There is no better history image than this

There is no better history image than this.

Other urls found in this thread:–Soviet_War

That's the excecution of a Russian spy by A Finn, right?

>it was just a prank bro

he's thinking


The next picture is pretty fucked up

Did he died?

It's a Russian dying, the last one with a sense of humor too.

He could be trying to lighten the situation in the hopes of becoming a POW instead of KIA. Kind of like how people make that guilty smile when they piss someone off and regret it.

Certainly not the case when you've already lined up for execution. Punishment for spies was execution all around the world and there's no hope of not getting shot. He was just a badass

Why is the gunman's arm tied to the ground?

Isn't this the execution of a Finnish communist?


>record scratch

>"So, you're probably wondering how I got in this mess..."




What do you think were their last thoughts?

>"Turns out I really didn't forget to turn the stove off after all."

hello darkness my old friend

I imagine them trying to talk to each other to keep each other awake, with each exchange becoming shorter and with less effort
>Hey Dima...remember that time when
>Hey Dima, remember...



underrated post

>It's fucking cold what are we even fighting for.

The next pictures in that that set.


kek-worthy Veeky Forums pics
>pic related

I think that's a stick or a sword.



>why live


thank you for making me laugh

10/10, you win

What cheesy pop punk song would go over this?

Why is he wasting ammo when he has a perfectly good sword right there?

It's a stick.


Pity he doesn't have a sword to save ammo then.

Outfitting officers with swords would probably cost more than outfitting them with bullets.

An axe, then. Aren't Finns famous for being axe-murderers?

I know we're just joking around but if we're actually talking about saving time and money - a single shot to the brain is much more convenient and humane than training people to cut heads off with swords or axes.
You leave a bloody mess and to actually cut someone's head off you need a big and slicy/choppy enough tool and experience not to botch it horribly.
I mean shit, look at the ISIS beheadings. They cut off heads for a living and even they struggle for 5 minutes before they can get the head to come off.

finns truly are soulless chinks

Yeah, but they only use knives to ham it up for the cameras. A sharp sword or axe can easily take a head off with one blow; the Saudis behead tons of people and they use sabers - exactly the kind of sword that's been issued to officers for centuries.

dude you need absolutely no training to kill a man whos not fighting back. just stick them with the pointy end.

No, this one is much better

Why were the Soviets so insecure?

Because they got butt raped by a bunch of tiny euro countries that didn't even have a fraction of Russia's resources.

>they got butt raped
I think the rape was the other way round :^)

Why do you think they were insecure?–Soviet_War

This kills the Bolsheboo

There was enough rape for everyone. :^)

>stalingrad 1993

>You won't get a sunburn
around here.
Have you seen the desert?
It is an awful place.
It is so hot there
that you are
always sweating.
You melt like butter.
The desert is shit.
Except the stars,
they are so near...
You know, Hans?


>Soviet objective was to take control of Ukraine
>Poland gets their shit pushed back all the way to Warsaw

What about my pic post makes you think of the Soviets as being insecure?


This and the one with the flag over the reichstag literally reeks of commie butthurt and insecurity.
The fact that they are so often posted by 15 y/o basement communists makes it even better.


You have no idea what went on during the Eastern Front, do you?

What about this one?

Tallest soldier in the German army surrendering to a 5'3" Canadian

>they make a Gondola out of him

None of those two seem to take it serious. The banter is in the air.

private eye by Alkaline Trio

I'm sure some of it was for the cameras, but fuck, he's surrendering to the Canadians of all people, he got off lightly.

Settle down there Fritz.

I imagine it's also psychologically easier to execute your enemies with a firearm. Chopping off heads seems like it would take a greater toll on your sanity.

I actually doubt that.
With a gun you would have to prepare it, load it, aim it and of course shoot it.
With a sword you only need to get the other one on his knees and take a swing at his neck,

Yeah, but a melee weapon is much more intimate and messy.

>hold the door

the amount of destruction is ridiculous, what was the point of bombing the literal shit out of Dresden?




thanks man


just out of interest why is execution always been the punishment for spies?




can you tell me more about this image please

To teach the Nazis a lesson also there was a rail base that could send troops to the eastern front and they made weapons there too but yeah it was bombed to shit.



It was a rail hub and manufactured materiel.

Because you can't risk them escaping and because everyone loathes a traitor.

I met the man who took this photo in the pub he lives near me.

>Reichstag flag was a setup photo
>still fucked up by having the soldier with two watches
Slavs are cute in how helpless they can be despite trying so hard

>he escaped the POW camp by walking over the fence




Because they were strategically vulnerable to a German invasion?

you sound butthurt desu

Same reason execution has always been the punishment for traitors (if not something worst, like with spies, actually).

Both "jobs" are extremely harmful and despised by everyone.


underated post.

You actually need a lot of training for that. You are biologically designed to be resistant to the act of killing humans.


fucking meme magic i swear

>Why are we even the fightings?
>Ass is cold. Need shit soon Ivan.
>When do you think we are of gettings out this hole Vladimir?

You’re a big guy