Gramsci thread

How can one man be so based?

There aren't many besides Marx himself who can cause such reactionary butthurt.

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Not red enough! Make it eviler!

Literally who?

nowadays, his ideas are bound to be a lot more useful to those same reactionaries than anyone in the left, funnily enough

What's with Marxists and unorthodox hairstyles.

How so?

this meme is abused desu. Gramsci is by no means obscure if you've read some modern history or have gone to college. I guess I can't expect as much from Veeky Forums tho

obscurantist cynicism

into the trash it goes

He was a hero to all mankind

>He was a hero to all cucks

go read about neo-reaction

Hair care is decadent.

Can someone redpill me on Gramsci? Why is he based?

he's le ebin master soobverter of ebul bourgeois culture


>or have gone to college

found the problem

About to transfer to Cal and I've never heard of him. Checkmate

I had to read his work for 5 years in college, glad I don't remember anything he wrote.

I'm in college and I have never heard of him, checkm8.

This fucking Gramsciposter again

He's fucking obscure mate. Only if you're a Marxist or know in depth of politicl theory will you know about him.

He's like Marx but wears Versace belts

neo-reaction is not reactionary at all.

You either go to shit colleges or your aren't majoring in humanities :^)

Obviously most people don't know about him, but I think that any amateur historian studying modern history should have heard about him.

Gramsci is historically important, but leftist tactics nowadays are more based on Saul Alinsky and Ernesto Laclau.

can you summarize these tactics or the authors' arguments in your pic?

I'm still reading it, desu, but from what I can get, Laclau argues that the old class-based approach of the left is not enough anymore to bring down the revolution, and that insteads the left through create artificial coalitions through what they call "hegemonic discourse" (basically making things up as convenient) that can articulate several different struggles and unifies them in a single, major revolutionary struggle.

For example, if the left organizes at the same time the LGBT fighting against "heteropatriarchy", the women fighting against "male patriarchy" and the transgender fighting against "cispatriarchy", and they identify all these "patriarchal" enemies with capitalism and class exploitation (which is where "hegemonic discourse" enters), they can use these groups as substitutes for the old working-class base that the left lost in the previous decades.

We see this discourse in action right now with the aftermath of the Orlando shooting. The left articulates both LGBT people and Muslims through discourse that paints their enemies ("heteropatriarchy" and "islamophobic christian fundamentalism") as part of the same coalition, therefore gays and muslims should be part of the same revolutionary coalition. So when one part of the coalition attacks the other, the left must use all it's talents to redirect the focus against the approved enemy instead of letting the coalition split.

This. Podemos is basically Laclau 101 and I love it

Not him, but I read Alinsky.

Rules for Radicals is the mighty whitey fantasy where a middle- to upper- class white guy, called "organizer", becomes the lord and master of the "have-nots", and directs them into political action by radicalizing them under the pretense of liberating them.

It's a very short book, and very dense, full of examples of successful and unsucessful rebellion.

The organizer needs curiosity, irreverence, imagination, a sense of humor, a bit of a blurred vision of a better world, an organized personality, he needs to be a
well-integrated political schizoid (because he must not be a true believer in his cause, he is only pretending to liberate people), and an ego, among other skills.

Alinksy writes like a short-sighted, power-tripping megalomaniac, particularly in the last chapter on the proxy tactic, which is a delusional escalation that resulted in the inevitable spectacular failure:

>mighty whitey fantasy where a middle- to upper- class white guy, called "organizer", becomes the lord and master of the "have-nots"

You mean Jewish.

I was going to do the pedantic thing and remind ITT that his target audience isn't limited to the Juice, but that pic is far too related to Alinsky's work.

Which is also supposed to be politically agnostic, which is why Rules for Radicals is now read by Tea Party members, IIRC.

Thank you, Alinsky.

Neoreaction has Land/accelerationists/"right-wing Marxists". Those are go beyond what the historical Marxists could imagine, past Deleuze and Guattari, arguably into sheer madness -- aka cybernetic nihilism.

Gramsci is admired by fascists today. THe European New Right call themselves the "Gramscians of the RIght"

The continental new right (Nouvelle Droite / Neue Rechte) basically ripped off Gramsci's hegemony theory to advance its ideas (which I am sure you would label reactionary). Through organisational support by Russia they are actively undermining the Western liberal civilisation project.

Depends on who you are talking about, but fascist scholars like Roger Griffen who coined the term Palingenetic Nationalism to describe the movemnt to upheave and rebirth society is indeed revolutionary. Just not the society you wish it to be

The European New Right is shit.

Murica is strong in this post