Is this a good look?

Is this a good look?
What would you change?

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what the fuck

The bottom half of the outfit is too pale for a black jacket, imo.

It's a good look if you can pull it off. I have a similar fit but with pastel pink pants instead of blue and white sneakers.

maybe change the shoes

Would change the jacket to a muted brown. Then it would be good

I would agree but the way the colors get lighter as the outfit goes down makes it work.

it's almost good, but everything is just slightly off

>fashion in a nutshell

Everything. I would change everything. You look like an anorexic ryo hazuki.

no it doesn't you mong

It would if it were more gradual, but it goes from straight black to a pale baby blue without a smooth transition it looks jarring also the material of the pants is kind of odd for the jacket its not "rugged" enough to go with it.

That looks like someone who isn't allowed near children

My first thought was this:

Dr. CIA, I'm Pavel...

The haircut is the only part I like.

yes, looked good until i looked closer

The hair, glasses, mustache, jacket, jeans, and shoes

How about denim instead of chinos

I love OL but why do they pick ugliest fucking models?

In order to recognize yourself into that.


that is denim

jacket looks like it was $50 at Zara. Boots look like they were $20 at H&M. the boots and mustache look ridiculous, this is like some Freddie Mercury gone lumberjack bullshit