Why do protestants believe that masturbation is not a sin?
Conclusion from the last thread: protestants do believe it is a sin
Why do protestants believe that masturbation is not a sin?
Conclusion from the last thread: protestants do believe it is a sin
no they don't
Can someone that is christian answer this:
Nothing on itself is forbidden because the great commandment is the fulfilling of the law.
Confirmation from Romans 14
13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.
14 B ...if anyone regards something as unclean, then for that person it is unclean...
17...the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking...
>Nothing on itself is forbidden
>protestants do believe it is a sin
Some do, some don't. I dont think it is inherently sinful. I think Anything which you are doing in excess is sinful.
This look...
When Paul uses the word "unclean" he is referring to violation of the ritual purity standards found in Torah which is why he talks about "eating and drinking" in the following verse. Jesus taught that the Torah was encapsulated in the Great Commandment of loving God and one's neighbor so therefore obedience to Torah is not measured by one's diet etc...
However, the Great Commandment is violated when we masturbate because we are not loving God by taking the gift of eros and reducing it to sterile stimulation of the flesh. In the same epistle, Paul writes "but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me." (Rm 7:23) This "law of sin" is the inherited inclination we all have to indulge our fleshly appetites and is a consequence of Adam's disobedience. In another epistle Paul says "for the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want." (Gal 5:17) we must therefore resist the desires of the flesh because in doing so we are strengthening our Spirit and abstaining from masturbation is one way we do this.
Lust is a sin, if you can do it with out lust than your okay
Ritual purity standards
...judge... ...treat...
19 Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.
21 B
...or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall....
22 D
...everything that does not come from faith is sin....
Can we agree this is not solely about eating and drinking? But about anything that causes an issue as is described? Or is this invalid in general? So to all christians, the official consensus. Or maybe this always depends, not sure or you don't know?
That's an interesting compromise.
Why is this thread being remade? In the same week? At the same time? With the same strawman argument?
Lust of the eyes.
Lust of the flesh.
Pride of life.
Any one of those is sin; fapping to porn is literally all three.
Paul's telling new Christians they don't have to be Jews.
>because we are not loving God
The more unknown, unsure thing of the great commandment. Other persons is more seeable and understandable.
It is like if it is about the part of God, making a judgement about what to do there is no clear beginning or ending. Like an incomprehensible space that has no clear livable, or workable closure. And when communicating about it, it seems easy to disagree about.
What do you think how to solve this?
Yes the purity standards are not only about eating and drinking but the point is that Christians follow the Great Commandment and masturbation violates this.
Learn to tolerate ambiguity.
You keep saying nonsense.
Nobody follows God's commandments except God.
Nobody follows God's Law except God.
If you want to be like God on your own, which you appear to be attempting to do, you must be perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect. Perfectly following ALL 613 commandments, not just the greatest one.
This is not strawman. Or please say what the original thing is, clean it.
Lust is in no way a sin. OR there must be a reason. Lust is a normal part of life. In fapping or in anything else. So say what the reason is.
Strawman: Protestants do not think masturbation is a sin.
Lust is literally 2/3 of the types of sin that exist.
Lust of the eyes.
Lust of the flesh.
Pride of life.
From those three things come all sin.
Are you afraid that because you masturbate, God will not save you?
Do you think there is anyone in heaven (but for Jesus) who did not masturbate?
Not on my own but with God's help.
>Lust is literally 2/3 of the types of sin that exist.
As far as the Bible is about this:
I think a lot of verses could be involved, but it would come down to that ""lust"" in a situation could be a sin only if it is clearly an unlivable or at least a bad thing to self, another person or God.
--> Ambiguity --> Still something to ''''hold'''' for now. Something is missing for a final conclusion that has use in communication.
Agreed or not?
I think this is interesting because masturbation is a normal part of life. Like to enter of leave a house through a door. Not the window. Or any of that sort of things.
The culture of christianity has an enormous problem. And cultures in the same country do this far far better.
No. Not with God's help. You will not follow all of God's commandments and not sin with God's help.
You'll just go crazy trying.
Yes. It is.
1 John 2:16
For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.
Indeed. And the bible is silent on the matter directly. I'm amazed that people think God's omniscience and omnipresence means that God watches them masturbate and/or have sex.
It's just such a foreign concept to me.
I need God's help because I sin.
>I think this is interesting
I posted this. I'm also interested in doing something about it. But this sounds a bit megaloman a think. I am the one saying it. So this is why I think I should keep some sort of not too big position. Meaning in a way that works well. It has nothing to do with self sacrifice. At least not out of the ordinary as with anything. Maybe a sort of hiddenness is a description of it.
We all sin bro. Saved, lost, we all sin. While we're on earth, we're gonna sin. There's just no denying it.
Paul was the greatest apostle alive. Here's what he said:
Romans 7
For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.
You don't have to clean yourself up to approach God. Such a thing is impossible.
Approach God just as you are, and let Him do the cleaning. It's what He does.
O wanted to reply to this but didn't in this postRight! This exact thing.
>With Gods help
There is this undoable result thing with this. (?)Anyone could have a very strong counter opinion as far as I know
Is anything hidden from God?
Does not God know what you will do before you do it? Before you were even born?
>talking about Protestantism as if it can agree on anything
Hey this is interesting. I had to think about this.
1 John 2
15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father[d] is not in them. 16 For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.
I think it has to do with barberian not intelligent acts. We all know we should but the writer must have known that not all are always as informed.
And availability of the Bible also wasn't normal from the beginning. Or individual broad understanding of scripture or even derivatives.
James 4:4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
In literal words, or however to put it, the Bible is sometimes contradictory. So reasons for this would have to be set.
Check yourself whenever you think the bible contradicts itself, because it does not.
But the thing you think is a contradiction is something important to you. Something you cling to from the world, and don't want to be proven false.
"World" in this case and in this sense means the fallen, cursed and broken world ruled over by evil men and even more evil demons above them.
Not "world" as in "God made us a wonderful world to be created upon."
What is the official reading for this? Does anyone know?
I know the text. That is not it.
Normally it is used in a circumstance of not doing what is in the world.
What is contradictory is that God created the world. So first of all there can not be a reason to consider anything worth isolating from.
>Not "world" as in "God made us a wonderful world to be created upon."
This is what I would always mean.
>But the thing you think is a contradiction is something important to you. Something you cling to from the world, and don't want to be proven false.
It is more this:
a] God created me and the world
b] This means I am dependant on a number of things to be happy or to function normally
In other words, anything that would block my or other peoples 100% functioning, being a creation, as it is, can not be meant clinging.
And it does not only have to be about things that are absolute necessities. I mean there should be a respectable worthy space in this. (Oh oh, very important !! This could get lost in the discussion)
Maybe a good Idea to turn this discussion down a little for now. And continue some other time (in this thread). Less/ no necessity of replying at this time.
you should focused on Jesus and his finished works not what one group or another does
>James 4:4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
Fascism: this would be a or one of the interesting things for fascism or more right wing to do. If it would become different, more correct as it is now.
Namely watching over this:
And if there is nothing to do about it some other thing that does not create problems or in any way a need for it.
>friendship with the world
This can't as it is now. Because the common spiritual house should be something no one could have real and correct objections to. And point one with this is that the whole world wants to have a common spiritual house that is just correct, acceptable and not a problem. In other words: in reality there are -at least - no HUMANS left to be the world. Where it concerns this exact matter of friendship with the world.
I'm glad I'm not a Christian anymore.
user forget these people who argue church politics and just believe in gods grace he has already provided everything you need in live through grace you just have to use your faith
grace makes faith takes
Is this you too?
This is not how it works in practice. Say discussing this as now. First it will be about the things that are normally used in this case. And I don't think this will prove itself this different in second, third, fourth or whatever instance. To -wow- say that
Nobody follows God's commandments
Only God follows Gods law
Becoming as God, in a way you could only mean like His spiritual being. While man is another kind of being. If it is about the similar thing, God as an example, this is in discussing this with what is meant for it. Something working in practice, doable.
Or do you have some sort of proposal in mind? Or what would you propose?
I think that this is all very interesting. But that it is best discussed in a somewhat slow pace, so to be able to think about some things as well. Or other reasons.
So this would mean a new thread if this one gets archived. Or however it may be. I hope this discussion can be continued.
I happened to come by this:
It could be interesting as a whole, but Just to basically show that what I posted before:
This is what I posted before: A more scientific and personal thing about God.
Short summarised: A more scientific part about God, His being, will and acting. That sort of things. Literally NOTHING or BAD things happen if it is not done by humans. From A to Z. Like agriculture, chemistry, building techniques and so on. There is NOT EVEN a first spark, so it seems. Or could be wise to say. Even if it is about very known and bigger things.
And a more personal part. Like Christ's ministry on earth, a healing miracle, a confirmed prophet or apparitions.
Here shown by the torture and killing practices of what was in those days the respected church. (Somewhere round about 24:00) As is the protestant church or oth...............
....Continued....................er churches now. So that could make a similar mistake. In another way of course. Not as far as, but still a fault.
And this:
This is from the **** satanic bible! I was thinking of this before from nowhere near having anything to do with the devil.
And I noticed this more often looking at the satanic bible.
This was it:
Some ''''15''''
Popular lies have ever been the most potent enemies of personal liberty. There
is only one way to deal with them: Cut them out, to the very core, just as
cancers. Exterminate them root and branch. Annihilate them, or they will us!
Or this '''14''' just above ''15''''. And then I will stop before seeing something in 16, 18 20 or whatever number too.
The lie that is known to be a lie is half eradicated, but the lie that even
intelligent persons accept as fact—the lie that has been inculcated in a little
child at its mother’s knee—is more dangerous to contend against than a
creeping pestilence!
Someone just recently posted the satanic bible on /pol/
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