The fall of the Ottoman Empire was a mistake

The fall of the Ottoman Empire was a mistake

There are two major theories

>Demise theory

This theory is that the Ottoman Empire was at its prime up until WW 1 and was cut down after its defeat in WW 1 and subsequent division and breaking up.

>Decline theory

This theory is based around the concept that the Sultanate had slowly eroding power and because of it's halt on serious expansionism after the 1600's (whether stopped by outside forces or inside forces). The empire started to Stagnate and erode from Economic to Political power with in its boundaries.

Some minor theories are also present.

Here's the unedited version

Can't help but wonder how the middle east would've turned out if the ottoman empire hadn't been gutted.

No, the Ottoman Empire itself was a mistake, which came from another mistake which also came from another mistake and so on and so on.

Nah, it was a happy accident.

The Ottoman Empire's existence was a mistake. The Battle of Manzikert should have been won by the Romans

Decline is correct because Islamic empires are for what ever reason incapable of maintaining an empire without constant conquest and looting
The only Muslim countries capable of long-term cohesion are nation-states like Iran/Persia

Also this
The Ottoman empire made everything they touched worse than it was before

I swear these turkroach meme map edits get larger and larger every time,

What's next, will turks claim Iceland was part of their shitty "empire"?

It's pretty funny to me


Cool imaginary map, OP.

Oh man more than hundred years has passed and still there are people being butthurt about the ottomans.


If the Ottomans were still around then the Rashidi's would rule the Arabian penninsula over the British backed Saudi's.

Which ment no fucking wahabshitism and the Hashemites would still rule the Hejaz.
The concept of pan-arabism would actually be allowed to grow than to decay as it does now.

This is the rational, sensible answer.

Anything else is lingering Byzaboo butthurt

Icelandic boipussy sure was


It was all according to greco-roman traditions you retarded barbarian.

Here's the ununedited version

t. Koksal Baba

Agreed. The Muslim world would be far less fucked up than it is now.

First of all, there would be some sort of central Muslim body to govern interpretations of Islam, and not a shitfest of Wahabis and Salafis taking control of how shit is done in the Muslim world. With a central body governing the Islamic world, there wouldn't be a myriad of different interpretations of Islam that allow for cancer like ISIS and al-Qaeda.

Secondly, you wouldn't have a refugee problem, or so many Muslim immigrants. Think about how the likes of England, Germany, and Europe overall would be without those closed communities of Muslims, preaching god knows what about Islam. The world would be a much less fucked up place if we still had the Ottoman empire.

At the moment, it's just a free for all. Any Muslim decides what he/she wants to believe in, and that fact in itself is what barriers the Muslim world from any sort of progression. We don't know where to begin. The closest thing we have to a governing role within the Islamic world is Saudi Arabia, and they're the opposite of progression.

>It was all according to greco-roman traditions you retarded barbarian.

Wrong you goat fucking barbarian.


I love how the map maker even took the time to divide Sardinia in two to make this retarded map seems more believable.

I love how the map maker even took the time to divide Sardinia in two to make this retarded map seem more believable.

It isn't you fucking pigfucker.

>demise theory
I would dispute that theory. Egypt Eyalet basically crippled the Ottoman Empire and were it not for western fears of a Russian expansion they would've probably hastened the inevitable end of it.

The decentralized basis on which the Ottoman Empire operated and owed its longevity was also it's undoing as it could not possibly account for differences in what became, to an extent, the nation states of the middle east today.

Decline is correct.

It would've been much worse. The Middle East today is grappling with the legacy of the Ottoman Empire's emphasis on religion in politics even after nationalist movements came and displaced that rhetoric in actual government. Can you imagine how much worse it would've gotten if religion were allowed to be the main determining factor in identity?

I disagree with your post completely. Wahhabists emerged within the Ottoman Empire. The Empire was so big that the Sultan couldn't hope to control it, but contain it. The ensuing religious chaos is a legacy of that.

(also: I'm Egyptian, for the record.)

Ottoman, or turkish islam is more like south europe christianity. The arabs are different, one example is to look how different nations celebrate its holidays.

you being born was a mistake



>t. Mustafa

Yes, but then again, so was the Ottoman Empire.

>The ensuing religious chaos is a legacy of that.

No, the ensuing religious chaos equivalent to that of a meth addict after his fix. Cold war tensions, western intervention in the middle east following an implementation of corrupt leaders, all of that seems like the perfect recipe for the current state the Islamic world is in. It's a fact that if we still had the Ottoman empire, most of the problems we face with Muslims today (terrorism, mass emigration, anti-western sentiment) would drastically increase, or just not exist.

The Wahabi movement may have its roots within the Ottoman empire, but guess what, there were a lot of Sufis in the Ottoman empire too.

Now, if only the Greeks and Romans had continued that tradition of boyfucking passed the 5th century, you might have an arguement

It's clearly Mongolian asiatic tradition.

The rise of the Ottoman empire was an even bigger mistake

The absurd partitioning of ottoman lands after WWI was the only mistake, Mehmet.