Shit that you would unironically wear

shit that you would unironically wear



uncle jack approved


how can this fit be so poorly executed, especially by flacco

fuck full rick

>he thinks it's possible to wear this jacket unironically


this guy knows what's up



sorry Junie...
nothin personal

Yeah, I really like the double floral but everything fits in a way that doesn't make it pop the way it should. Cropped/cuffed pants, a boxier shirt maybe, idk what exactly, but some small changes would go a long way imo


>My feet hurt

Can you stick to a glass door and or window with this jacket?

>tfw lands on floor and gets dust and hair on it

I would wear the fuck out of the Sunrise Suit, just drop the vest and the gasmask though.



Whole outfit basically

I think this is pretty sick desu