How would you feel if you died, went to the afterlife, and discovered that your religion was the wrong one? If, for example, you're a devout Muslim and you discover that the God of Abraham didn't exist, but the Egyptian pantheon are real? If you're a Buddhist and you find your soul in the underworld of Hades? If you're a Christian and God told you that the true messiah hasn't been sent yet, Jesus was just some guy and you're going straight to hell for not being Jewish and worshipping a false idol?
How would you feel if you died, went to the afterlife, and discovered that your religion was the wrong one? If...
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I'd be surprised if any of it was real in the first place tbqh
i'd feel dead inside
Depends on what turned out to be real.
If it was something I'd never heard of, or even considered, I'd probably just stand there dumbfounded.
I would laugh and probably go insane at the absurdity of the situation
Honestly probably cry since I'm going to hell, and hell sucks. I mean there is not much you can do at this point.
ITT: OP discovers, together with our observations of the world thus far, why every human being should be an atheist. Hint: construct an infinity of religions which are conceivable, yet which humans have never, and will never, adhere to in any significant numbers.
Bummed, but I'll live. If it's the Flying Spaghetti Monster that fucker is gonna get eaten because he's so delicious.
Veeky Forums has convinced me I'm going to hell regardless.
>be catholic mexican cartel thug
>do all kinds of crimes and atrocities
>get killed in a gangfight and there's no priest to be seen
>"oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck I'm going to fucking hell"
>fair maiden descends from heavens
>carries you across a rainbow bridge to a magical realm
>since you died valiantly in battle the Great Odin has chosen you for his hall
>have fun for centuries in Valhalla while betas and gringos rot in boring Helheim
Hope I can kill myself in this afterlife if not oh well.
>tfw you'll never party with Al Capone and Pablo Escobar in Valhalla.
>going straight to hell for not being Jewish and worshipping a false idol
Jew here, we don't believe in eternal damnation.
but to answer the original question, I'd get over it eventually, because it is eternal. even if jesus descended from the heaven, let me stick my finger in his wounds and told me to accept him or I'd go to hell, I would tell him to go fuck himself. 3000 years of tradition is not ending at my generation.
That kinda depends on whether the deity that turns out to be real punished me or not, doesn't it?
Wow what a Tyrioness
she even has a nose scar
I'd plow
I'd only be concerned if it were Christian hell, Muslim hell, or Buddhist hell.
If it was just some underworld where everyone goes regardless of merit, then whatever I guess. I'd have an eternity to chill and do nothing, and if I don't have a consciousness or can't think then I definitely won't care, in fact I'd rather that.
I always dreamed about this as a kid
>Do not weep for me children...I go to the bosom of the lord now
>Oh boy! Time to meet Jesus!
*suddenly on a spaceship*
SILENCE TERRAN! You stand in the empire of Xenu!
>this is nonsense
Dude there's like a million religions, and you chose wrong
I would fuck this midget.
What if you meet an accepting god who isn't a villain?
Let's start counting 1, 3 oh sorry, whatever 2 doesn't matters
How can you be blamed for not knowing? We would have to be re-educated on the 1 true religion. But like I have always said if Muslims and Christians are religions that say they go to heaven. What about the tribes of "wild" people in the Amazon or Africa Asia do they go to hell for having never heard of these religious groups and having the opportunity to choose? Because if that's the case the after life is not that forgiving and would basically suck since they claim to be forgiving
seems like you worship tradition, not god.
What if God were a sick, twisted bastard and everyone who worshipped him ended up in hell and those who didn't went to heaven because he views worship as the ultimate sin?
>going striaght to hell for not being Jewish
OP confirmed for knowing nothing about the Jewish afterlife or morality.
There are exactly seven rules nonjews must follow to be considered worthy of "the world to come" and it basically consists of not speaking negatively of the ineffable name of god (which you wouldn't know anyway) and then not murdering, stealing, having "illicit sex," or eating a live animal, and broadly "being in a society that has laws."
Also Jews don't really have a hell to speak of, and it cannot last more than 50 years anyway due to God's punishments also being subject to the jubilee.
similarly, if you woke up in hades or duat, you'd be judged not for your piety to a made up religion, but for your general good nature.
I'll take the fair maiden to go please.
I probably wouldn't really care...
Matthew 5:22 But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.
“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
You're a murderer.
You're an adulterer.
You have no way to atone for your sins.
How would you feel if there is a way to know where you will go after you pass from death to new life?
There literally is a feeling that will reveal itself to you, a confirmation almost
The kind of question only a brainwashed religious person (usually muslims) would ask.
What is it with Christrians and circular reference to try proving their faith by their faith rather than outside references.
Quoting the Bible does nothing but show that you are referencing the Bible which people have been asking proof of. You need more than Bible quotes if you are going to convince others to join your faith.
It's not circular reasoning at all.
God said it. God is not wrong. God is not mistaken. God does not lie.
Thinking you are safe from being a sinner by not actually killing someone and by not actually having intercourse with a married person is foolish.
>God said it.
prove it
Literally quoted from the mouth of God in the Word of God under inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God.
I don't think I would mind. As a Muslim, even with the descriptions of hell and those who transgress, I fully accept the fact that no one can know their place in the afterlife because it's up to God. That's why the beauty in faith to me is not knowing because it isn't always about where you go, but what you do.
No. I mean why do you think quoting the Bible is proof hat the Bible is right? You need something outside the Bible to prove the Bible is true or false to non-believers. Simply quoting a Bible does nothing but quote the Bible.
Has God provided you with anything such as logic to prove that your faith is true outside the Bible? I mean you are quoting a translated Bible anyways and not in its original language btw.
that girls cute
You could say the exact same thing about any of the Hindu scriptures, which are also older and more well-preserved, but you don't worship Ganesha do you? "It's true because God doesn't lie because it says so on this paper" isn't an argument, it's a mystery of irrationality. I'd be with you if you could provide a naturalistic explanation completely divorced from the bible, or gesture to a miracle non-believers bear witness to which couldn't be explained by any other phenomena than the Judeo-Christian god.