Cringe thread - theme: "fancy"

Cringe thread - theme: "fancy"

Where to cop that robe?


This pic made me decide to not buy wyatts/SLP chelseas


Bad start. This guy looks pretty fun.

those are cowboy boots though

What the fuck is cringe about this? That's a robe for lounging around your fucking house you idiot. It's not supposed to look effay2damaxx.

I agree with the guy said he looks fun, 8/10 would laze around in bathrobes and drink beer with.

stop posting this fit in cringe threads, this is a contender for greatest fit of all time

nah, that guy looks like he's enjoying himself
let's laugh with him, not about him



lmao brainlets can't into these next level proportions

i don't see the cringe. nice bathrobe, i'd cop it. he's in the bath wearing a bathrobe and looks genuinely happy

love me sme carls jr

nah, that guy looks like he's enjoying himself
let's laugh with him, not about him



deftly executed sleazecore



Smart man! He put his pack there in case he got a boner

is this fancy enough


jealous of his face tho

it's some high schooler dressed up for a local theater production or something
this isn't cringe

also nice facial structure


the guy wanted people to tell him he isnt cringe on /b/ so he spammed his picture in cringe threads in hopes everyone would compliment him


or maybe it was someone who disliked the guy and thought spamming his picture, irregardless of cringe or not, would garner him a bad notoriety and reputation on the cyberspace..?

what's cringe about this? pretty good imo, not cringe at all

his hands and feet are so funny

>to fat to find a vein. Fuck it. I'll just eat more instead.

Holy shit.

As a Christmas present, can someone shop him onto a Balenciaga runway? Do it for posterity, pham.

Untuck the shirt and sling the bag over his shoulder and that becomes an dope streetwear fit.

what core is this

Fucking Luis from RE4

The low rise and his wide hips really ruin it. I actually like the leather vest.

imagine, it's 15 minutes past ur scheduled meet

ur tinder date for the evening txts u

"hey, sorry im late im the guy in a snappy vest, blue jeans and boots ;) where are u?"

holy shit lmaoo

damn nigga this homie rocking that dip dye ann demueleester at lil carls



Me on the left.

>the squad


It's dylann roof, isn't it?

streetwear is cancer

Reminds me of the clockwork orange

The only cringe is the carpeted bathroom

left isn't cringe at all



this. left looks dope.


what the fuck why does the autist on the legitimately look great

he looks confident and thats all that really matters

honestly streets are cancer

magician core

Carbon monoxide is a carcinogen so yeah

on the what



Remember when Veeky Forums pretending Milo was fashionable?


Guy on the left I dig.

>I would prefer not to

nothing wrong with this

Shirt should be tucked, the proportions are wack

is that kenny hotz?

jacket and shirt just need to be smaller

On second look the jacket is actually huge. The shirt would be passable tucked in though.

at first glance i thought this was danny devito



Mac DeMarco really let himself go



This board is a joke


left is unironically inspo for fatties

Hate this kike faggot so much


The Lakers, brought to you by Carls Jr and Muamar Gadaffi

Alpha as fuck

I doubt he's going for a professional look
it works

He's playing a weird game, he clearly doesn't disagree with the alt right since he's met up and engaged with so many of them but still tries to distance himself and go for basic bitch gay cuckservatism
Truly the kind of tergiversation only a cockatrice Jew is comfortable living and profiting from

If by fun you mean rapey

AW18 Yohji

Wish I could have hair like that desu. Mine is crazy straight, even when I tried to grow it out

>My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.

is this slavoj zizek

kek, always get me

hahaha can i save this?

Is this Logic?

this pic just screams "i took this while my parents were out of the house"




its fucking looks like theres a shrunken head in his speedo! how did nobody notice this?

>3 toddlers stacked on top each other