Fashionable shit thread

It's that time again, fellow Veeky Forumsggots! Let's see those Veeky Forumsshits!

Is this a real thing? If so I have like 20 pics

I used to be quite the shitter back in the day

Sometimes a little blood needed to be shed

Nobody wants to see your shit.
Anyone who does is no one.

clean your toilet

Come on man there’s no place for me in the world.

damn dude what the fuck CLEAN YOUR TOILET

Pretty sure all my pics are in college dorms/houses or someone else’s place as they were all taken when I wasn’t living at home.

Pic related were the worst. My stomach would hurt so bad before these types

Chrissakes man.


Notice the hard gravely piece at the far left. I refer to that as “popping the cork.” Once you manage that bit the rest behind it comes out fast and furious.

Pic related: Another similar one

Can’t you just let it be? Hide the thread, I get to do this maybe twice a year

I amazed myself at the size sometimes

For all you OCD toilet cleaners

From a totally open mind artistic standpoint, are any of these Veeky Forums?

This one floats

I think some of them are a spectacle

it isn't OCD to clean your toilet, it is BASIC HYGIENE


srs why bother when I’m just gonna do pic related to it 5 minutes later

You guys ever name em. I call this one “Jonah and the Whale”

This will be my last. I have more but they don’t really hold up.


Rate. Discuss. Whatever, I do this and share it with the world.

I’m not OP but the rest are me (obviously). what do you think?

Honestly, the more desensitized I become to them, the more I can consider some contrived attempt at art. The seat is like the border or frame for the shit with the floor pattern accenting the seat with a backdrop. Then whatever is in the bowl is really a postmodernist expression of the self. Wow. Powerful stuff

Your shits don't look healthy. What's your diet like

Back then I was a functioning alcoholic. Strictly light beer about 12-30 a day. I was also fat but I’d cook nearly every day. Dinner was the biggest meal, Typically a lot of meat and at least a pound of vegetables and a can of baked beans. Sometimes I’d get Chinese takeout. In the morning I’d have a little bit of everything. Cereal, eggs, toast, PB, fruit, yogurt. Lunch was a toss up if I’d even have it or not. Oh and lots of coffee

Typically it’s the fiber and water intake that determines my shit but the excessive alcohol threw a wrench into it I’m sure. One of the reasons I cut back on drinking (down to once a month) was because my shits started becoming clay colored which was a sign of liver issues. I also had full blood work done and a general health test. Shockingly I did insanely well and the doctor said my cholesterol levels were probably the best he’s ever seen. The only issue was my liver enzymes were just high enough to trigger a flag but he said moderate drinking causes it. Either way I stopped. Now I eat much less, I weigh 50lbs lighter which was about 25% of my total bw and I eat clean. My glorious shits were a necessary sacrifice.