>The age of unique uniforms are over
The age of unique uniforms are over
Camouflage was a mistake.
It was.
Best uniform
Only polan can into sexy war attire.
I have a wojak for that
Why would unique uniforms matter now that we have digital/radio communications, so commanders do not need a visual method of distinguishing their own troops? Not to mention the loss of battle lines, shifts towards asymmetric warfare etc.
They don't matter they're just aesthetic as fuck
National pride. To be honest, sometimes it sucks to be an American when we have a shitty anthem, shitty flag, ugly ass military uniforms and just terrible aesthetics all around.
"Unique uniform" is an oxymoron. No uniform is unique since all of the soldiers in that army wear it
>Sometimes it sucks to be an American
>nobody on Veeky Forums can appreciate the subtle differences in 20th and 21st century uniforms and how they contribute to giving each decade, war or even different stages or groups within a conflict and period it's vastly different feels
>if it isn't a huge mess of colours and funny hats it's too much effort to tell the difference
This. I don't know who the hell could compare even conflicts within the last twenty years and not see significant differences in aesthetics.
Did this outfit actually exist or is it a romanticization like Vikings with horned helmets?
> To be honest, sometimes it sucks to be an American when we have a shitty anthem, shitty flag, ugly ass military uniforms and just terrible aesthetics all around.
iktf bro
Not between centuries, but rather between nations.
>The only difference between two soldiers is the camo pattern and the patch on their shoulder
>Subtle differences
Fuck off, our anthem is the best, and our uniforms have always been top tier
I'm an American and I'm disgusted by this post.
I'm not American and I'm disgusted by his post.
Well, you can still easily recognize the modern US soldier by his insistence that this pattern blends in every environment,
Lets even add his more noticeable Chinese counterpart.
It doesn't need to, it just has to confuse from a distance and make it hard to point out details like:
"What's this guy's center mass?" While he's moving.
>tfw Warhammer 40 000 Space Marines have better camo..
Swedish camo looks great.
That means you have shit taste, user. WWII and Spanish-American War were objectively great, but fuckign LOOK AT THIS SHIT I don't care about your feelings on American values, but just fucking LOOK IT AT IT, JSUT FUCKING LOOK AT IT
I remember talking to an officer in the (Canadian) military who mentioned that plain khaki / olive uniform is actually better than any camo pattern because you can generally dirty it up to fit in any environment as you go. But despite several field tests proving this, the army kept insisting they wanted fancy digital camouflage until logistics caved and just gave them what they wanted.
The wrong side won WW2 or Hugo Boss worked for the wrong country
It looks fine. Fractal patterns are cool as hell because they provide camouflage at any scale.
Boss was a manufacturer (like most), not a designer but yeah they're still top tier aesthetically. Not that comfy for fighting in mind.
Found the autist
Uniform thread? Uniform thread.
It's a shame that the French Army was defeated so quickly, WWII-era French uniforms are objectively top-tier.
>there are no appreciable difference between a US marine from the invasion of Iraq 2003 and his 2013 counterpart
I mean just look at these guys.
>invading desert country in woodland mopp suits
>helter skelter distribution of NVG mounts
>barebones M16A2 and M249
>only team leader has any attachments
>one which is fucking zip tied and the other is 40 years old
>fucking knuckle irons
Once every army is equipped with heat-vision and motion-detecting goggles we can stop using camouflage and return to traditional uniforms.
I'm gonna choke you. America is already great, alt-right scum
In the grand scheme of military uniform history, it's honestly not that big of a change. I think that's what more autistic anons are trying to say.
Don't you just hate it that world militaries narrowed their search for the objectively superior uniform design and settled on similar designs? I wish they had stuck with the awful uniforms.
Compared to these guys.
>fancy new camo in that actually suits their environment
>even their vests fit
>helmet mounts for everyone
>rails, acogs and grenade launchers for everyone
>frag glasses for everone
>even get knee pads too
What about 2004 Marines, though? MARPAT was already in use by then and they didn't need the woodland MOPP suits since there was no risk of chemical weapon attacks.
We're both nitpicking, but at the end of the day there hasn't been a HUGE leap between Vietnam-era battledress and today's gear.
No, but it tells you a lot about the forces that war them.
>our anthem
The best
>our flag
The best
>our uniforms
The best, most aesthetic, and most practical
Why don't you just secede, traitor?
>Trumpists in charge of having good taste
This is why America is losing, because plebs can't into strong aesthetics that have global appeal which is indicative of a regressive people. How can you push the envelope in science or technology when you can't even tell if someone looks tasteful or not?
It's always going to be the autists like Steve Jobs that will carry this nation.
Then how come Steve Jobs is dead?
Vietnam was when the US switched from plain olive drap to actually using camoflage.
And interesting thing is also asking people how they picture a typical American soldier from the Vietnam war, where one half picks M1 helmet and poorly fitted olive drap wearing teenager with a mix of new M16A1, M60s and WW2 leftovers and the other half thinks of boonie or headband wearing operaters in tiger stripes, with camo face paint and a mess of proto M4s and cut down LMGs.
Why is their hair white?
Pls don't ever post here again. Thank you.
We all have to die sometime, user. At least I can respect Trump for recognizing he's gonna die soon so he's gonna try and take as many motherfuckers to the grave with him as is humanly possible to avoid any possible JUST scenario. I'm just glad I'm not a Mexican or Muslim so I can avoid the Trumpen Einsatzgruppen.
>America is losing
>because plebs can't into strong aesthetics that have global appeal
It doesn't matter what appeals to some elite asshole in the Middle East. What matters is what appeals to a US soldier's need to kick that guy's ass every couple decades.
the marines got unique uniforms
I'm weirdly conflicted about Rhodesia, I like their songs and can't help rooting for them just for the sheer amount of stuff they had to put up with an the absolute madman approach to keeping their nation alive, and I can't honestly fault them for not wanting to bend over. But at the same time I think Cecil Rhodes was a massive cunt who single handedly started the Boer wars and helped set up the national party for government entirely out of personal ambition and greed, and before you go:
>helping the national party
>bad thing
I believe apartheid made niggers of Africans that might have turned out different had they not been shit on for so long, granted of course, I have no way of knowing, but regardless, Rhodes' motivation for supporting apartheid seems to have stemmed largely from needing them as a strategic ally, rather than actually holding any belief in apartheid being the right thing, seeing as he had no problem employing and treating African workers well prior to the whole thing.
the wings were smaller and they didn't wear it most of the time
Also leopard pelts were expensive so
powder for fashion/delousing purposes
zip tied pecs are not an odd occurrence. They are just a fail safe.
-everything else is spot on though
Different camouflage patterns are still interesting. Not as interesting, but still interesting.
The boots were probably the only truly bad part of it for warfare at the time (bad against both heat and cold)
Winged hussars user.
Top aesthetics desu
>Then how come Steve Jobs is dead?
fucking kek'd
underrated comment, m8
>I believe apartheid made niggers of Africans that might have turned out different
That's your mistake.
Niggers are niggers period
American uniform from WW2 to 1970s was pretty identifiable, if mostly for the helmet. M1 helmet looked great, I enjoyed wearing one (plastic, but nice weight) for a costume once.
I don't know about this one
But this is not the Bush War, this is in the Congo
What does the metal thing on the helmets do?
They're both from Africa Addio.
They're mounts for NVG's.
Canadian here
Your anthem and flag are both based as fuck.
Both had great meanings behind them or a story to how it was made
Ours is just some bullshit and a fucking leaf
>your anthem and flag are both based as fuck
no doubt our flag is shit but considering how much the red, white, & blue colour combination is used I can only see it as mediocre.
I love the Canadian flag, there's just something about its minimalist design that I find very pleasing.
American camo is perfect for modern American warfare.
UCP has been dropped for a Multicam derivative for a few years now, also you forgot the USMC has never used UCP or worn ACU cut uniforms.
When does Veeky Forums think this age ended?
I say WWI.
Our anthem is an aquired taste (it was originally written as a poem set to a bar shanty it wasnt written for, get over yourselves), the flag is pretty decent, and we could only afford pretty uniforms long after their extinction.
If its any consolation, lots of Americans like the leaf flag.
>only used when a homie dies
What a waste
Blue dress is worn for all sorts of ceremonies
Step aside pleb
You fucking invented the camouflage uniform dipshit
Actually it was the British. Boer War.
I think he means the idea of using a camouflage pattern rather than just a solid color for camouflage.
If we are at war you frilly uniform pansys can wear your useless ornate steel helmets, colourful tassels and bright shirts and we can shoot you from two continents away.
Function over form, thought function has a form of its own.
> the Australian Infantry Soldier
> shitty gear
> outdated equipment
> make what they need out in the field
> best training in the world
That's what happens when you never start a war, but always tag along to support your war mongering mates.
>copied a 70+ year old camouflage pattern that has a known fault of revealing the user when moving
Why Australia? Why?
>Shitty anthem
Literally the best, although le Marseille and the former USSR anthem are boss (fuck Commies though).
>Shitty flag
Easily identifiable, best colors for a flag, lots of important symbolism. It's a little busy but it's top tier.
>Ugly ass military uniforms
Completely practical. I'm not going to expect men to dress like Steve Rogers and make targets of themselves. Our dress uniforms are top notch.
Fuck you and your shitty taste.
I guess they just let you Brits be the cannon fodder most of the time anyway so camo doesn't really factor
>the former USSR anthem
It's now the anthem of Russia, they just altered the lyrics
Non american here
Your flag is pretty based desu
The Austrians actually still don't use camo. Opting for the German Grey uniforms like what the Nazis and the erswthile NVA used.
Non American here
I agree
Is this actual footage or is this from a movie?
Ah, I was unaware. I just happened to hear the commie version a while back and thought it was a pretty boss anthem.
>le Marseille
La Marseillaise
Actual footage.
Belgian Mercenaries during the Simba War
What would a Roman legionnaire thought of the US military?
How about you tread on down to the bread line, comrade.