>size 10.5
>cant wear flat soled shoes without looking like a clown
>size 10.5
>cant wear flat soled shoes without looking like a clown
you probably look like a clown even without flat soles
size 12 here, unless you're freakishly disproportionate it shouldn't be a problem lmao.
perhaps all in your head, im 6'4" otherguys i've met my height are like size 14 etc..
im sure you look normal, 10.5 isn't anything irregular.
>pale skin
>kinky frizzy hair
>size 48 waist
>hands squeak awkwardly
>red nose
>always have to dress clowncore because i am a circus clown
Lmao what? Those are literally TINY feet.
Size 10-11.5 is normal size for shoes
Really. 14 checking in. Size 10 would be a blessing
Size 45-46 here that would be almost size 12 in Americans size, nobody ever mentions my feet and im only 180cm (5' 11'') nobody cares
>size 10.5
>complains about big feet
You have no idea what suffering is
t. size 16/17
>size 11.5
>im 5'8"
rip my friend, i'm 6'3 or 6'4 (haven't measures in ages) and the same size, it looks perfect on me.
>size 10
>can wear whatever clunky shoes I want and they look clunky but not oversized
>not so small that it looks disproportionate
Feels good man
size 12
huge cock
omg... im sorry
hey me too except for the huge cock part
You have no reason to complain.
Try size UK 13/US 14. Shits hell.
Given I'm 6ft4 but your feet are literally tiny I'd kill to have that size
I'm a size 16 OP. Get on my level you fucking casual.
5'11 with 10.5-11 here
not even big. are you like 5'1"
Disproportionate manlet detected
same, i can't get fast fashion shoes from h&m and such, but that's hardly a big loss
try 11.5 with 170 height