Sup Veeky Forums, I've been donating my plasma on my days off of work and as a result I've been making about $65-100 a week. Are there any other ways similar to plasma donations to make a little bit of side cash? What other bodily parts and functions can I make a profit off of?
Sup Veeky Forums...
If you're white then your sperm is quite valuable in places like China.
No such thing as a free lunch. Now you must spend more on food.
How do sperm donations work? Do I jack off in the doctor's office or what? Also I live in America, how do I ship my sperm to China?
They will also shorten their lifespan.
Usually you need to be a valuable specimen to get paid for your loads.
I have pretty good genes. I'm white, 6ft, black hair, in university etc. The only thing is I'm unsure of is my family's medical history. A few of them are diabetics.
That is weird, you can get a minimum €180-€290 here for plasma donation. OP is getting cucked.
*citation needed*
>black hair
dropped, only aryan specimens allowed
Remember to eat something high in protein after donating, 20-30 grams. Plasma contains a lot of protein.
Sperm banks only care about memes. If you're above 5'9 and college educated, you're in. That's literally it.
You'd think they'd do a DNA profile if they wanted the whole thing to make sense, but nah.
>mfw 5'7
If you are 6ft+, good education I think you can make like $100 - $300 a month for putting your sperm into a cup.
I did this for two weeks. You're robbing yourself of nutrients. Only very important things are worth taking out what is tantamount to a credit card on your health.
Would donating be fine if I'm constantly eating a high protein diet anyways?
So are there any side effects or latent liabilities?
kidney wear from increased protein.
nutrient deficiencies that need to be replenished, some of these are rate limited. meaning no matter how many supps you take you'll only get say 2 mics per day back.
Food is very expensive these days. arguably you're also taking out waste product.
People have different thresholds of sensitivity to these things. typically if you've been operating at fifty percent capacity, and drop to 45 you'll not notice it. but if you were in the high 90's as a finely tuned machine and you drop to 45 you'll notice it.
A lot of this has to do with age. When you're younger you can seemingly get away with more.
But nothing is really clear. Blood letting used to be a cure for a lot of things. our understanding has changed somewhat, but there is an old saying that 1/4 of what you eat sustains you 3/4 sustains your doctor. There should be a way to do this safely and efficiently. but often consistency of behavior is far more impactful than intermittent.
But look around at the regulars. Do they seem like optimally healthy people to you?
I agree with this.
Donanting blood/plasma once or twice a year is probably no big deal, but every week is way too much. Seems like it would take a toll on overall health.
Also OP this is not very much money. Sell stuff on Ebay/Amazon, cut lawns or something. This is not worth it to me.
Is there a market for Chad sperm? Say a lonely women really wants the entire single mom package. High school dropout construction worker sperm is the only way to go, right?
I'm living in Chicago. I made $50 dollars for each of the first 4 donations. Now I make $25 for the first of the week and $40 for the second. You're only allowed to donate twice in a 7 day period. Where are you from?
I'm only 19. You're right about the regulars, they are completely pathetic people. This post opened my eyes a bit, I might donate less frequently. I guess I was too stupid to realize the risks.
I've considered selling/flipping on Ebay but that just doesn't seem very steady compared to donating. I'll look into it more now though, thanks.
They usually want you to have a meme college degree. Like it makes a difference.
There are plenty of men worse than you who have bastards running around, living on taxes. Some of the most irresponsible washouts are fucking and chucking some beautiful young women. Attraction is primal and base; it doesn't necessarily make logical sense in the context of modern society.
I've seen a lanky, stringy haired basement dweller who lived off his rich parents fuck this insanely hot, big titted blonde that he would beat for no apparent reason. She stayed with him and had his baby. He left. Now she's on Facebook bitching about "no good/real men left" etc.
I've seen this cute, innocent looking, very smart, highly educated brunette cuckold her dutiful CPA husband with an unemployed """"graffiti artist"""" who had an on again/off again love affair with something called a speedball. And when I say she cuckolded him, I mean she literally had this losers baby and duped her husband into paying for it. The loser OD'd. Husband found out kid was not his. She divorced him and now he pays for the dead loser's baby.
Point being, a sperm bank might not take you but you can still fuck, further your bloodline, and skip out for free.
But your kid will have a terrible life, and single motherhood is probably the most destructive trend out there right now.
It's up to you.
>making money off it
Poor fag please go
I did that when I was younger. Depending on the company and your vaccinations, you may be able to get a bump. I was just out of the military and was in a "program" with the center for folks who had anthrax immunoglobulin in their blood (you get anthrax vaccines in the service.) The normal pay scale was $25 for first, $40 for second, and if you did all 8 in a calendar month, a bonus $100 bump. AIG donors (like myself) got $50/100 and a $500 bump if you did all 8.
>MFW made $14k tax free
>MFW shit saved me from student loans
>Mfw 5'11 Asian.
>sell stuff on ebay
How does one go about doing this?
Like you take the photos of the item in question, list its condition etc but once someone actually bids for it, how do you get it to them, the whole packaging and shipping aspect of it is concerning and seems like a huge hassle, you have to pay money for shipping it to the person after all.
Well you can charge for shipping if you'd like.
If you do that route, you should lower the cost of the item accordingly for regular shipping.
I just set a flat rate for shipping.
Like lets say it's a video game. A fair rate would be $4.99.
But if it were say a lamp, I would make the shipping like $40.
It's pretty simple man. Open an account and start selling stuff. Once they buy it, ship it to them.
You can sell stuff you own, other people's stuff, find stuff at garage sales. You can also buy stuff in bulk from Alibaba then sell if you can make a profit.
How do I find out if I have that in my blood? Should I ask someone at the donation center that I go to? I'm also saving up for my student loans that I'm gonna pay after uni, btw
i'm 6'3 good enough intelligence and all, but my sperm count is not super high just higher than average and very active so they told me not that i can't get money for it they wouldn't want it for free.
i would say the market is pretty saturated. they only want the sperm of 0.001% of the population. height has very little to do with it imo.
>get paid
>live in Canada
>theydont pay anything for donations
life is pain
You have to have your immunization record. It depends on what you have. Normal, average shit like MMR and such won't net you anything. AIG, smallpox, the rarer immunizations do.