Has an epidemic similar to the mass shooting epidemic we are seeing in the U.S. ever happened in history before? Maybe not guns, maybe not so often, but anything we can relate this to?
Has an epidemic similar to the mass shooting epidemic we are seeing in the U.S. ever happened in history before...
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Yea the middle east has a bombing epidemic that claims about 400x as many lives a year
What epidemic? It doesn't happen often at all.
300 long gun deaths a year in america is not an epidemic.
Ban blacks from owning handguns.
Historical, not contemporary
The last 2k years of islam has been constant violence
Islam hasn't existed for 2000 years genius.
The last 1.5K years of Islam has been constant violence.
It's called "Honduras", and it's a pandemic.
Thanks for helping me not type that
I'm talking about random outburst, not governed by any specific ideology violence. The US has seen schools, movie theaters, strip malls, ext; all being subjected to shootings that do not share anything with one another. Have we ever seen that somewhere else in history?
There has been violence every time cultures clash.
America has had surprising little for how many cultures have combined but as the rate of mixing slows there will be more.
No because governments have yet to realize until now that staging mass shootings is a great way to make people afraid of guns, thereby allowing legislature to be passed that disarms the populace and makes revolution impossible, preparing the way for further repressive laws
Maybe the idea had been floating around for years but only 21st century have they been bold enough to go ahead with it
I've seen so much shit about 'white men with guns' on Facebook
People don't know about crime statistics, don't care about them, or know & care about them and have an agenda that demands the suppression of information
300,000 gun deaths a year, how many people die in Chicago alone from gun violence? How many perpetrators are white? How many gun criminals are in this country illegally?
More people died in chicago the weekend of the shooting than in the gay club.
But that wont make the news because "dey didnt duu nuffin"
Thank you for a real, answer. There must be something similar in the Roman, Alexandrian, or other "mass" empire which also integrated multiple cultures?
Nope because they killed the degenerates before they went on their rampage.
Or there was enough space to ignore the people you hated
Oh boy, he went there.
If you stopped and did half a second's worth of critical thinking, you'd realize your little unsubstantiated theory is completely nonsense.
First of all, how evil must our government be to perpetrate these staged shootings? We're dealing with one of the sickest satanic governments in history if that's the case, one which, if it was ever revealed what they were doing, would face mass civil unrest.
Second, look at how utterly unresponsive the republican controlled congress is to even considering gun control. It's treated with the same seriousness as the idea of water control. The NRA lobby group is too powerful.
The only conspiracy I can see is the government knowing about terrorist attacks before they happen, and permitting them because it boosts their control and puts a fearful populace into their hands.
It another "American completely ignorant about the rest of the world" thread.
I'm not an edgy teenager but what's that quote from the Joker ?
"A bunch of gangbangers die, or a truck full of soldiers blows up, and nobody bats an eye. But when a bunch of suburbanites die, everyone loses their minds!" Or something like that,
What did he mean by this?
Hard to say, the number of deaths by these mass shootings is really negligible compared to crime rates in the past, so even if there were, they wouldn't make much of an impact.
Crime rates used to be consistently much, much higher, so a dozen people being killed in an European town during the Middle Ages wouldn't be a very noteworthy event.
Only the really big cases reached us, those with many perpetrators, or involving nobles, and that caused the death of hundreds of people.
Later on, during the late 19th century, there's a lot of attention to serial killers. Maybe it was due to the spread of newspapers, those histories were popular and sold well.
So no, terrorist attacks and mass shootings don't affect much US's violent deaths, specially if you don't go by the current definition of mass shooting, a crime where three or more people are hurt by gunfire, which can easily include regular crime.
Because of that, an equivalent rate being applied to societies of the past wouldn't be out of place at all.
>Ban blacks from owning handguns.
Damn what a great idea, that would work just perfectly wouldn't it?
Just kidding that's a shit idea that would cause more racial violence towards whites than there ever was before you fucking idiot rednecks.
All governments are evil, and politicians are people who have no morals. You don't get a high position in a state or federal government without fucking people over and being cutthroat. Once you get into that position you do whatever you can to keep that power you worked so hard to get. The common people are nothing but a threat to you. If they don't reelect you then you lose everything you fought for, if you repress them too much they revolt.
You are nothing but an annoyance to them, and so they will always try to control you. It's like noblemen and serfs. For them you will never be anything other than underlings to be milked of tax money until you die
If they can kill 50 of us to help ensure future generations won't get unruly and rise up against the political establishment, they will. Same as when you spray Raid on a termite colony. You're only thinking about keeping your house intact.
And obviously some politicians are too deep in the gun lobby's pocket to take part When groups like the NRA fund your campaign you can't exactly embrace gun control
This guy has a point. Blacks are going to keep being needlessly violent without provocation as long as they exist. The media and Democrat's complete and utter destruction and subversion of their culture and institutions will prevent any kind of change from occurring.
If only there was a way to separate them from American society, for the good of Americans so they can live without fear of violence and crime, and for the good of the Blacks so they can properly rebuild after LBJ and Crack. But how?
...You know...I have an idea...It's crazy, but...
I forgot that summer vacation started.
I kind of feel bad about thinking this, but I wish 'send them back to Africa' was more popular. There would have been ridiculous amounts of overhead, but it would have paid out big time in the long run.
Fuck the south. We could have had the United States of Africa.
We should let the South leave and then build a wall along the Mason Dixon line. Let them become Brazil tier on their own merit.
Im not looking for a "why" these things happen/happening, I'm looking for something in history we can compare it to: Citizens of a state brashly and without continuity, violently acting out in all venues of society, against their fellow citizens. Has it happened before?
Thank you for an answer/analysis but still not exactly on topic. All the rest of yous guys, get off the soap boxes and contribute to Veeky Forums, it's not a theory discussion, it's a historical discussion
We used to have serial killers but once we figured out how to get DNA from trace evidence that made serial killing much more difficult. Could you imagine being an adult with children in the 70s and every few months you'd be hearing about John Gacy, or the Night Stalker, or the Zodiac Killer, or the Son of Sak? But just by a fluke of technology serial killings have largely dropped off.
>Let's make Liberia bigger
You're applying today's context to all of history, while it barely applies. You say citizens, but the modern concept of citizenship is modern and barely 200 years old.
You're grouping together incidents that are very unrelated, such as Elliot Rodger going on a rampage due to his life's insatisfactions, Dylan Roof inciting a racial conflict by killing blacks, Omar Mateen striking against a culture anathema to his own.
You're putting all of these together, and searching for it in the past. You won't find it if you don't know what you're looking for.
So your definition, citizens lashing out against their citizens. How could it happen in a society where people were not equal? You wouldn't consider mass shootings the same thing as a pogrom, or a slave revolt, or religious conflicts, would you?
You're taking out the context both of things happening in the present, and in the past.
If you just want to hear that Americans are insane, I'm sure someone will drop by soon to say what you want to hear.
most serial killers go uncaught, broski. dna only connects the dots when you have a suspect in the first place.
I agree with this but still not multiple people committing the violence.
Well said, but history does repeat itself. Most events can be analogized with past events. Even the moon landing can be compared to other explorations in the past.
No, because the "epidemic" is created by mass media.
I found it to be a chronic failure of deterrance. It's because our policing is insane; it assumes everyone -is- sane and can be incentivized. There's a good thread about this actually that should be archived or still up, talking about what should be done with criminals.
It's a legitimate criticism of an us-them mentality that makes perfect sense from the joker's character. Edge isn't bad, it just runs counter to the norm, which is exactly the point of Joker. He challenges norms in a confusing, laughable way. Half horror, half comedy. They both share that foundation. Good writing.
If the norm is that people only give a damn about their in-group; good riddance. The fringes of society will continue to make us meeker and meeker should we keep up our identity politics of what is an in-group and what isn't.
...can we agree there is objective "epidemics", the black plague was an epidemic. If not, then I sincerely apologize for misuse of the word... do have anything to add other than semantic nit-picking?
>there are no mass shootings in the US!
>it was made up by the media!
there are very few mass shootings, which are blown up by the media for dem clicks.
Who are you quoting?
It's heavily influenced by media because a fear narrative is what sells stories. You constantly hear on the news about crime occurring in some part of the country and never about how crimes is and has been on the decline for decades
Gun deaths massacres and the like have been percentage wise the same since the founding of this country
Niggers and Goat fuckers have always been violent.This epidemic is just a result of their rising numbers
"Asiatic Vespers" 89 B.C.
The Anarchist bombings of the turn of the 20th century and serial killers of the last half of the same might be related. It seemed to spread virulently throughout the world through the influence of newspapers. I believe the cause of the modern mass shooting has something to do with the media as well. There wouldn't be a point to any of them if these shooters weren't assured that they'd become nationally, maybe even internationally, infamous for their 15 minutes of fame they were unable to get through normal means.
Historically normal people have done some crazy shit to gain that sort of popular immortality. In the past however the avenue to becoming remembered in song and popular myth involved battlefield feats or miracle working. Today however celebrity status can be achieved through a shocking and violent event like a mass shooting, and rather than being stricken from living memory for such crimes people can't seem able to stop talking about these killers.
>It seemed to spread virulently throughout the world through the influence of newspapers
>I believe the cause of the modern mass shooting has something to do with the media as well.
You are right about these points, but not necessarily about your other points since none of the mass shooters seem to have had fame as their motive so much as some other reason, like just being angry at a specific thing.
The reason why mass shootings are an "epidemic" is because it is perceived as such through our exposure to the media. All news outlets, regardless of political affiliation, write countless stories when a major event or crime takes place. Shootings obviously make a very large stir so you get a few weeks of stories from it and constant comparison in future reports that aren't necessarily even related. Then when another shooting happens we once again have a recap of all gun violence that has happened within the decade (roughly), which makes it SEEM like it happens all of the time when really it's spread across years and often happens for completely different reasons.
Now we're talking. These might be as close as we get, however they are still acts motivated by an ideology of some sort. Today, it seems like instead of just suicide, these actors are going out killing everyone. Their motives range from personal, sociological, religious, ext. The goal of my initial inquiry was to identify another similar time and identify the causes thereof; cause which can only be seen in retrospect. Also, what were efforts, both failed or successful, that were implemented to correct the acts of violence.
Murder rates are at an all time low.
No shit, so is gun crime, and violence in general. Are you just saying words or did you plan on adding anything here?
In Roman Judea the Sicarii went around committing mass stabbings, actually rather similar to Hamas.
America's crises are wholly postmodern in character, and thus have no equivalent in history.
Sure, for a third world country.
3rd world countries have double diget murder rates at the very least.
>none of the mass shooters seem to have had fame as their motive so much as some other reason, like just being angry at a specific thing.
I didn't mean to say that fame was a motivating factor for why they decided to do something violent, only that fame (or rather exposure) is the motivation for doing a mass shooting of a soft target like a school or night club or place of worship.
And I would still agree with OP that this is an epidemic, not based on the popular idea that epidemic necessarily means something is happening in massive numbers but that something is happening outside of a 'normal' population where the act - the lone gunman shooting up civilians - has become an event that crosses demographic and social lines. Columbine, VTech, Sandy Hook, and now Orlando have almost nothing in common except for the method of violence. It's not the numbers or ideology here so much as the method of execution that stands out.
Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but the Massacre of the Latins and the looting said Latins committed might be of interest to you.
Yeah, I sincerely appreciate it user.
Exactly, "Dog bites man" is not a story, but "Man bites dog" is.
There's always Jack.
I suppose there's been periods of mass unrest before, but usually the culminate in something like The French Revolution, so history kinda forgets them.
That's kind of exactly what I'm worried about.
>integrated multiple cultures
That's false though. Multiple cultures in those empires never lived in the same place and all of them were subjugated to the law of only one culture.
Worried about what, the revolution of the autists?
If you compare the amount of casualties and attacks from mass shootings/bombings from Europe and the us they are pretty close. Which makes a lot more sense than comparing the us to one country when you consider the size and population. And almost every European country has strict gun laws.
Yeah, how many people died in the Bataclan night club again?
Not to mention all those muzzies whacking jewish kids.
>300,000 gun deaths a year
WTF are you talking about? The U.S. has around 14-16,000 murders per year nationwide.
Never in our history have there been so many guns in the U.S. (300+ million with more every year) nor have there ever been so many people legally carrying handguns, (both openly and concealed) yet the murder continues to decline.
Its 1400 years and some change baby.
>Muslim women
>highly educated
pic related???
Samson bringing down the house on all those Philistines.
I think you both have good points but are """extreme""" in your expression of said points
Governments can and have been and will continue to be evil, but only to a certain extent, and only due to incentive. True sadistic evil where people want to cause pointless pain for their own amusement is rare. There's usually a socioeconomic motive to the more common "practical" evils. Our government has done things like MK Ultra and giving the Tuskegee Airmen syphilis in order to spread STDs through the black community. There were socioeconomic motives to these things, and they were the wrong motives to have.
On the other hand, without governments, you still have evil people, out in the woods, alone, with their guns and families, unregulated. You get some weird Crastor's Keep shit if that goes on for a few hundred years. You get People fucking their children. You get people with bizarre superstitions and belief systems. You get people who do whatever they can get away with because there is no greater body governing them. You lose infrastructure. You lose education. You lose armed """protection."""
Everything in the universe is a trade off between different sorts of good and evil.
Which evils you choose are based on your personal incentives. It is not that we are inherently bad people, even the politicians, so much as we are forced from birth until death into situations where we have to pick between necessary evils. The folks that get the shaft from a given decision are bound to find the deciding party "evil." But it is this word precisely which perpetuates a lot of the problems in our world because it dehumanizes our opponents and fails to acknowledge their incentives measured against our own.
This guy says it best:
>On the other hand, without governments, you still have evil people, out in the woods, alone, with their guns and families, unregulated. You get some weird Crastor's Keep shit if that goes on for a few hundred years. You get People fucking their children. You get people with bizarre superstitions and belief systems. You get people who do whatever they can get away with because there is no greater body governing them.
literally NOTHING wrong with any of that
>Blacks are going to keep being needlessly violent without provocation as long as they exist
Because white people have never killed anyone or done anything violent, right?
>hurr durr blacks are violent by nature and not because of poverty, lack of education and the war on drugs
wrong board my friend
>Same fagging for le edgy quips to a 12 hour old post
Jesus Christ dude, you know this board is anonymous, right? You don't have to virtue signal so hard.
Veeky Forums is way too oversensitive
niggas gotta learn to handle banter
Malcom X asked for you crackers to give up some land for the blacks to make their own nation so you didn't have to deal with niggers killing everyone but you said no, so fuck off
>Veeky Forums is way too oversensitive
It's a slippery slope from joking about niggers to actually having threads about how much you hate niggers
And everyone knows how shitty /pol/ is
so why do people keep on responding seriously to what are obviously shitposts?
We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality And the Murder Of Black, Brown & All Oppressed People
Every 28 hours a black person in the United States is killed by someone employed or protected by the government of the United States.
Other communities are also criminalized, targeted, attacked and brutalized.
We want an immediate end to state sanctioned violence against our communities.
We Want Full Employment For Our People
Every individual has the human right to employment and a living wage.
Inability to access employment and fair pay continues to marginalize our communities, ready us for imprisonment, and deny us of our right to a life with dignity.
We Want Decent Housing Fit for the Shelter of Black People
Our communities have a human right to access quality housing that protects our families and allows for our children to be free from harm.
We Want an End to the School to Prison Pipeline & Quality Education for All
We want an end to policies that criminalize our young people as well as discriminatory discipline practices that bar access to quality education.
Furthermore, we want all children to be able to access free, quality education. Including free or affordable public university.
We Want Freedom from Mass Incarceration and an End to the Prison Industrial Complex
We want an end to the over policing and surveillance of our communities.
This will hasten an end to the criminalization of black and brown people and hyper incarceration everywhere.
Policing in the United States has historically helped to enforce racist laws, policies and norms.
The result is a massive prison industrial complex built on the warehousing of black people.
We call for the cessation of mass incarceration and the eradication of the prison industrial complex all together.
In its place we will address harm and conflict in our communities through community based solutions.
Stupid redneck. Go fuck your cousin.
There is nothing wrong about fucking cousins.
Its even legal in some European countries.