What country has hands-down the most boring history?
What country has hands-down the most boring history?
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You already posted it
New Zealand, Canada, Australia
The United States
>tfw Canadian
>get really excited when a single lecture in a great courses series mentions general Wolfe conquering Canada because they actually mentioned your country and your city
I was going to say South Sudan, just for the briefness of its history
But it occurred to me that even five years of South Sudan is infinitely more interesting than 300 years of Canada.
Hi my quebec friend
This is really true.
I mean, all the best parts of Canadian history like the early colonial march into Montreal and the Siege of Quebec City are all also parts of American history.
Canadian history isn't THAT bad, after WW1 it's boring as fuck though. The early exploration and British vs French wars are good
If we're getting technical, probably one of those 12 km wide islands stuffed full of 100000 Polynesians. In terms of countries of relative importance, probably Canada. I'd say Iceland or something but at least they were vikings and shit once.
>Some people show up to a bunch of mountains
>the end.
Canadian history at least has the benefit of not being isolated from the world and being involved in French and British wars and 1812. There are plenty of other colonies who did jack shit for centuries.
No sadly, it's even worse, a suburb of Toronto. I hat loving history because nothing significant has ever happened in Toronto.
In Mike Duncan's Revolutions podcast he was asked a lot about why Canadians didn't join the war, but even then he only mentioned Quebec. I was so excited that maybe my area would get mentioned.
paupa new guinea
Greenland or Iceland.
Have they done anything since the viking age?
Sure sure
>implying mountain jews don't have interesting as fuck history compared to syrupniggers
Quebec is actually the place where the most shit happened in Canada. Be it the rebellions or the terrorists we had. I find nothing interesting about the rest of Canada. Maybe i'm wrong
Greenland never did anything to speak of, and I'm pretty sure a population size as big as some families.
Iceland hasn't done much of note since it got independence from an equally uneventful Denmark, and really only stands out for being a nice place to visit, it's adorable language, and upsettingly attractive citizens.
The good majority of our rebellions have happened outside of Quebec.
Politely asking your neighbor to quiet down doesn't qualify as rebellion, leaf.
Take out Louis Riel, what else happened in the West?
sick railways
some lady painting totem poles
I honestly think Toronto is the most historical event devoid major city in the world.
>one rebellion
>got beseiged by americans once
>oh yeah we built that really tall tower
>rush is cool I guess
I'm fucking jealous of Quebec, I want to know what having a heritage with real history is like
Canada hands down, look at the meti war for one. So much for war good honest dependable ontario boys go out to finally get to grips with paplery and to kill some indians. After a hard trek using camels impoted from egypt the candian army exhausted and demorilzed stands ready on the sweeping stepps of manitoba. Nothing happens the rebles surrender and flee to the states. The year or so round two happens and we battles like duck lake yet the whole involed 5000 gov troops and at most 700 rebs
Why would you not count Louis Riel?
Anyways you're also forgetting the Upper Canada Rebellion.
literally knights templar
Implying Maori intertribal warfare is boring. I hope you are joking kiddo. Easily most interesting tribal society encountered by the old world. English got BTFO in battles by Maori. Pioneered trench warfare and destroyed niggers left right and center of trivial things like somebody taking the biggest fish at a feast
Daily reminder that Canada produced this gem. And Diefenbaker.
Also, Bear.
Yes, I know it's Veeky Forums. It's part of Canadian history too.
Canada is based as fuck
-FYR Macedonia
-All micro states.
-Siberian and non Turkic nomads
-Papua New Guinea
-East Timor
-Pretty much every pacific island country outside of New Zealand and Tahiti
New Zealand
and Paraguay after War of Triple Fuck You
>-East Timor
The history of these countries in the 20th century alone is far from boring.
But OP your answer is without a shadow of a doubt is Bhutan.
Not really the most boring history but I feel like a lot of non-European history lacks depth, because of a lack of translators and disputable sources
>The history of these countries in the 20th century alone is far from boring.
What country has the most boring 20th Century history is much different question that what country has the most boring history
San Marino
Argentina, they haven't done anything interesting at all besides attacking Britain
Yes but Albanian history is interesting in general. And the pure brutality of East Timor in the 20th century disqualifies it from being the most boring ever.
All I got is Louis Riel
What about the snownigger countries? They literally did nothing throughout their history
>Dragon King realm
It has to be Canada. Canada itself is boring so every event related to them gets automatically boring unless you're from there. And it's not like they had so many interesting events to begin with. Being basically a more european America, they don't even enjoy the benefit of being exotic.
>The Winter War is boring
China. Defeated by these guys, oppressed by those guys... Just fucking pathetic
To be fair, Canadian politics has been pretty interesting.
Canadian, please.
>Canadians vote for weed
>don't get weed
The world shakes
I find Canadian history pretty cool actually
>Uneventful history
Damnit user, this is a Veeky Forums board.