Tell me your issue with this book, Veeky Forums
Tell me your issue with this book, Veeky Forums
It's a book for edgy teens and autists written by a deviant hypocrite.
Fucking love this episode.
Long. Boring. Worthless as a novel.
I liked it and found it empowering
Read the sticky you fucking idiot.
>tfw 400lb, 7' tall inbred, severely retarded brother
>keep him chained in the basement and feed him live chickens
>only thing that keeps him from flying into a murderous rage is tearing paper
>give him this book for christmas
>sheriff hasn't been called once this year
From a Christian perspective, I think Rand gets a bad wrap for the position that, improperly (from her position) articulated, "altruism is objectively wrong". She doesn't come out and say "all things which you might consider altruism are wrong", but places a specific qualifier, definition, on this sense of "high altruism" or agape, which is improper and wrong for humans, and quite honestly, I agree.
We learn from "even as you treat the least of these, you treat the Lord", that we're treating God in a fashion to the way we treat others... and ourselves. Sometimes in our depression, loathing, we treat self as "least", we hurt ourselves, ignore ourselves, mistreat ourselves, and in so doing mistreat God. We need to be able to function, healthily, to do well for others. If truly we're to love others as we love self, if we love self less then we will love others less.
So without making this into another book, I think she has insight. I think there's a balance which must be sought, not to love self too much, into narcissism, not to love self too little, and sacrifice so much of self, so there's nothing left with which to share and make positive change.
>From a Christian perspective
it was written by ayn rand
wtf lol
Well, that's unfortunate for you. Have fun in your echo chamber.
Thanks. Have fun with your pedo filled larpfest next sunday.
I found it incredibly stretched out and mediocre. It was so long and plot development was so sluggish i stopped reading at some point. I felt like Ayn sees her readers as first grade retards or isn't able to come to the point.
Oh, you mean life in general? I don't need Sundays for that, I see it happening everywhere, all the time, in all sectors. If you ignore what's endemic in humankind and attribute it specifically to one class or group, you're not going to be able to fix it, and quite honestly I don't believe your agenda is to truly fix that problem of victimization, but an agenda to point a finger and make yourself feel better about the trespasses you perpetrate and work to legitimize.
based user is based
It's an american/anglo meme and so irrelevant I literally never heard of it before Veeky Forums.
It's boring.
Well, you're misinformed. The author is.. fuck it. You get wikipedia.
>Christfag is so lonely that he gives his autistic outbursts samefag recognition
How sad
And here I thought you christfags believed in fairies for the sake of keeping your own lives together.
The book presents the world as being more or less driven by great men and women. This is wrong. Men and women who think they are great need only step aside to find out how quickly they are replaced. Galt's Gulch is the graveyard.
That being said, I know a number of people have found personal inspiration from the book, so it has that going for it, I guess.
She is the american/anglo meme, not her specific book famous in the USA.
This. Fuck that book.
>That being said, I know a number of people have found personal inspiration from the book, so it has that going for it, I guess.
Did these people actually become successful by any metric?
not enough trains
It's too long and poorly written
>Is right wing
Every time.
Replying to replies to my posts
I don't understand this post. I don't believe in fairies. The second post isn't me, but I know who it is, we share an ip. You're being inflammatory for the point of being inflammatory and it's not going to solve things. If this is how you run your life, in general, you might have future problems.
"She" spent her first 20 years, the most formative in a person's life, in 1905 to 1925 Russia. "She's" not an American meme, nor would I think it appropriate to argue "anglo" because her philosophy isn't especially ethnic.
Please explain what's right wing about that post. Rand was an avid atheist, to the point of scolding Christians for believing in the supernatural. I was expressing in that post an effort to meet "across the aisle" in idealism for the individual, how the individual views and treats self. I don't see how that's right , left , up , down or any other "wing".
Didn't read.
>The second post isn't me, but I know who it is, we share an ip.
Are you in a christfaggot cult compound?
No. He posts on some of these, I checked it out and started posting the last couple weeks.
She is an american meme because mostly only americans care about her.
>Please explain what's right wing about that post.
Because Rand's idea of "bad altruism", isn't quite like what you're describing (maybe it is and I'm just interpreting your post wrong). It's simply giving a fuck about anyone else, as far as she's concerned fuck loving others, just love yourself as opposed to any message of loving yourself more to love others more. To quote the woman herself
>“This was pity – this complete awareness of a man without worth or hope, this sense of finality…there was a shame in this feeling his own shame that he should have to pronounce suc judgment upon a man; that he should know an emotion which contained no shred of respect…there must be something terribly wrong with a world in which this monstrous feeling is called a virtue.”
There is no room for empathy in objectivism. It's not just improper and wrong to hate yourself, but the very act of caring about other people is seen as something to be rid of.
user, you're being autistic
A lot, philosophically.
But it deserves to exist because "Atlas Slugged" is a great pun.
Someone please post that comic.
If you want to read a book of a woman who hates selflessness, hates religion, hates social security, but leeched off of it when she was old and weak herself, go for it. Read it with a critical mind, and then there is nothing better to defeat Rand than Rand's writings herself.
Video semi related:
>Worshipes a grill who not only hated altruism but hated religion in general, Christianity especially as well, and repeatedly called it a slave mentality.
mental illness is real around here, huh...
Mark Cuban is one
1000 pages too long.
I mean the concept of Objectivity sounds interesting, but for fuck's sake you are not going to be able to learn it by reading that book as your brain would reject your body.
Have you never read a long book before pleb?
Rand's philosophy sounds like she was transcribing for a white noise machine.
I've read a great deal of +1000 page books, but those authors knew how to write.
Its like she had a political point and just had no idea how to translate that effectively.