Was this man right on anything?
Was this man right on anything?
A few passing comments on dynamic markets and the inherent instability of Capitalism, though that was fleshed out by Goodwin really.
Besides that... Not much to be honest.
If you are unironically a "Marxist" in the current year you ought to gas yourself because everyone is laughing at you.
No. He's actually wrong on everything which is why they push his agenda.
We might as well just crown Marx as the meme-king of Veeky Forums at this point. Obsession is not a strong enough word for this phenomenon.
>Marx was a son of a Talmudic Jewish Rabbi.
When are they ever right?
wasnt he a rich NEET? and he wanted the workers of the world to rise up?
He was right but his prediction was off by about 150 years.
Marx was:
1. Bad historian
2. Genius observer
3. Terrible prophet
He was spot on in his observations of 19th century. If fact, his observations are an absolute must to understand the 19th century.
>3. Terrible prophet
Who considers him as a prophet?
Prophet, because he though he can predict future events on the basis of historical patterns he claimed to have discovered.
>Prophet, because he though he can predict future events on the basis of historical patterns he claimed to have invented
Fixed that for you.
No, he was a journalist who was out of work very often because of his extremely contentious politics. He died in poverty.
And yes he did.
You forgot to add
>Incomprehensible and tedious writer.
Have you ever tried reading Das Kapital?
>No, he was a Jew who was out of work very often because of his extremely contentious politics.
Fixed that for you.
"I'll have those plebs voting middle class for a thousand years" ~ Karl J Marx
He run a newspaper as an editor and drove in into bankruptcy. That's how his practical experiences with capitalism ended.
Reportedly, much of Marx' later articles were ghosted by others, most notably Engels.
>No, he was a lazy bourgeois jew who was out of work very often because he was lazy and receiving money from Engels and his mum (until she cut him off) was easier than doing hard work to feed and support his family.
Fixed that for you.
IIrc he wasn't rich himself but he had a rich sugardaddy
I want /pol/ to leave.
>I want /pol/ to leave
Nice try Juden.
He was smart enough to realize that capitalism would eventually turn the common people into wageslaves with diminished rights.
His father converted to protestantism to enhance his family's fortune.
Marx did have ancestors who were rabbis.
But he was raised in a Christian home.
wtf i hate protestants now
Welfare is what made people into slaves. They don't have to work to accomplish nuffin.
Gotta admit it was a great weight loss program.
>protestantism to enhance his family's fortune
Not only a jew, but a turncloak one as well?
>waah the truth hurts
>muh alt right
>1. Bad historian
18th Brumaire is god tier analysis you idiot and most historians are materialists.
I already know Marx was a Jew you mouthbreathers.
There's nothing enlightening or notable about repeatedly pointing this out in every thread about him as if it proves something.
He was right about everything, people are just too stupid to understand him.
Keynes stole from him, Kalecki stole from him, Minsky stole from him and as time goes on we keep returning to those influenced by Marx because history hasn't unfolded enough for the dialectic to reveal itself to laymen.
>3. Terrible prophet
>Predicted rapid technological change under capitalism.
>He was right.
>Predicted capitalists would get desperate and restrict wages.
>He was right.
>Predicted globalization of capital.
>He was right.
>Predicted the broadening use of income tax and welfare to redistribute wealth.
>He was right.
>Predicted the end of slavery.
>He was right.
>Predicted rising inequality.
>Predicted ever worsening crises in capitalism.
>You're literally living it right now as you shit post on your mongolian basket weaving forum.
>His father converted to protestantism to enhance his family's fortune.
What a Jew thing to do.
>Pointing up Marx's BS is stealing from him
>Predicted the end of slavery.
>He was right.
>In September 2003, National Geographic reported that “there are more slaves today than were seized from Africa in four centuries of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.”
>Trafficking in Persons Report, 2006.
Keynes didn't point out his BS. He fully accepted Marx's criticisms of capitalism and pondered how to rectify this.
Of course it worked fantastically then some decades later neoclassical shitters threw it all out the window now Marx's predictions are continuing to reveal themselves as correct.
Marx could not have been right on anything.
He was on the left.
good job
What would he have thought about Lenin? It's weird to me that Lenin treated Marx' writings similarly to holy texts, but he still deviated so much from them during his rule. Did he never realise his hypocrisy?
Marxism is also heavily influenced by Christianity
His predictions seem to be coming true now
Russia wasnt really a industrial nation at the time so the whole revolution was kind of devititation from Marxes texts as far as im aware.
>Marxism is also heavily influenced by Christianity
In what ways?
>Industialized countries
> Bourgeouis
> Out of money
I don't think you understand the term
Nice reading comprehension
dirty commies'
Ok. Someone actually educate my stupid liberal arts college Marxist ass and walk me through everything he did wrong aside from just "muh class history" and "muh revolution."
Holy shit welfare is a fucking meme. Countries that do well tend to have massive welfare states, which has not stopped them from doing well and seems to actually help them do well. Welfare does not stop people from working, else these countries would've collapsed a long time ago. Fuck off.
Labor Theory of Value is about the only shaky thing he wrote on. The rest of it was essentially a sociological and historiographic method, a quite powerful one at that.
Not really.
I mean he did pretty much invent sociology though. Too bad sociology is cancerous as hell at the moment.
In what way?
>Terrible prophet
Not entirely. He pretty accurately predicted the natural course of capitalism.
It just hasn't run its full course yet and to be fair there are factors I don't think he could've considered but it remains to be seen if capitalism will give birth to socialism as Marx suggested.
Unfortunately everybody wants to disregard him because autists used his predictions to to try and force different forms of socialism.