What 2 do if your parents are poorfags with poor financial decision-making?
>Keep telling me about the newest MLM and cryptocurrency and all this shit >They keep telling me I should drop my Accounting major and just join Amway because they heard some people are making 6-figures doing it >Keep nagging me about getting a job and moving out and doing chores which further lowers my testosterone via cortisol >Are voting for Bernie because he'll give them free things >Keep telling me liberal things they heard on bernie sanders discussion forums >Keep telling me how capitalism is evil and horrible and that there's a conspiracy to make us poor >Keep telling me how world war 3will start soon and so money will become useless anyway >Can't get a job because of their shit since they keep making retarded rules
Fuck man I know I'm living under their roof but why do they have to be like this? I'm so jeally of financially literate parents.
What do I do? I'm considering just taking what money I have and moving by myself to le big city and starting a new life but I have no real job and no gf.
How do you guys deal with your poorfag family?
Gavin Jenkins
your parents won't change they're baby boomer libtards who can't see how gibsmedat programs are unsustainable
Luis Thomas
Joined air force for 4 years
>tfw 29 and 250k net worth, free bach and master degree, VA mortgage, free VA healthcare, traveled the world.
Asher Scott
I guess I have poorfag parents, but I never saw it as crippling as you do. I'm now about to graduate college so I've been living by myself for almost 4 years now, had jobs on and off, student debt.
Just take their opinion as their opinion and leave it at that. Respect their opinions and values period. Do your own thing you don't have to follow their advice.
Parents are not perfect, they are people like you and I and everyone else. Grow up.
Jaxson Parker
Leave. They'll only bring you down.
Bring smart successful people into your life and listen to them.
Lincoln Martinez
But the boy has a free meal in his testicles.
Dominic Hall
Wyatt Richardson
>just join Amway
A couple of decades too late for that meme
Julian Robinson
They seem pretty intelligent for the most part
Isaac Mitchell
You again OP?
You made the exact same thread a while ago> I was the guy asking whether you have the possibility to move out.