Why do people get so triggered on this site by Belgium? Does it just offend their perfect border autism?
Why do people get so triggered on this site by Belgium? Does it just offend their perfect border autism?
>perfect border autism
Speaking of which, I always hated that bulge north of Charleville-Mezieres on the map, I wish the border was more simple there.
Do you remember? Literally Nazi precursors.
For some reason every Belgian I come across on /int/ is a complete cunt. I really hate them all. This isn't some prejudice either, it's a hatred based on personal experience. I had literally no opinion on Belgians until I came to Veeky Forums.
If they didn't produce godly beer and frites I'd be questioning why they haven't been nuked yet.
A non country
Every Belgian I've met IRL seemed like they had autism.
The Belgians are the sons of apes and pigs
love triggering border autists, I really do
It's a country that shouldn't exist. It has no history, no culture of its own. The only great thing this """""country""""" gave us is Jacques Brel.
>It has no history, no culture of its own
The blacks did that way more than the belgians. It was literally a Congolese tradition before the Belgians arrived.
Belgium is a non-country
At best it's a non-country at worst it's a failed-state. I've had to go to the EU parliament on business a few times a year for the last ten years or so and there is an increasing amount of visible disorder, won't be surprised if it ceases to exist in fifty years.
>Literally Nazi
Well that makes it alright then.
Reply to my comment if you believe that Belgium is rightful French clay.
Upvote my comment if you believe that Belgium is rightful Dutch clay.
Let's this how this goes :^)
I really hate your sort of people and hope you all die painfully.
What do I do if i believe Belgium is rightfully part of the Greater Welt Reich? :^)
I honestly don't get it either.
Then Hell awaits you friend.
And you've replied so I'll have to categorize your comment as confirmation that the whole of Veeky Forums deems Belgium to be french clay.
I like Tintin.
Then you got another world war to lose.
>no culture
You would not call this culture?
"Tintin au Congo" is a seriously hilarious read.
They've outlawed it in french school libraries though, if anyone's intrigued by how far cucked we are. Or in mine anyways.
third time's the charm
This one always has floored. Hits all the sweet spots of racism from yonder in time.
Grew up on Tintin, Spirou, Gaston Lagaffe, Papyrus etc.
Americans will never know this feel.
t. Jan Jaap Kees
Way too overblown by Germans trying to divert attention from Herero and Namaqua genocide.
>no culture
>no history
it's not because New World cunts can't create their own culture that Europeans won't
if you don't know who this is get of this site
Err Richard the VIIIth of Sweden?
My perfect border autism is triggered, but not as much as it would be if Wallonie was added to France. That would be an ugly sight.
some buttmad congolese tried to get it banned in belgium as well
courts officially declared it national heritage and thus immune to all attempts to ban and censor it
>not posting the frog version
It has a shitty, fractured government due in part to the natural division between Flandes and Walloons. Embarrassingly dysfunctional for a north/western Eurpoean state.
That both regions would be better run if they split and were absorbed by their neighbors and that it offends border autism are two primary reasons it's hated.
Also, not a very glorious history of its own, so people here don't mind getting rid of it much at all.
I know it's popular to hate on Belgium, but no culture and history really? You're trying way too hard to fit in.
for some reason he was cool with chinese people though
Belgium exists only to hurt France.
Its amazing how many articles there are about "Should Belgium exist?".
Here are some examples:
It was enough for them, then. Of course it's not alright.
>In English speaking newspapers
>When England dominated print world wide.
What if Flanders was added to the Netherlands too?
No significant history, and all it's cultural contributions are culturally french or dutch. There's no hate, it's just a non-country.
Culturally french.
Culturally flemish (dutch).
Belgium has two cultures. There is no Belgian culture, there is no Belgian language.
there's literally a line going across the middle that cuts it into northern and southern parts that you can split between the netherlands and france respectively.
it's like czechoslovakia
>drawn over 500 years before Belgium started it's pathetic "existence"
>t. someone who doesn't know shit about Flanders
actual Flemming here, Flanders is part of The Low Lands but that doesn't mean it's Dutch. The Low Lands aren't exclusively Holland.
Holy shit kys turkroach scum
This "genocide" LITERALLY never happened