Will germans ever admit their faults rather than blaming everyone else for their failures?
Will germans ever admit their faults rather than blaming everyone else for their failures?
Germans already did
It's fat American naziboos that haven't
germans are the niggers of europe
Modern germans blame britain and souther europe for the failure of the european project.
This is correct, Germans are very self-deprecating about their history these days. /pol/ is the group that tries to pardon Hitler.
Germans did nothing wrong.
Germans today are so busy flagellating themselves for their past that it's destroying their country and culture.
>Germans already did
No, what modern Germans do is blaming everyone else for not admitting that Germany did it.
It's an everlasting cycle and Germany can never ever take the blame.
In the ww1 I would rather support Germany. Britain, France, Russia and other imperial hustlers took all the colonies and did not want to give Germans a deserved share. They blamed Germany for what they did too, and in larger scales. So there was no fault from Germany. I wish they won.
>and did not want to give Germans a deserved share.
What entitled Germany to shit all? Why, exactly, did Germany "deserve" colonies?
Besides, they got a few African and Asian colonies, then they ballsed it and lost them all in Versailles.
Will this anti-German meme ever end? I hate them and all, but this is getting old fast.
They deserved them not less than other countries did. It's like... you know... you want to fuck a nice blonde. Everyone wants some people do this. But only you are called a pervert. Seems not fair to me.
German culture should be destroyed
>muh fairness
Other countries had colonies because they took the time, effort and risk of colonizing shit. Then Germany turns up and starts pissing and moaning about not getting colonies of their own even though they got a bunch of African and Asian colonies.
Germany did not want. They started a world war which was risky and need to take lots of efforts. They could win, but made a couple of crucial mistakes.
>Germany did not moan.
Screw off Angela
Will Poles ever get the toilet unclogged?
They are eternally butthurt. Veeky Forums seriously needs some flags though.
>German culture
t. Schlomo Goldberg
Why does Germany trigger Veeky Forumstorians so badly?
Self hatred basically, they're autists that hate autistic countries.
Veeky Forums is just /leftypol/ in disguise.
More a reaction against the unbearable HRE and naziboos that clog up the other boards.
Say to my face and see what's happens, faggit.
t. Voltaire
Apologies monsieur, I meant the
Französisch entdeckt
it's more like... "/int/ reads a book"
Death of Germany soon infidels
Post your neckbeard
Post your nose
Israel is going to outlive Germany :^)
Too bad you can never get rid of Germany
I'm not going to
Merkel, and the Syrians are