How manys Veeky Forums users have slight substance abuse issues?
How manys Veeky Forums users have slight substance abuse issues?
Alcohol most days, Adderall 2-3 times a week.
It's not perfect, but don't let anyone fool you that working hard matters. It's about who you deal with and how you deal with them. Being charismatic and on top of your game is pretty much the most important thing.
Amphetamine analogues almost every day for 4 years.
I'm up to smoking at least a bowl almost daily coping with work stress and general anxiety. Could be on worse stuff but it's still not a good thing.
used to smoke weed almost every weekend in HS my senior year. now i just drink on occasion which is rare. If you are going to smoke dont make it obvious and keep it moderate. Also i guess you can find out what other co workers smoke if youd like people to smoke with. Last thing you want though is to go into work one day and be "randomly" drug tested
Alcohol sometimes
How the hell do you be charismatic is my main question. Ever since I was a kid my personality has been too lame and unlikable. It's never really hindered my business, though.
Dexamphetamines and booze.
Did it hard for a year.
Weaned myself off the amphetamines and trying to wean myself off the booze.
Was making mad cash day trading on the stock market whilst on the dex and booze though.
I just recently got fired because of a random drug test, I've been smoking weed almost every single day for the past 12 years. It's going to be tough to quit and find a new job considering it was the only good job in my town and it was telemarketing. Also still haven't got my license back from multiple DUIs. Not sure what to do even do with my life to be honest, going to be 28 in a few weeks and I only have a high school education.
Weed most days. I live in a country where your employer isn't allowed to drug test. I rarely do it outside of a private area and not at all whilst I'm working (if I'm on an away job, I just don't do it until I'm back home).
I'm not even sure if it counts as a substance abuse issue. I do it more often than is probably ideal, but I'm pretty sure I would have killed myself by now if I didn't start. Suicidal ideation is a lot rarer nowadays.
Former I.V. drug user. 6 years totally clean.
Nothing illegal
I chew a lot of Nicotine Gum and recently I thought I would try a nootropic (Phenylpiracetam)
They best way to describe Phenylpiracetam, is "its basically caffeine that doesn't make you jittery."
Its not the same "Nothing is boring!" feeling adderall gives you. It just energizes you and reduces anxiety (which is also a plus)
Oxycontin 75mg a day.
Weed but only at night 2-3 times a week after i get my shit done.
I dont drink alcohol.
Lost my Adderall hook up, so sadly none of that lately.
Yo, hoping to get into cooler shit tho but I lack connections.
i dont drink at all but i smoke weed once or twice a week. though i wouldnt say my smoking is an "issue" since it doesnt have any negative impact on my life and getting caught wont send me to jail or make me lose my job.
Ive done most things and has issues with cocaine, meth and currently tobacco
Alcoholic, but not too far gone at this point. I get drunk probably 5 nights a week, but not to a point where I can't get up and function the next day. I took two weeks off a few months ago and didn't have any withdrawal symptoms or anything. I wish I could cut back, but its tough when I haven't really suffered any negative consequences yet. I know its bad for my health, but that doesn't manifest itself in my everyday life right now.
Jeez, I was just about to post something identical.
It's definitely a major issue for my wallet/body/social life, but I keep floating right above rock bottom. I'm almost hoping I crash into a telephone pole or fall down and break a tooth or something to shake me up.
Shit's tough.
don't worry it will, alcoholism is progressive disease. At first it's fun, then it becomes comfortable, then it beings to hurt, and then it becomes unbearable. Usually into late 20's and thirties you will begin to be depressed and irritable, which will only fade with more alcohol.
However every alcoholic must hit bottom, so enjoy your journey!
As lame as AA is. It worked for me and I haven't drank in 6 months, never felt better too. I have more money, new job as a financial analyst, been dating hotter women. Who would have thought not wanting to kill yourself everyday opens up many doors in your life, when you don't live in a fog of negativity.
I drink a lot and smoke metric fucktons of weed.
Stay functional though. Or at least I haven't been fired from this job after 7+ years.
Hash oil 3-5 times a week, never before 5PM. Hey, at least it's legal in my state. :)
You don't have a kid do you? If not its not too late. Just get your shit together.
I'm in my early 30s now and have been holding this lifestyle down for several years. I've actually cut back on the quantity I drink recently though because I have a six month old son now and I can't just sleep for a solid 6-8 hours at night anymore. So I'm down to more like 5-6 beers a night instead of 8-12. I know its not good and I need to cut back further though.
I feel like being extremely financially successful & or intelligent goes hand in hand with stimulants.
I smoke weed everyday.
Not as bad as it sounds though, I only allow myself to smoke weed after work and after I've gone to the gym, and i only smoke a bowl a day.
You have to stay productive and use these sorts of things as a reward for doing so or it can become a problem.
I personally feel like a fucking loser if I smoke weed after doing nothing all day and it just ruins the experience.
32 y/o with wife and 6 y/o
I just get so bored that I itch for a drink by about 3pm and try to be drunk by 4pm and maintain until bed time.
This past Friday I had 14 beers and decided I need to change.
Haven't had fast food or beer since then. A whole whopping 4 days. I want to give it up entirely but I would like to replace it with weed.
My god you guys can drink a lot of beer. What size are you? I'm 6'2 and 165lbs and I get hammered if I drink more than a mere 4 or so beers. Granted, I barely drink and if I do, it's wine.
I just imagine anyone drinking that much must have a massive beer-belly.
> slight
Only alcohol everyday and cocaine on the weekends 'til my nose bleeds, but it's not a problem - it's a habit.
I smoke weed everyday. There are worse vices out there. I have a california recommendation. My employer does drug test if they want, but they rarely do unless you crash a machine. However, I was piss tested when I got in, and I quit for 2 months or whatever cause it's a really good job.
Used to smoke weed like a pleb, now I get ecigs filled with lab grade co2 extracted hash oil from a guy in colorado. use them once in the morning and once or twice at night. it's a completely clean high, no smell, no tar, no coughing, no anxiety. helps me sit down and do animation work for hours on end and actually enjoy it. would highly recommend.
I have a vape pen too but it doesnt get me high the way burning flowers does.
try getting some higher grade oil. i hated oil/dabs when i first tried them because it was all butane blasted crap that also contained high concentrations of all the other active cannabinoids as well. used to get horrible anxiety from it.
now that it's legal in a few states, the quality actually has some standards and you can get oil that 99% THC with none of the other shit. i'd also recommend ceramic plate pens. much smoother and possibly better for you as well.
Not going to lie mate, you're in a bit of a hole. Fortunately, if you don't mind getting wagecucked for a while, you can take classes and get certified in a trade/industry
I'm an executive at a ridiculously large company.
> Been smoking weed n' doing meth since highschool.
I don't touch cigarettes or alcohol, plus I eat crazy healthy and lift. My doc has no complaints.
i use Ritalin to help me focus in school, and Viagra to fuck the girlfriend better. Concidering trying some nootropics ,either modafinil or piracetam to think better.
Been a high functioning pothead for 4-5 years now while working at an PjM for a tech company.
Eat pot brownies daily... honestly it just relaxes me now instead of getting me high.
5'11" 175lbs
>I'm an executive at a ridiculously large company.
>> Been smoking weed n' doing meth since highschool.
>I don't touch cigarettes or alcohol, plus I eat crazy healthy and lift. My doc has no complaints.
this is me
This is where I'm headed at least... just got promoted and looking at a path towards director.
Pretty sure I've been to work smelling like brownies, but as long as you're talented and get your shit done, nobody gives a hoot.
I smoke weed everyday
Used to be hopelessly addicted to benzos, muscle relaxers, and alcohol
Slight? No, definitely not.
I feel ya there user
If you're like me then you're living the dream.
I feel your pain bro, I got my first DUI and am on my 4th month of a 3 year probation sentence. Just gotta keep living man, don't let those fucking pigs win.