How do i make a trench coat smell nice without perfume?

How do i make a trench coat smell nice without perfume?
Can i just burn whateverin the same room and let it soak it?

Scratch and sniff panels around the collar, so your neckbeard can rub on it and release scents as you wear it.

With that out of the way, yeah you can probably burn incense or something next to it and it will retain the smell. But I don't know if you want to be "that guy in the big coat that smells like he burns things"

i want it to smell like a forest/mountains

Bury it in the woods with some pine needles for a week

that may unironically work

buy a few yankee candles

balsam and cedar
sage and citrus

Just perfume it using dsquared Wood eau de toilette

You know you could just dry clean it.

i mean it's brand new, its clean, odorless, but i want to make it smell nice
No perfume, i'm a NEET with almost no income, must save those dollahz for tendies

>go to store with perfume testers
>find one you like and spray on coat
there, free perfume

It's near christmas time. Find some trimmings of christmas trees and wreaths. Put in and around coat, roll coat up. Let it set. Be careful not to get sap on fabric, wrap cut ends of branches with foil or paper towels. Instant outdoors-ey smell.

The smell of dry cleaning gives me a boner. After a few hours it starts to hurt and I keep getting kicked off public transit. What do?

just smoke and smell like a real man

Kek cigarette smoke smells like utter shit, try pipe smoking, now that's a manly odor.

Is it military issue, OP? this is key.

Go outdoors

Buy one of these at the gas station and place them in one of the pockets.

No, but my trenchcoat looks like the wehrmacht's, that's why i bought it in first place



That's a greatcoat. Trenchcoats are an anglo invention to keep the rain out, greatcoats are a general european/western thing and protect against the cold.

so can i roleplay as nazi or no?