Why does God allow terrorism to happen?
he isn't real
There is no god.
Because God doesn't exist. At least, not the God of any Abrahamic religion.
First god would have to exist before he could have an opinion on terrorism, or anything at all for that matter.
People have free will.
You can't blame God for a person's ignorance, that is called being ignorant.
>No God
>Free Will
You don't give people this and then step in. It defeats the point.
god had to give humans free will so they could be real people, unfortunately some use their free will to become terrorists
I don't know, and it's not important to me.
Why does God allow op to be a huge faggot
Because we all have free will
Luke 13
There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.”
The point being, be a giant cosmic dick?
Why does god allow genocide to happen?
You can't blame God for a person's decisions
The point being make your own decisions. It's truly unfortunate that some of us have the potential and desire to spread hatred and fear through force of arms, but that's kind of the point, isn't it?
If we assume this scenario is correct for the sake of conversation, then it's literally the entire point to give us a chance.
I suppose you could say it's to let us be dicks. But the amount of people who rush to help and give support after tragedies caused by one or two horrific people gives me a degree of hope.
But what do I know. I'm an optimist, and think that, in the end--God or not--we'll be okay.
>standing around minding my own business
>some guy comes up to me and starts stabbing me to death
>iron man is standing there watching but not intervening
>as i lay there bleeding to death on the sidewalk i ask iron man why didn't he help me?
>he doesn't say anything
>some faggot tells me that i shouldn't blame iron man for the stabber's decisions and gives me a look as though he has just provided me with some profound wisdom
God created that person knowing in advance he would kill people and had the power to make him differently so that he wouldn't kill people. God is responsible for everything if he is omnipotent and omniscient
Can God, like, show up at least once so we know he's there?
It's been 2000 years, come on
>make him differently
So now you get to dictate to God how God creates people.
God doesn't get to do what He wants to do.
He has to do what you tell Him to do.
The highest ideal is love and the possibility of love necessitates a complete lack of coercion; the opportunity to say "no".
Blaming God for the evil that wicked men and demons do is foolish. They will get punished. And the people who choose to love God will live with Him.
He also created you knowing you would be an autist fedora
Would you rather he didn't create you at all?
It is man who makes the decision to do good or bad and there responsibility.
God is above us, and yet is also intertwined with us, being the origin of our soul. If a man commits murder, it means they have consciously made the decision to seperate themself from God not the other way around.
I'm not telling god what to do, I'm saying what he is capable of doing according to how most people define him
No you're not.
>The passion of Christ, his suffering... Wouldn't you say the focus on his suffering is all wrong? This emphasis on physical pain. It couldn't have been all that bad. It may sound presumptuous of me - but in my humble way, I've suffered as much physical pain as Jesus. And his torments were rather brief. Lasting some four hours, I gather? I feel that he was tormented far worse on an other level. Maybe I've got it all wrong. But just think of Gethsemane. Christ's disciples fell asleep. They hadn't understood the meaning of the last supper, or anything. And when the servants of the law appeared, they ran away. And Peter denied him. Christ had known his disciples for three years. They'd lived together day in and day out - but they never grasped what he meant. They abandoned him, to the last man. And he was left alone. That must have been painful. Realizing that no one understands. To be abandoned when you need someone to rely on - that must be excruciatingly painful. But the worse was yet to come. When Jesus was nailed to the cross - and hung there in torment - he cried out - "God, my God!" "Why hast thou forsaken me?" He cried out as loud as he could. He thought that his heavenly father had abandoned him. He believed everything he'd ever preached was a lie. The moments before he died, Christ was seized by doubt. Surely that must have been his greatest hardship? God's silence.
Retards will always find an retarded response, it's in their nature.
"Free will" is not absolute and God stepping in selectively would do nothing to remove it. One can have a will without being able to action it.
god wills it
allahu ackbar
Uhh, god is the reason terrorism happens. Terrorists do it for him.
So we get an excuse to cleanse the allahu akbars
>God creates world
>hab fun lil humans
>lil humans listen to devbil
>do mean shit
>fedoras try to bash on christians
>"wy god allow dis"
>mfw when God is not playing sims 4 with us
are thou neo pagan kek nevr get to valhalla you tit
He commands it.
We do not truly know God.
If he hated us so much, then he may as well have smiled the gays like he did in the Old Testament.
That was until his son came along...
Because Allah wills it.
so we can purge the worlds free from infidel filth
god put man in charge of the earth its mankinds that allows terrorism
Because our version of morality is twisted; decided by the culture we live in. God is over morality and language definitions of good and evil. We also don't know God's master plan.
Free will, faggot.
>had to give
>so they could be real people
They couldn't be people without what you call "free will"?
If God is almighty and the course of his creation is predestined by him, you absolutely can.
god put man in charge of what goes on earth if people knew the authority god gave us people wouldn't be dying of sickness,murder and disaster
>Every child born gets an eatable bible that appears out of no-where.
boom. 100% proof of divine love/God