I'd like to know more about the history of my people
Were there Italians in America before the massive sicilian immigration?, How do other American people saw/see us?, What's our biggest contribution to America?
I'd like to know more about the history of my people
Were there Italians in America before the massive sicilian immigration?, How do other American people saw/see us?, What's our biggest contribution to America?
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>Were there Italians in America before the massive sicilian immigration?
Some populations maybe, but in general Italians preferred South America
>How do other AMerican people saw/see us?
Like the Irish (i.e. not good)
Like the Irish (i.e. good)
>What's our biggest contribution to America?
Cheap labor
>cheap labor
>not cuisine or organized crime
>Northern Italian
>Family came before the independence
>White aryan
>Before those moors came to America, Italians were considered as good as any other white anglosaxon
>Even Jefferson liked us
Fuck Wops
>What's our biggest contribution to America?
>As good as an Anglo
So trash?
Also how did your family remain northern Italian in America for hundreds of years?
>northern Italians
Kek pic related
Italians are very comparable to Mexicans. My great grandmothers family came from Palermo and arrived in America through New Orleans. She eventually worked as a migrant farmer until she reached Buffalo and met my great grandfather whose family also came from Palermo. Then there's also the comparison between organized crime but the gangs of the early 20th century are totally different from modern ones like the cartel. The biggest contribution Italians had on America might be either Frank Sinatra or cuisine.
Why don't you go back to sucking that French Austrian cock.
>What's our biggest contribution to America?
either the telephone or the atomic bomb
You're American, you're not Italian in any way. Your people are your fellow citizens.
This. Fucking history-stealing yanks.
If Prohibition hadn't happened, the direction the wine industry was going was to heavily favor Italian styles instead of the French one's we have now.
>Before those moors came to America, Italians were considered as good as any other white anglosaxon
Lmao, read a fucking history book kiddo. Anyone who wasn't an White English Protestant got treated like fucking shit in the US in the 19th century.
It depends, if he speaks Italian then he can claim to be somehow culturally Italian, otherwise no.
Some but not many
Okay now that you've integrated and aren't violent gangsters anymore. Except New Jersey. Nuke it from orbit.
Pizza and pasta
What a shit reply.
Some showed up pretty early
pavarotti is a god and you know it
he is white:/ mediterraneans look a bit different, still white though. Plus, mediterranean culture is much better than the northern eaurope's culture....
agree, you are just an americunt who eat pizza and able to speak few words of italian if you are lucky. We İtalians are disgusted by 'italian'-americans. Such a shame
No just white protestant. The Dutch swedes french protestants and German protestants were fine
>What's our biggest contribution to America?
Guns like the M9
Mafia movies and culture and old timey gangster stuff
NY pizza, Italian food in general.