Why Roman Empire was never restored despite of everything that Charlemagne, Justinian and that guy who created >H>R>E was done? They even are successful in their attempts to conquer many lands.
Why Roman Empire was never restored despite of everything that Charlemagne...
stability wasn't their friend
>Why Roman Empire was never restored despite of everything that Charlemagne, Justinian and that guy who created >H>R>E was done? They even are successful in their attempts to conquer many lands.
>Otto I
Notice some trait they all share? They are all christians
>Notice some trait they all share?
All disgusting white males.
Thats true also
Justinian was a proud African you ass
>Justinian was a proud African you ass
We wuz autokrator and shiet
Vikings screwed things up
Parce que Charlemagne n'a pas existé comme 500 ans d'histoire autour de lui...
>lost time hypothesis
or phantom time or whatever the fuck this is called
get out
Récentisme, Kevin et a la place de rire tu devrais lire Fomenko...aux moins écouté ces vidéos...
FtM transexuals are not privileged like cis-males are.
>wasting my time reading this trash
The Wikipedia version will do:
"He asserts from this that all of ancient history (including the history of Greece, Rome, and Egypt) is just a reflection of events that occurred in the Middle Ages and that all of Chinese and Arab history are fabrications of 17th and 18th century Jesuits.
He also claims that Jesus lived in the 12th century A.D. and was crucified on Joshua's Hill; that the Trojan War and the Crusades were the same historical event; and that Genghis Khan and the Mongols were actually Russians. As well as disputing written chronologies, Fomenko also disputes more objective dating techniques such as dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating."
Tres percutant et relevant, ton point, ese?
>aux moins écouté ces vidéos
Toi, t'as raté ton bac.
Even though he fancied himself an Emperor, he knew that declaring himself The Roman Emperor would be laughed by the Byzantines, I swear the pope did a surprise crowning of him as Holy Roman emperor and he was super pissed off because he knew it wouldn't sit well. If he tried to declare a new Roman empire he would've got duppy'd by what was actually considered the Roman empire at the time: The Byzantines. Basically the shadow of Constantinople and the Saxons stopped him going too far
Écoute, Jacques...
Un plus petit livre, pour les dummies incapable dire un livre d'homme...
>Why Roman Empire was never restored despite of everything that Charlemagne, Justinian
>One of the greatest plagues in history, this devastating pandemic resulted in the deaths of an estimated 25 million (initial outbreak that was at least 13% of the world's population) to 50 million (two centuries of recurrence) people.
The plague traveled along the trade routes and most of the deaths were in trade center or directly around them. This or more less killed the majority of multi-regional trade routes. Cross channel trade for example did not restart as a ongoing year to year thing till the 1130s.
No trade centers means no real-estate that one easily control the area via a single city .
What constitutes as "restored"? Matching territory? Capital being located at Rome?
Fuck off, you ignorant shit.
Start a thread on non western history, if you're so inclined.
Fomenko is the worst sort of pseudo-science.
His followers are no better than conspiracy nuts.
HRE failed because they couldn't take Rome. They couldn't take Rome because the pope didn't want them to and had the HRE on a leach.
Byzantine Empire couldn't because there was no reason to do so (Eastern lands were richer the capital was well defended, the largest threat to them were also east of them, and the system that gotten them the Roman empire was also the system that caused them to be stretched thin and constantly break out into civil war).