
nice bald spot on the right

low functioning autism making fun of high functioning autism

>browsing reddit
You're just as bad as they are.

>uses reddit
Oh the irony

modern art is degenerate

t. cargo short wearing manchild

sums it up

Low functioning autists can't even use computers retard.

then how are you using yours

i bet you thought that was clever

say no more



holy fuck bfto

fucking mongrel cumskin mutt

it was

3 and 5 holy shit

I thought it was pretty clever.

>Browsing reddit

it is not even techwear. it is like cav emptor, visvim and yohji fag shit

Why are his eyes so small?


>cav emptor


post face


Finally, someone understands. The guys in the picture above do post in the techwear discord

that means it's techwear

Nice job got fucking destroyed
