Does the ignorance of the masses concern you Veeky Forums?
Does the ignorance of the masses concern you Veeky Forums?
>first half
wew started good
not really, a czar was more of an emperor of kingdoms and duchies, to call a czar a king was an insult, kings would bow to the czar.
Czar literally means king though
being the first emperor of rome was quite a title, only the czar would be fit to be called this title
Nah. Tsar/Czar means Caesar.
It was a title the romans used (based off Julius Caesar and his kin) to explicitly avoid the word king, the Latin Rex.
Czar is just another way to say Caesar, which is an emperor.
Yeah but that's just pomp. Functionally he was a king. Other kings wouldn't consider the tsar to be higher status.
but muh ck2 title tiers
Russia, no matter what government it was under, is and will always be a shit hole. It's like the Africa of Europe.
Yes. There needs to be a globally accepted educational system that beats things like the cave allegory into kids skulls so that they always are aware of their own ignorance. Being aware of your own ignorance is the first step towards curing it
It used to upset me, but now I'm too busy and caught up in my own troubles to care about that kind of thing. I do have some mild anxiety about my country becoming so fucked up due to mob stupidity that it affects my prospects, but that's more of a distant fear
When's this guy's opinion on Romanov Russia ever going to matter?
It's appropriate to scoff at the ignorance or bad taste of plebs but never to actually get upset.
Who cares?
We're all ignorant in something.
Well at least he's not a communist.
Karol (aka Charlegemange) is russian for King.
>Functionally he was a king
In a literal sense yes, but functionally he also did the same thing as a duke, what's your point? The idea of an emporer-esque figure as opposed to simply a king existed at least as far back as Saffavid persia (i.e King of Kings) saying that their ruler was the ruler over others who ordinarily would be the highest authority.
Somewhat. It's what makes more education necessary. Any idiot can go watch a youtube video or read some "article" on google and next thing you know, they believe the Government was behind 9/11
No, this man has already received the necessary education to avoid communism, any more and he'll reach mount stupid where he becomes a workshy beta male. Middling education has created endless failed ideas and social decay
Didn't even read his picture. Lots of intellectuals are leftists so I disagree with your assertion. I'm just saying people are fucking stupid thinking everything is conspiracy. No clue if it's always been like that or if the ease of internet access and television with nobody telling them what's factually correct or not has led to it.
We just had a whole thread like that The OP thought that life as a serf or recently freed peasant in Russia was no different than life as a farmer in the US.
It drives me fucking mad and at the same time makes me feel alone.
Im not asking to discuss heidegger with everybody but is like people around me dont read, not even the press or watch any movies that arent fast and furious or something.
Is like they dont care, no one does.
>the Government was behind 9/11
but it was
Stupidity has always existed you morons.
The key is to just hide your power level unless you are talking with someone who is more clever and experienced than you, if you have luck maybe you end up being friends. Everyone else is worthless and should be avoided except if you can get something you need or want from them so dont be an asshole and just hide your power level ffs.
Why did they want to avoid the word king?
For the same reason modern rulers called themselves presidents or prime ministers rather than dictators.
Part of Romes founding story was their overthrowing of dodgy kings and forming the republic.
I see shit like this every day on Veeky Forums. If it bothered me that much I wouldn't be here.
He was "Autocrat of all Russia" King is an understatement.
>In a literal sense yes, but functionally he also did the same thing as a duke, what's your point?
That you're being autistic. A monarch is a monarch. There are different words for it in different languages.
If by that you mean "trained and equipped the then mujaheeden in the 70s to resist the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, then in an extremely shortsighted move, betrayed them to side with the house of Saud, causing them to get mad and form Al-Qaeda", then yes, in a hilariously roundabout way, the American government did cause 911.
If you're talking Alex Jones level conspiracy retardation, then why are you here?
No, ignorance is a bliss
Al Qaeda and the Mujahedeen aren't the same you dipshit
Al Qaeda former as a Branch of the Muslim Brotherhood that broke off and eventually started doing their own shit
Plebs will always be plebs.