking up big hot stones without rest.
>picking up big hot stones without rest
The guys who built the pyramids were well-payed skilled laborers, not slaves. They had off days, too.
This is the only person who is correct in this entire thread.
Russians with their serfs are the worst. I think the Ottomans handled their slaves pretty well.
Egypt wasn't always a desert. According to historians, ancient egypt was actually quite green.
Oy vey, this is like another shoah. Die you anti-semite. You know not the torment my people had from the Farao.
>le facebook and 9gag philosopher xD
>picking cotton four months a year was worse than having your heart ripped out on top of a pyramid
How dare anyone question this morally just race who brought civilization to the world? Fuck off faggot
>Serfs weren't bought and sold
Ever read Nicolas Gogol
The African warlords throughout all history including today.
Virtually every state in the Arabian peninsula/Persian gulf is. It's the regional norm.
kek no
Belgiums in the Congo Free State? I believe it was pretty terrible there
>the spaniards
>chill masters
The spanish caribbean literally needed to be invaded by the eternal anglo to start using it's cruel style of slavery.
t. Pin Lu
hundreds of thousands of native and African slaves were worked to death in the silver mines of Mexico, Peru, and Argentina.