Are you a failure if you don't live in silicon valley or picrelated?
Are you a failure if you don't live in silicon valley or picrelated?
what would be the fucking advantages living in NYC or London? One of the most expensive cities in the world..
Nah, shit's overrated.
Better business/career prospects, higher wages, better culture and quality of life
NYC smells like smog and garbage. I'm blessed I didn't have to grow up in that shithole of a city.
can I be cool too?
Better prospects, culture, and quality of life are all subjective. Higher wages can be completely consumed by higher cost of living.
Not for long, London has fallen
Rather live in fiji surfing 20ft waves drinking pina coladas everyday. Instead of living in a cold shit-hole filled with people who hate each other.
Nope. However, if you do make it big then chances are you'll end up in one of them.
>"""""happening""""" bs or wildly inaccurate and laughably cynical predictions
no thanks
You're a failure if you don't have a good job (read "one you enjoy but that pays at least relatively well")/don't go to a good uni or if you just have a terrible personal life; geographic location has little to do with it other than the fact that having a well paying business/finance job means you probably live in Silicon Valley, NY, London, or other financial/political capitals of wealthy countries.
Depends. Several people who made it REALLY big don't really live there. Like Buffett, Mansueto, a hedge fund manager who lives in Connecticut (can't remember his name but he's one of the best), etc.
no - I am a success and I live here
>a hedge fund manager who lives in Connecticut
LOTS of hedge funds are based in Greenwich. What a peon you are. You were probably thinking of Ray Dalio, though.
>not living in Boston
Used to live in silicon valley, very overrated unless you are deep into start up culture.
If you just want to work a job, there are better options
>Hong Kong, Shangai, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore,
>Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland
>Buenos Aires, Santiago, Mexico City, Sao Paulo
>Amsterdam, Brussels, Edinburgh, Dublin, Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Geneva, Zurich, Barcelona, Madrid, Berlin, Munich, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Milan etc
In the grand scheme of things no one person, let alone a 4channer is ever really going to be important.
Go with a higher quality of life and less pretense desu.
Still plenty of big cities.
No, just significantly more likely to be
i thought only hobos lived in train stations
To hell with all of that. My 2 bit city in the mid west has just the same amenities and sub cultures as LA and new york but without the vain and high cost.
I make just under 100k a year and live very comfortably on less than 25k a year. Fuck meme cities and their meme pizza
no, that's just a sad attitude perpetuated by people who live in big cities. i lived in LA for 10 years and NY for 3. These places are shitholes.
I can't imagine why you think they'd be special unless you fell hard for the actual meme
Someone who makes 200k a year in LA and lives off 50k a year is much better off than you.
Ignore the memes for a second, some industries literally ONLY exist in those cities though.
Like film and tv, if you dont live in london, NY or LA it will be 5 times harder to get anywhere in your career. Or banking. Or to a lesser extent music and the arts.
For an entrepreneur too, the social networks and infrastructure and the markets are bigger and better in those cities. recruiting is easy, advertising is easier.
> implying anyone goes to beaches in SF
That's the sad thing. Right on the coast and too chilly to go tanning on the beach outside of a month or 2 a year.
If SF didn't have the tech jobs, nobody would give a fuck about it. LA is so much nicer.
>My 2 bit city in the mid west has just the same amenities and sub cultures as LA and new york but without the vain and high cost.
Having a Chinese food place is not the same as having a Chinatown.
that only matters if the higher wages are proportionate to the cost of living, in many larger cities disposable income actually goes down.
you could always live in a complete dive, mind you.
>that only matters if the higher wages are proportionate to the cost of living, in many larger cities disposable income actually goes down.
For the first ten years, maybe. A mid-level professional which make much more compared to cost of living than their counterparts. Why do you think people stay there after they grow up?
Just no.
You have no idea how wrong you are.
Try and get your information that more sources than just tv.
Meme cities desu. If I landed jobs there id get enough to start investing (few million) and fuck off.
In a globalised world it does not matter from where you work.
New York, London, Silicon Valley and similar places are only for showing off.
It depends what your definition of success is
>london/new york
Despite earning
>big city citizen
>better culture
>quality of life
You've never lived in a big city havn't you?
All the lowest scum of society is concentrated there, and the level of stress for the amount of people there is is annoying to unbearable for the non-subhuman people or non-normies.
have you*?
what is so appealing about them? Crowded space where people are loosing their mind, because they rush and rush towards an abstract goal never really understanding what the life is really about. It is so poluted, air, noise, food, thought wise. As a child, yes, it was interested in this sort of environment, but as I grew, I understood what is life and what it is about, I am looking for suburb, country side area now.
I just came home from a month long trip and stay in London. Wouldn't want to live there for much longer to be honest. It's not the worst city in the world but also very not much my thing.
also, failure by what standards? Failure to whom? What do you mean by ''failure'? I recommend clearing your mind and getting in touch with reality, it is obvious, and trust yourself. You are not here to prove anything to someone or in that matter of fact, to anyone at all. If you will try to make your life up by other standards and meaningless expectations - your life will be a hell, why not make heaven out of it? By simply giving less fucks about anything, in the end you will have to give it all up, everything in this case, everything ... see the positive side of this, do what make you feel good, and before you need anything, ask yourself again - do you REALLY need it? In most cases the answer will be - no. Do something cool