Could it possibly become Veeky Forums?

Could it possibly become Veeky Forums?

>Actually work in construction
>Veeky Forums

I've never seen a man successfully pull it off. If you're a petite grill though it can actually work really well.

like he said, not on guys. and only on hot girls.

i worked with a dude who wore these things by choice and couldnt stop wondering why he wanted to LARP as a toddler, looks fucking retarded.

>I've never seen a man successfully pull it off.

Guess you've never seen Brian the Boot Maker my friend.

Copped a black pair last week. Huge mistake. Probs going to return them.

But by all means convince me to keep them, I'd love to know how to pull them off.

how ugly and raw is the demin? the more faded and used/thrifted looking the better.

Overalls have to be worn with one strap on and one off no exeptions. no iffs ands or buts.

A black overall with the non challantely one offed strap and a darker or whiter hoodie under looks fucking amazing, don't be silly. It's not more of a effay look but rather a twitter or tumblr boy look

It's barely even denim. Material looks like it's fresh off the loom this morning.

Seriously? I tried that and looked like a fucking country yokel.

I didn't consider a hoodie underneath. I'll give it a shot.

i guess the only-for-girls thing isn't a meme but it swings both ways don't worry. it's a good look on guysq

My brother is consistently ahead of trends by a year or two and he just bought some so these are going to blow up


Oh no I’m not a mod. Impersonating one is a bannavle offense

begone cunt boy i look amazing in these shits

How many of you fags are flyovers? This shit blew up months ago and has already died. You couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting some Tumblrina or some SoundCloud autist with a pair of overalls on.

My country is like two years behind in trends so I'm technically an early adopter

Well, then that's fair. Can't blame you for that.

I've now tried them with a tshirt and a hoodie. Tshirt makes me look like a painter and hoodie makes me look like I work on a fishing trawler


im actually wearing one right now, they are pretty comfy and useful even if you aren't a carpenter or something, I think, if shitty people with awful fashion standars stop looking at real fashion men (like us) like shit, ill become Veeky Forums.

I been wearing blackcorduroy dungarees for the last year. Comfy as fk but I have to say dungarees arent for everyone. I like 60's/70's fashion with flower prints etc so thats why they fit me. But I wouldnt see them becoming mainstream as fk and having everyone wear them.

lee's are cooler