What did he do besides write books? Did Marx ever give speeches, attend socialist conferences, or less protests?
Was he a well-known person within his lifetime? Would his neighbors have understood how important he was?
What did he do besides write books? Did Marx ever give speeches, attend socialist conferences, or less protests?
Was he a well-known person within his lifetime? Would his neighbors have understood how important he was?
A Neet, lived by money of his rich but stupid friend Engels.
>this meme again
While he definitely got contributions, they were mostly from his wife's aristocratic family and his supporters.
His primary source of income, though, was from being a reporter.
He was a journalist. Lived off of the Engels family wealth.
He was an excellent contemporary social commentator, but a mediocre economist. The Labor theory of value is a perfect example of this.
Why are they such a cancer?
Because Journalism by its nature attracts high-minded ivory tower types who feel the need to be revolutionary and fight for an odd cause or other. Thats how it was then, and still is now.
He was parasite that complained about the aristocracy because he was so buttmad at moneylenders that he repeatedly gave all his shit to.
What do you mean? Journalism is one of the most important professions.
>Journalism is one of the most important professions
Of course...But often times, the distinction between a journalist and an activist becomes worryingly blurred.
Objectivity should be key, else they are nothing more than propagandists
I think if you've read any articles pertaining to gun control following the Orlando massacre, you'll see what I mean
>What did he do besides write books?
Drove a newspaper into bankruptcy. That's how he mastered how capitalism works, lol.
I don't get it.
>Everything is a social construct, evil and must be abolished
>After that is done let's love each other
>Almost every time somebody tries to apply the idea it's failing spectacularly
>Marxism becomes the most lethal system in history
>Let's try again it never was really tried xD
This meme might just die
Denouncing everyone who didn't agree with him 100% mostly
considering the objective reality of media apparatus, journalism is always propaganda.
daily reminder that every time Marx starts sperging out in his writings, being liberal with the ad hominem, its because he's extremely insecure about what he's defending in those very same pages, if not outright aware that he's full of bullshit defending those very same things.
This is a constant to The Capital, German Ideology, and a bunch of other writings.
>Did Marx ever give speeches, attend socialist conferences, or less protests?
His ideas weren't meant to be taken that seriously, they were for writing books
>t. journalist
He asked Engels for money all the time, are you high Marx was terrible with money. When he recieved his inheritance from his father, he spent most of it on guns and daggers for rebels in Belgium.
Marx lived expensively writing to Engels "I do indeed live too expensively for my conditions" adding that "a purely protelarian household which would be quite acceptable to me and my wife or even the girls when they were young would be unbecoming now"
Engels supported Marx, sending him £2 from his first paycheck in Manchester and then continually as his income grew. Marx asked for money from Engels on top of this to pay for his continuous debt even asking Engels to pay for his eldest daughter's rent saying that non payment in France (where she lived) was a very serious thing.. Overall, if you look at the letters sent between them you see continuous transfers from Engels to Marx. Here are some examples from 1850-60
£33 in 1851
41 in '52
57 in '53
12 in '54
10 in '56
70 in '57
61 in '58
52 in '59
159 in '60
When Engels calculated how much had made to live off to stop working his calculations included support for Marx whom he asked to tell him his debts. This Marx sent and Engels sent a check to cover them. He also paid Marx £350 to be made in quarterly installments for the rest of his life.
Marx didn't even try to make any money himself to support his family Edmund Wilson wrote ironically "the man who had done more than any other to call attention to economic motivation should do so little for gain"
The only substantial money he every earned was for articles he wrote in the 1850s for the new York tribune. Marx didn't speak English at this point and had Engels ghost write them for him. By the time Marx had learnt English Engels had ghost written over 100 articles for him.
His daughter published a compilation of these articles "revolution and counter revolution in Germany". Signed by Marx.
He was grandfather NEET, he did jack shit, except for writing his flawed ideology and complaining in coffeehouses
Sorry about the poor punctuation and writing. My phone is fucking me up.
Btw, Marx continued to ask for money despite being given that money each year by Engels which I've read was more than ten times the GNP per capita of the time. It took 16 years for Marx to write the book Engels had really been waiting for. The first (out of what was supposed to be 6 volumes) of Das Kapital. Poor Engels.
Its like finding out ron jermey was actually a virgin
Engels should have told "get a job" to that lazy neckbeard.
That's actually not that surprising. Most of commies both then and now are known for having very little personal experience with actual work.
The Bolsheviks even proudly claimed that they were "professional revolutionaries" which basically means they were NEETS preoccupied chiefly with coffeehouse discussions and bank robberies.
Engels was convinced that Marx was a genius creating the greatest book ever written. In a way he was correct, Das Kapital was hugely influential. However, it was not for its content but rather for the symbolic power it possessed. It was like a new magna carta.
By late 1917 the Bolsheviks were an open party numbering into the tens of thousands and widely supported by the urban working class, nothing you say has any bearing in reality. You can berate Marx for devoting his life to researching and analysing capitalism if you wish, yet somehow I don't think you'd apply that same logic to the countless liberal economists who do the same.
>Widely supported by the urban working classes.
>, nothing you say has any bearing in reality.
Because we all know that history of the world in general and that of the Bolsheviks in particular began in late 1917.
>yet somehow I don't think you'd apply that same logic to the countless liberal economists who do the same.
that's because liberals don't spend their time sperging out against the best and most effective system of distributing wealth that has ever and will ever exist
get fucked pinko
>It took 16 years for Marx to write the book
>The first out of what was supposed to be 6 volumes
That shit has nothing to do with Marx himself
Im pretty sure hed despise SJWs
Identity politics and the opression Olympics is a pretty clear bourgeois distraction from class struggle.
Is this OC?