Buzzfeed edition
>did anything about this video surprise you?
If youre balding, prioritize laser eye surgery over medication or implants
Don't even bother with medication OR implants.
The one med that actually works makes your cock not, and implant have a high failure rate, and the leave infections that'll ooze pus like a fountain.
Just accept it. You're probably over half way done with your life by the time it happens anyway. You should be more concerned with your imminent death.
if all those guys grew out their hair you couldn't even tell they were balding. it's not even that bad. whiney shits.
white men hate shaving their head and end up looking like pedos.
Give me some factual sources other than your ass.
>makes your cock not,
I would rather not have my hairline and not get laid than have my hairline and still not get laid regardless
It gets so tiring shaving your head. I just use a 1 all over.
Don't mind the Dr.Phil look.
Maybe for special occasions or when I want to look younger ill shave my head smooth, but generally I use pic related.
Also, when balding, the most important thing you can do is look masculine. Workout, lift weights, and don't dress like a fag. If you can grow a decent beard then do it.
Because balding and feminine looks like a pedo. If you Veeky Forumsggots cannot look masculine and I know the majority of you can't. Just shave it completely off. Maybe you'll look like an intelligent alien.
Here's a picture of subdermal cysts that occurred after a failed transplant.
Literally pathetic.
Post fit
I would rather have my hairline back and a lotery ticket to get laid with a 50/50 chance of penis malfunction than face rejection at first sight with 0% chance of success with girls because I look disgusting bald
Why is Veeky Forums so obsessed with balding?
Post pics.
Willing to bet you're out of shape, dress like shit, and carry yourself Like a faggot
Because it's one of things our culture and Veeky Forums has convinced us is just the most horrible thing ever.
They all look fine with shaved heads. Confident bald looks way better than faking not-bald.
1 mg every other day nothing else you need to know other than insurance won't cover it
>having a shit immune system
Veeky Forums is secretly aging i think
22+ is becoming more common on the board and it attracts neurotic men naturally
Fuck that shit. Already posted this in another baldie thread but it still applies.
Shave your head and start wearing wigs. Now, you may be thinking "what am I a faggot? I'm not going to wear wigs" but look at it this way. You can have a different hair style, different color, any day of the week. You can try a lot of new things without wasting time going through the process of repeatedly growing it out and cutting it. Not to mention you can't have a bad hair day when you're hair is already formed exactly how you want it to be. I'm going to start doing this soon but nice wigs are expensive and I have other things I'd like to purchase first.
I do 1 mg a day, are there any advantages to every other day?
I'd rather bald naturally than wear a wig
Just accept your inferiority.
You guys cant all be alpha chads.
spironolactone + estradiol
works especially well if you're short
black men hate shaving their head and end up looking like thugs.
hate to bring it to you but he's right. im balding at 26.
Finasteride is the only thing that works. It's besicalt female hormones from what i remmeber, you get hair but to lose the function of your penis. If you don't care about that have at it.
TRansplants can cause ugly infections expecialy the cheap ones. You need to go the expensive route. Also remember that this is only for small balding patches. If you keep balding, you will need to undergo this transplant every few years to cover the new bald patches. Also, if you are genetically destined to have all your top hair fall off, no transplant is gonna save you.
they definitely don't hate it
not true, currently using minoxidil and it works, balding has stopped (though I have to point out that I started using it as soon as I saw the thinning on the temples and top, if you already have bald spots it wont help).
I read about FUE transplants, they seem very effective, also I don't think that if you lose all of your hair on the top it wont work, it just needs more procedures.
If you're not attractive in a very masculine way, and well built, then it's probably worth it to try to conserve your hair. I personally can't be bothered with having to maintain a regiment. My hair has been holding at a NW3 for 7 years now. I do a 1/8 buzz, and I'll probably just do it for the rest of my life. I've shaved it a few time, and it looks good, got compliments, but buzzing is so much easier than shaving every day.
Any surgery can end in an infection, that much is obvious. This does not back up your statement about a "high failure rate".
Fin is not female hormones and it does not make your dick stop working, where the fuck did you take that from.
It is a DHT (di-hydroxytestosterone) blocker.
DHT is a metabolite derived from testosterone and in people with androgenetic alopecia (MPB) it is not processed properly and gathers near hair follicles, killing them off - hence the itchiness and scalp pain associated with hair loss.
There is about a 1/1000 chance of getting temporary side-effects and an even smaller chance of them being long term.
The thing that worries me (and the reason I'm only using nizoral and minoxidil so far) is that the lifetime-scale side effects of fin are largely unknown and it might prove to fuck up your endocrine system in the long term.
Not sure about hair transplants, but the method in development by the Japanese team seems really promising (replicating your own skin cells in vitro and using them as a transplant).
What annoys me the most about these threads is the amount of faggots with 0 knowledge about either pharmacology or human metabolism and their know-it-all doomsayer attitude.
Read a fucking paper you edgy kids
get breast implants while you're at it
what a fucking shocker, the ugly one looks marginally better, the half-ugly one looks a bit better, and the good looking masculine one looks a lot better
I don't think anyone doesn't know that nw500 looks like shit, the actual concern is going bald in the first place. a buzz looks better with a full hairline, a #0 looks the same at any hairline, and past a certain point of balding you can't get any other haircuts, so the comparison isn't balding to shaven, it's balding to with-hair, and you always lose there
Because Veeky Forums is mostly white guys and most white guys go bald and a good enough portion start in their 20s
And the hair folicles falling out anyway doesn't count as a failure?
Follicles not taking, resulting in an infection = failed
Hair continuing to fall out (as it does in 99.9999999999999999999999999% of cases) = STILL FAILED
Just because 0.0000000000000000000000001% of hair transplants are successful does not make it a by-and-large successful process.
Go shill for Bosley somewhere else.
MPB doesn't actually legit kill the hair follicles (trannies can make a full recovery from a NW9001 with estrogen/tranny meds). Only scarring alopecia kills the follicles, but it's a rare autoimmune disease.