>be samurai
>train since childhood
>get shot by some farmer who trained with his gun for 2 weeks
>be samurai
>train since childhood
>get shot by some farmer who trained with his gun for 2 weeks
Samurais already used guns by the the time of the Boshin war.
Which makes them kinda pointless doesn't it? Why have samurai when you can have ashigaru who do the same shit?
I'd assume this is true, but samurai will have higher morale and their armor will stop a ball at long distance. May as well use them.
Because people who have trained a few weeks need officers to recruit and command them.
The command structure in most han was often based on local land owners rather than a well organized military system. At the very least samurai were needed to lead men and perform administrative functions in the army. Calvary would also be composed of ranking men.
many ashigaru were professional or semi professionals themselves, and many joined the lower samurai ranks or the middle ranks between peasants and samurai after the social classes were hardened.
professional soldiers also trained at command and close combat
How often did they even engage in close combat?
So people using guns are obsolete because of other people using the same guns?
Getting rid of a costly military caste is a plus
based on memory, about 35% to 40% of wounds in the later battles were from melee weapons. That is spears, swords and everything in between. Bows and guns combined were about 60%
>Why do we need Navy SEALs when we have army grunts?
What about artillery?
> he thinks Samurai is a type of soldier and not a social
They were not included in the figures that I can remember so I am not sure
Go back to total war.
they were still trained for doing tasks befitting to their status
Old timey firearms were so innacurate and took so long to reload they were only practical when used at formations or behind fortifications and palisadesn not to mention they were sorely lacking on penetration power when compared to modern-day ones. Most of the time, a sufficiently strong cavalry charge or basic zerg-rushing was enough to completely disrupt an enemy firing squad.
Just to further illustrate, cavalry charges were used against firearms up until the napoleonic wars. That's how effective they were.
memes all around in this post
>be jihadi
>train since childhood
>get shot by some american negro who trained with his gun for 2 months
why do you think flintlocks replaced longbows even though longbows are theoretically more effective?