The conditions of my admission stipulated I can't declare an Engineering major, so what else is there? I'm thinking either chemistry, physics, or finance.
What's the most Veeky Forums non-engineering degree?
The only "Veeky Forums approved" careers are daytrading, forex, or buying and selling trumpcoin, pepecoin and ethereum
>barred from studying engineering
Y doe
I'm a transfer student, but their college of engineering is already apparently full and/or they don't think I can make it. All I know is, they will only admit me if I don't pick an engineering major.
Which is kind of irritating because It's not like I have a full ride. You'd think if I have to pay, I can pick whatever major I damn please.
cant you just declare another major, while working on your core classes, and then switch to engineering once accepted
I don't know if they'll let me switch is the issue.
If you want to be an engineer and know you can transfer in, you can probably do something like Physics or Math major, so you can get a lot of the pre-reqs done for those classes, and even if you cannot, those jobs still have decent fields
Do applied math.
I'll look into applied mathematics. Are there any med fields that don't require 30 years of schooling/residence? 30 being an exaggeration, of course.
Off the top of my head, maybe radiologist, but even then, might not be worth it
Most are 7+ years, Pharmacy is usually 6 and pays well (my school is only 5 however)
Searching around the job market for applied mathematics, it can lead into some pretty comfy positions, if you have comp. sci, physics, or engineering experience/study as well. If I can't change back to engineering totally, I might be able to get it as a minor and build a CS portfolio.
Computer Science isn't really engineering
Statistics for the big data meme
In most unis Computer Science is basically engineering.
It's in their engineering college; I checked.
So I'm torn between changing to a profitable but unenjoyable major or moving to get a profitable but slightly more enjoyable trade; I have a week to decide lol.
OP, the most Veeky Forums thing to do is to drop out of school immediately and start a business. Degrees are for wage-plebs.
Most hotshot CEO's like Bill Gates are dropouts.
Andrew Carnegie was so Veeky Forumsnass he dropped out of elementary school.
They dropped out because they had their business ideas (Bill and Zuckerberg), not because it wasn't cool.
I can't declare comp. Sci as my major. Or any sort of engineering at all. Or Architecture.
Condition of acceptance.
Anything STEM or Business/Finance is good.
If you get a kick-ass GPA in Finance, you'll do just fine bro.
What is the unemployable major? anything is employable if your try hard enough.
Not employable, enjoyable. Pure physics or chemistry. I can definitely get a job with either, if I make it through the degree program.
Really? I've heard finance is very much about networking ability, and I'm not at a big name uni.
Obviously networking helps too (your network defines your net worth). But if you really really love math and analysis, you can do pretty well with finance.
Disclosure: I'm an engineer with an MBA degree.
Gotcha. I like math when I can tie it to a tangible product; it's part of why CE was appealing to me.