ITT: Post your nine favourite historical figures and try to guess the country of other posters
ITT: Post your nine favourite historical figures and try to guess the country of other posters
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Can you show me the website where Veeky Forumstorians make these collages? I've been trying to find it again since these threads stopped being made often.
I always make simple shit like that myself using photoshop desu
Help would be greatly appreciated
CBA to find and crop images
>Gustav Vasa
>De Gaulle
I love you man! Finally someone to appraise him!
Guess you're Austrian, and also a manlet.
You are correct on the Austrian part.
If 6'2'' is a manlet I'm guilty as charged.
Sheikh Mujib, Dwight Eisenhower, Genghis Khan, Yuri Gagarin, Hans Joachim Marseille, Kurt Tank, Babur, Erwin Rommel, Timur Lang.
I used this
Anything less than 6'8" master race is manlet
>Jan Smuts
>William the Bastard
>Matilda of Tuscany
>Arthur Wesley
>Roald Dahl
Julius Caesar
Louis XIV
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
Otto von Bismark
Taras Shevchenko
Davey Crockett
Alexander Hamilton
I spent alot of time trying to bias towards the Hellenes and 19th century europe but it was all in vain.
*trying to hide my bias
>Davey Crockett
Why tho
Photoshop requires $$$ senpai
Does anyone remember the site everyone was using when these 9 fav historical people threads were happening everyday?
>Napoleon, crowned HIMSELF
>Cicero, rhetoric and oration god
>Thomas Jefferson, genius, modern philospher 'king'
>Marcus Aurelius, stoic phil king
>James Joyce, god tier prose, genius
>Beethoven, goat composer
>Socrates, and by extension, Plato
>St. Augustine, amazing prose!!! phil dude
I mostly like artists, modern and classical, so I don't have too many that would necessarily constitute classical 'historical figures.' michelangelo, faulkner, brian wilson, bulgakov, oscar wilde, etc.
>Great man history
Left to right:
Gustavus von Tempsky
Henri IV of France
Alexander the Great
Pierre Terrail
Jean-Roch Coignet
Joseph Joffre
>trying to start flamewars between theories that can't be confirmed or denied because one makes you arbitrarily butthurt
No flaming. Just find the slobbering of shriveled knobs sycophantic.
>Just find the slobbering of shriveled knobs sycophantic.
"post your nine favourite foci of societal and political change that are interchangeable with anyone else except for being in the right place at the right time" doesn't sound as catchy
>Machiavelli always number 1
>Timothy Dexter
>Miguel de Cervantes
>Andrés Nín
>Isaac Asimov
>Oscar Wilde
>Otto von Bismarck
>Lázaro Cárdenas
Haile Selassie, Justinian, Solomon, John F. Kennedy, Charlemagne
Cleopatra, Ashurbanipal, Erwin Rommel, Crazy Horse
I would say Greece is a bigger indictment.
Fuck off
>Alaric I
>Frederick The Great
>Marcus Aurelius
>Baldwin IV of Jerusalem
Though the only pictures of him were from that movie
Cao Cao (of the Three Kingdoms), Qin Shi Huang (First to Unite China), Qian Long (Last Great Emperor), the Monkey King (of Journey to the West), Deng Xiao Ping (the Great Reformer), Guan Yu (the God of War), Sun Tzu (the Art of War), Confucius (the Three Character Classic), Lao Tzu (Dao De Jing)
I put Monkey King in there as I love Journey to the West not because he is an actual historical figure
Close enough, Faroese.
Member of the glorious permanent international Revolution
there's too much of a big gap between Alexander, Caesar, and Napoleon and everybody else to do this properly
>Sophie Scholl
>Harun ar-Rashid
>Pablo Neruda
>Richard Francis Burton
>Ōkuma Shigenobu
>Franz Boas
>George Orwell
>Crazy Horse
>Patrice Lumumba
-Marcus Aurelius
-Constantine I
-Godfrey of Bouillon
The Meiji Emperor himself actually did very little in the important phase of modernization of the country. After all he was only 16 years old when he was lifted to power by the choshu-satsuma clique.
the people who actually deserve credit for the meiji revolution are the genro, the meiji oligarchs
Plz share site used.
I had a hard time deciding but I'm quite satisfied with this nine folks. From left to right and from up to down:
>Cyrus the Great
>Shapur I
>Khosrow Anushirvan
>Genghis Khan
>James the Conqueror
>Charles V
>Abbas the Great
I lost the one I made for another thread like this but it's easy as fuck to make one user. Use paint or just google collage maker.
Sophie Scholl doesn't belong with the Stalinists and Jews.
I don't care much about policy, ideology or even results.
I only care about physical removal of leftists.
i like the way you think
Yeah its a generator
Go pirate shop or use the open source not shop that I forgot the name of.
With the human hyppcampus having limited calories, saying a general or man had a valiant endeavor is the equivalent of saying the men had a valiant endeavor.
>liking historical figures means you support great man history
>historical figures have to be great man to be liked
The USA.
Hoxha, Ceaucescu, Stalin, Jackson, Robespierre, Napoleon, Constantine, Charles XII, Sankara
>Wehner & Strauß
how does that even work?
Wang Mang
Yang Guang
Jiang Jingguo
Harun Al Rashid
Frederick II of HRE
Ali Jinnah
left to right, top to bottom
>Dan Seavey
>Charles the Bold
>Henry Morgan
>Bartholomew Roberts
>Alexander the Great
>Marquis de Lafayette
>Edward Teach
>Max Stirner
Shit forgot to name them.
Left to right, top to bottom:
Pepe Mujica
Jesus Christ
Akbar the Great
Victor Jara
Simón Bolívar
T.E. Lawrence
Salvador Allende
or at least somewhere in the Balkans I think
>Peter the Great
>George III
>Adolf Galland
>Queen Victoria
>Michel Ney
>Martin Luther
Nobody will guess me.
Robert E Lee
Genghis Khan
ibn Khaldun
CS Lewis
Thomas Aquinas
Basil II
>Akbar the Great
This will never not make me laugh
Hello /pol/
>Likes Bismark, and Willy
Serb diaspora pls go
Great man theory is objectively correct Mr. Green
General Longstreet
Frederick the Great
Catherine the Great
>ibn Kaldun
Mah nigga
Alexander the Great
Julius Caesar
Alexios Komnenos
Basil the Bulgar Slayer
My nigga
bulgars btfo, will they ever recover
[spoiler]they did, fuck[/spoiler]
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Wilhelm II Hohenzollern
Constantine XI Palaiologos
Benito Mussolini
Alexander of Macedon
Baldwin IV Anjou
Richard I Platengenet
Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus
Charles V von Habsburg
>not Hadrian
people like you are why the empire stretched too thin